(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

I just asked for "Virginia"
The artist is Bill Amesbury, and the song might be called "Touch Me Like You Do" or just "Touch Me"


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

I'm looking for a song that I think is called "Virginia" Don't know the artist. Part of the chorus goes " ah Virginia, love me like you do, like you do, like you do" It's a jumpy tune with a few "wa-wa-ooo's" here and there. "my knees start to viberate" "let me look into your eyes"  I think it's out of the "70's"



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

my pleasure DINO. Thanks!

and thanks to all who have made comments on the number of songs that I have posted lately. always welcome and encourageing! BLUE MORNING & THE THINGS THAT YOU'LL SEE IN THIS TOWN are my personal favorites from this bunch. TWO MEALS & STANDING IN THE RAIN are up there too. Again THANK-YOU to all the "CHORDIANS"

you can hear this song at         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3e3HG0iVjE

                         THE GHOST OF JACK DANIELS…..Steve Boileau
A                                           D
On a cold windy night, in a dark Tennessee town,
         E                                          A
I was cleaning up the bar, getting ready to shut’er down.
A                                                    D
When in walked a Gentlemen, well dressed, tall and proud.
             E                                               A
He was weathered and gray, you could tell he’d been around.
A                                                  D
He said his name was Jack, that he was just looking around,
     E                                            A
To share some old stories, and throw a few whiskeys down.
A                                         D                                 
He hitched up to the bar, I finished my last round,
    E                                          A
As he began to speak, on his brow there came a frown.
A                               D
He told me tales, of brave hearted men,
         E                                              A
who rode the horse of justice, who never came back again.
A                                                   D
He talked about old Wyatt, about Frank and Jesse James,
         E                                                A
The Youngers and John Tunstuil, Billy Bonny and his gang             
   D                                    E
I rode with Cole Younger, in his Quantrell days.
D                                       E
I was with young Jesse, on that Northfield raid.
D                                              E
Honour respect and pride are hard to find these days,
                 D                                      E                      A
There are few men today, with the courage to be brave.
A                                                         D
They fought against the Barons, they fought the bankers too.
        E                                A
They fought the men who told them what to do.
A                                                        D
When you take a mans freedom, you take away his life.
       E                                               A
You take the only thing he has, that keeps his soul alive.
A                                              D
After many years of travels, of bramble, wind and rain,
     E                                                   A
My kind are few and scattered, and numbered are our days.
A                                                   D
The last of a dying breed, are the men I’ve known with pride.
   E                                         A
We all stood together, while others around us died.

Repeat chorus…

A                                            D
So one more shot bartender, Old # 7 please,
     E                                          A
For all of those behind us, who left us with this creed.
A                                                             D
Now the whiskey bottle is empty, as the ballads dirges and hymms
        E                                              A
I’ll never forget, that mans face, the one on the bottle looks a lot like him.

Repeat chorus


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzICqifnmjk

a simple country two-step

                            I’VE MADE ALL MY BETS…..Steve Boileau
D                                        G
When I sit alone, and the darkness comes home,
             A7                                D
And the memories of life crawl in.
D                     G                           
I ponder if, the life I’ve lived,
       A7                         D
was worth it all in the end.
D                                             G
I traveled long roads, carried heavy loads,
         A7                           D
slept out in the pouring rain.
D                                             G
I’ve sang to the masses, wore shiney sunglasses,
            A7                              D
Lived hard, never feeling no pain.
      G                             D
I’ve got no regrets, I’ve made all my bets,
      A7                               D
I’ve won and lost , that’s true.
G                             D                                 A7                                D
Now here I stand, proud of the man, who’s looking right back at you.
D                                              G
I’ve taken some chances, had one night dances,
          A7                          D
Been called a kid and a king.
D                                            G
I’ve been up and down, but never pushed around,
       A7                              D
I’ve battled whatever life brings.
D                                           G
My kids have all grown, they throw lots of stones,
    A7                                 D
At reflections of me in the night.
D                                       G
A father not a friend, is who I am in the end,
       A7                                  D
Just doing what he thinks is right.

Repeat chorus…

D                                        G
The loves, the friends, the bars the fights,
          A7                                  D
The mountains and valleys of time.
D                                    G
Are the stories I write, in my songs at night,
           A7                                 D
With words and rhythm and rhyme.
D                               G
Older and gray from living this way,
         A7                                D
Than I ever thought I would be.
D                                           G
A new dawn, a new song, a new love that is strong,
                    A7                           D
Turned out good for a fella like me

repeat chorus x 2


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks alot Gerrilyd101. Always good to see new members in the fold. This is a great site. You'll learn alot here no matter what level you may be at. Thanks again for the comments on this and my other songs.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7nZXm_d3E

                               OUR NIGHT FOR LOVE………….Steve Boileau

C                                  Am
Hell-o young lady well how are you,
C                                     Am
Could I please buy you a drink or two,
C                                          Am
I’ve never met a woman as pretty as you.
G                                 C
Is tonight our night for love.
C                                               Am
Is there something I can ask the band to play,
C                                                 Am
What’s your favorite song on the radio today,
C                                                       Am
Is there something I can do that will make you stay,
G                                              C
‘cause tonight is our night for love.
G                                              C
Tonights the night for you and me.
G                                                C
The stars are right oh can’t you see.
G                                                         C
Can you take a chance on a man like me.
G                                   C
Is tonight our night for love.
C                               Am
I don’t get out often how about you,
C                              Am
I’m not very good at what to do,
C                                         Am
Just hold my hand and I’ll guide you through
G                                   C
This night, our night for love.

              Repeat coda + chorus
C                            Am
I hope that I don’t scare you away,
C                                             Am
I’m lost for words, don’t know what to say,
C                                          Am
Please tell me everything will be OK,
G                                         C
On this night, our night for love.
                    repeat chorus


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txPoBcm-6P0

                         YOUR LIFE BACK THERE……….Steve Boileau
G                                                        C
When I walked into the Barroom, and saw you standing there.
   D                                                                                       G
In tight blue jeans and high top boots, with ribbons in your hair.
G                                                             C
My heart it broke and crumbled, ‘cause I knew you didn’t care,
         D                                                                             G
‘bout me or our three children, or the life you left back there.
G                                             C
I did my best to please you, make everything alright.
      D                                                                     G   
But now I know it’s over, the way I see you here tonight.
G                                                           C
You’re prancin’ and you’re dancin’, the fellas all lean and stare,
          D                                                                                                 G
They buy you drinks and you never think, about the life you left back there.
         C                                                                         G
So go enjoy your new life honey, just leave us here behind.
C                                                                               D
We’ll get along without you, the kids and I’ll be just fine.
C                                                                                G
I’ve got to head on home now, ‘cause time I cannot spare,
D                                                                                        G
For someone who’s forgotten ‘bout the life she left back there.
G                                                                   C
When the kids wake up in the morning, and their Mommy isn’t there,
D                                                                                             G
What is it that I should tell them, ‘bout why Mommy doesn’t care.
G                                                 C
They cry at night at bedtime, their prayers they fill the air,
       D                                                                                      G
They want their Mommy back again to the life she left back there.
G                                                   C
I did my best to please you, make everything just right
  D                                                                           G
But now I know it’s over, the way I see you here tonight.

G                                                     C
We will all miss you Darling, we will always love and care,
       D                                                                               G
And wonder if you ever think about the life you left back there.
          C                                                                         G
So go enjoy your new life honey, just leave us here behind,
C                                                                                D
We’ll get along without you, the kids and I’ll be just fine.
C                                                                                  G
I’ve got to head on home now, ‘cause time I cannot spare,
D                                                                                         G
For someone who’s forgotten, ‘bout the life she left back there.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljkjWsAr0_E

                         YOUR CURVES ARE KILLING ME……….Steve Boileau
Going home to see my Baby, going home tonight.

Going home to see my Baby, make everything alright.
      A                                               E
Oh Honey, leave your light on for me.
B7                                                                   E
Put on a pot of coffee, this Caddy’s pushing 103.
Quit my job on Monday, Tuesday hit the road,

Wednesday got arrested, Thursday they let me go.
           A                                              E
Come Friday, pushed it hard into the night.
Cranked up the Rock’a’Billy, shoved her down to overdrive.

Burning up the blacktop, fence posts whipping by,

Foot down to the floorboards, you’re always on my mind.
            A                                                E
C’mon Sugar, save that sweetness for me.
B7                                                                                        E
I can smell the rubber burning, Ah your curves are killing me.
Repeat v1+v3


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzCfTDiT3WA

This one has to be heard to fully appreciate its over-all character!!

                           STANDING IN THE RAIN……..Steve Boileau

Em           Am                   Em
Standing, in the pouring rain.
Em          Am                        Em
Waiting, on an eastbound train.
G                           Am
I’ll leave this town, my world behind.
G                        Am
It’s over now, it’s the end of theline.
Em             Am
Standing, in the pouring rain.

Em            Am
Walking, down an endless road.
Em         Am
I carry, a heavy load.
G                         Am
Of guilty shame, I failed I lied.
G                               Am
The sleepless nights, I tried I cryed.
Em            Am
Walking, down an endless road.

G                         Am
I will live again, the darkness won’t win.
G                     Am
Never, never, never again.
G                              Am
Will I lose my soul to a womans’ whim.
                   Em              Am             Em
And be left standing in the pouring rain.

Em                   Am                   Em
Running, through a tunnel at night.
Em             Am                 Em
Echoes, of footsteps behind.
G                             Am
One step forward, stay on track.
G                                       Am
Steps in the darkness, there’s no turning back.
Em              Am                       Em
Running, through a tunnel at night.

Em              Am
Sittin’, waiting for the night.
EM                     Am
To show me, the new morning light.
G                           Am
Get up and gone, I’ll move it along.
G                       Am
I will survive, I will stay strong.
Em                   Am
Sittin’, waiting for the morning light.

G                        Am
I will live again, the darkness won’t win.
G                     Am
Never, never, never again.
G                            Am
Will I lose my soul to a womans’ whim.
            Em                     Am
And be standing, in the pouring rain.
G                        Am
I will live again, the darkness won’t win.
G                     Am
Never, never, never again.
G                              Am
Will I lose my soul to a womans’ whim.
                 Em                   Am            Em
And be left standing, in the pouring rain.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I LUV IT!! nice work jets60.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks alot Buvvy. With my beautiful wife as my Muse, love songs are a pleasure to put together. I'm a lucky man!!


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice stuff butch! Yu can never go wrong with a lonesome love song. nice feel between the lyric and rythmn


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouoMWSTRs2A

                                                                                                   Steve Boileau

C                                                   D
I walked up my little street, and a fellow I did meet,
      G                                   C
In a b-i-g black and yellow hat.
C                                                  D
I said what’s up with that, he said “yu seen my cat†,
          G                                               C
I said yea, it’s underneath that ladies car.
C                                                  D
Well the lady she came out, and they began to shout,
                  G                                         C
‘cause her dog was barking r-e-a-l-l-y loud.
C                                                       D
Well the man took off his hat, and he scooped up his cat,
              G                                                 C
And the dog started running round and round.
C            G                           C
Imagine that---a dog and a cat
        G                       D                  C
The things that you’ll see in this town.
C                                              D
At the corner was a man, with pockets full of sand,
        G                                   C
And l-o-n-g pointed cowboy boots.
C                                                       D
He had a real fancy suit, and he was playing a flute,
         G                                      C
For a lady with a crown and a star.
C                                                            D
The flute sounded like a gun, had everybody on the run,
              G                                 C
And the star fell down a sewer hole.
C                                                  D
A kid he went a crawlin’, but his mother came a callin’,
        G                                                    C
And hooked him with a farmers fishing pole.
C            G                          C
Imagine that---a dog and a cat
               G                        C
A sewer hole---a fishing pole
         G                       D                 C
The things that you’ll see in this town.
C                                             D
I started heading home, but I tripped on a stone,
               G                                            C
And went r-o-l-l-i-n-g on my neighbors lawn.
C                                       D
I landed in the trees, and scraped both my knees,
          G                                     C
And ripped my favorite denim jeans
C                                         D
So off I went a limpin’, and then I started thinkin’,
G                                    C
Damn that cursed little stone.
C                                     D
Cursin’ and a bleedin’, tired and full of seedlings,
                G                                           C
Sure was glad when I finally made it home.
C           G                            C
Imagine that---a dog and a cat
              G                        C
A sewer hole---a fishing pole
                       G                           C
My neighbors trees---my favorite jeans
        G                        D                C
The things that you’ll see in this town
C                                                   D
When I got in the house, I started yelling at my spouce,
G                                                     C
Get a doctor, get someone on the phone,
C                                          D
She was in the kitchen, her girlfriends were bitchin’,
       G                                                   C
Be Quiet, our favorite T.V. shows are on.
C                                                    D
So I went up to my room, and my head began to swoon,
        G                                   C
So I sat on the corner of the bed.
C                                          D
I musta fell asleep, ‘cause I did not hear a peep,
         G                                                      C
Till morning, when the alarm clock came on.
C            G                            C
Imagine that---a dog and a cat
                G                      C
A sewer hole---a fishing pole
                       G                            C
My neighbors trees---my favorite jeans
               G                                 C
A telephone---the alarm clocks on
         G                        D                C
The things that you’ll see in this town
C                                                 D
So the moral of this tale, is that you can never fail,
         G                                        C
Just w-a-l-k-i-n-g up your little street.
C                                         D
So get up on your feet, the people you can meet,
          G                                               C
Will a-l-w-a-y-s make you laugh and smile.
C                                             D
This town is full of sights, with monsters in the night,
        G                                           C
With cars, and cowboys playing flutes.
C                                                      D
There’s anything you need, on this little street of dreams,
G                                               C
Hang around,  lay down some roots
C            G                          C
Imagine that---a dog and a cat
              G                       C
A sewer hole---a fishing pole
                       G                          C
My neighbors trees---my favorite jeans
              G                                 C
A telephone---the alarm clocks on
              G                   C
A moral tale---never fails
         G                        D               C
The things that you’ll see in this town.


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZbYVAVMCgg

                                      JUANITA……………Steve Boileau

D                                                       G
I’m riding in to this Mexican town, Little Juanita knows when I’m around.
A                             D
She’ll be my lover tonight.
D                                                                  G
We’ll dance all night, drink tequila all day, stay up late, let the Mariachis play
A                                        D
My little, my little Juanita tonight.

               Juanita a lady, a Mexican girl,
               Pretty Sienorita with long black curls,
                     A                                      D
                Ah Juanita dance with me tonight.
D                                                         G
The band plays on into the night, my little Juanita holding me tight,
A                              D
Doing a Mexican twirl.
D                                                                            G
We laugh and we sing, we dance and we cry, underneath that Mexican sky,
A                                        D
Juanita, my little Mexican girl.
Repeat chorus…
I’ve got to ride now, the roads long ahead,
I’ll come back this way before the summer is dead,
A                                           D
To see, to see that Mexican girl.
D                                                         G
And when I do, I know she will be, always waiting her for me,
A                                             D
Ah Juanita, my little Mexican girl.

Repeat chorus x 2


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard at       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjf5U1IpT4A

                                   NO EASY LIFE……..Steve Boileau

G                                         C
Well I’ve done a lot of livin’, taken and a given,
D7                                                       G
Riding shotgun on a runaway train at night.
G                                            C
I’ve fallen on the rocks, been knifed, kicked and shot,
D7                                                                G
Never backing down, always ready for the fight.
G                                                             C
I’ve been busted, chased and dumped, treated like a chump,
D7                                      G
Battling in a war I cannot win.
G                                                             C
I’ve been flattened with a hammer, but it really doesn’t matter,
D7                                                                   G
‘Cause tomorrow morning I’ll get back up again.
  C                                      G
No easy life, just hang on tight.
                           C                     D7
If I get through to-night, I’ll be alright.
G                                                C
I’ve traveled on the highways, dirt roads and byways,
D7                                            G
Hitchhiking with a Gypsy caravan.
G                                                         C
I’ve been tossed, turned and tumbled, staggered and stumbled,
D7                                                         G
Been run down and forced to take a stand.
G                               C
I carry the scars, of fighting in the bars,
D7                                                               G
Drinking whiskey to chase the scotch and gin.
G                                              C
If I make it through tonight, without another fight
D7                                            G
Tomorrow is a chance to try again.
     C                                   G
No easy life, just hang on tight.
                          C                      D7
If I get through tonight, I’ll be all right.

G                                                 C
I wonder how many times, I can push it past my prime,
D7                                                       G
And bet against the dealers winning hand.
G                                              C
I’ll just keep on a stuffin’, the ballot box and bluffin’,
D7                                                 G
Running from the posse and the Man.
G                                   C
So here I stand today, living life this way,
D7                                    G
Defiant till the end of my time.
G                                        C
Running with the hounds, underneath the clouds,
D7                                               G
Howling at the moon till morning light.
         C                               G
No easy life, just hang on tight.
                              C                    D7
If I get through the night, I’ll be alright.
No easy life, just hang on tight,

If I get through the night, I’ll be alright.


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard
      with video at                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBYyqlzLF7s

                              TIME TO ROCK’N’ROLL…Steve Boileau
A                                                                                 E
Come on baby, it’s time to go crazy, it’s time to rock’n’roll.
Wake up little sister, she can dance with mister, everybody rock’n’roll.
A                                                                                                  E
My heart is a thumpin’, the place is a jumpin’, it’s time to rock’n’roll.
No more sleepin’, we’re sweatin’ and screamin’, everybody rock’n’roll.
A                                                                                                                 E
The floor is shakin, the windows are breakin, Lil Richard sings bless my soul
The guitar man is hummin, we got the back beat thumpin,
Everybody lets rock’n’roll.
                   D                                               A
Let’s rock’n’roll, sing the blues with some soul.
                    D                           E
Let’s rock to-nite, rock’n’roll all night.

A                                                                                                 E
Ever since the 50’s, when Elvis was nifty, people wanna rock’n’roll.
Buddy Holly was boppin, Bill Haley is rockin, everybody rock’n’roll.
A                                                                                                                E
The music makes me crazy, everything gets hazey, when I hear that R & R.
My legs start shakin, like some sizzling bacon, baby lets rock’n’roll.
A                                                                                                 E
Turn it up louder, let me feel the power, let me hear that rock’n’roll.
You can shake your hips, you can scream and kick,
‘Cause baby that’s ROCK’N’ROLL.
              D                                                  A
Lets rock’n’roll, play the blues with some soul,
                    D                             E
Lets rock to-nite, rock’n’roll all night. 
       Repeat last two lines

"it's never a bad time to Rock'N'Roll"


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard
        with video at              http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6Yg863hvEk

                         IT’S A BEAUTIFUL SUNSET OUT THERE…Steve Boileau
G                                  C                        G
Last night I was sittin’, writing a country song.
       C                      G          D7                              G
My wife was in the kitchen, putting some supper on.
G                                                     C                          G
She said take a break my Darling, I cannot help but stare,
C                                        D7                               G
Come to the window, it’s a beautiful sunset out there.
Chorus;          C                    G                 C                      G
              We stood on the doorstep, and held each other tight.
   C                       G                D7                     G
I sang her a sweet song, and everything was right.
       C                            G                  C                            G
We swayed to the light breeze, and could not help but stare,
       C                          G              D7                                G
At Mother Natures’ beauty, it’s a beautiful sunset out there.
    G                                                     C                     G
         Her dark eyes were shining, in the pale evening light.
        C                                G                       D7                       G
The breeze caressed her auburn hair and moved it like the tide.
G                                                     C                                 G
She looked at me and smiled, and said we make quite a pair,
     C                            G                           D7                            G
I kissed her lips and held her tight, it’s a beautiful sunset out there.
Repeat chorus…

Vr3    G                                               C                         G
        That night we lay together, and felt the warmth of love.
       C                            G                 D7                G
Her heart beat there beside me, as gentle as a dove.
G                                                    C                             G
Her peaceful face in slumber, her skin so smooth and fair.
             C                     G                   D7                           D
It was a wonderful evening, and a beautiful sunset out there.

Repeat chorus x 2


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard
      with video at                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yj-MSLpyBA

                              SITTIN’ ON A CORNER…Steve Boileau
D                                                 G
Two old men sittin’ on a corner, watching the world go by.
A7                                                         D
Two old men sittin’ on a corner, stayin’ low and getting’ high.
D                                                             G
These two old guys were always there, whenever I went by,
        A7                                                                                D   
Just two old men sittin’ on a corner, watching the world go by.

Way back when, when they were younger men,
the world lay at their feet.
Played in a rock’n’roll band, spit courage, sweat sand,
With a thumping backdoor beat.
Like Kieth & Mick, and John & Paul, these two were joined at the hip,
They smoked and drank, pulled jokes & pranks,
And were chased by all the chicks.
D                                             G
They almost got famous, had offers from all around,
Then one got married, and the other got drunk,
Pretty soon they both left town.

D                                                      G
Well one went on a western swing, worked rigs & things,
rode horse, drove a truck.
A7                                                                                                  D
Married some pig, with a bunch a kids, man she had him by the nuts.

D                                      G
He got sick of that, said screw this crap, and bought himself a Bar.

Served drinks and woman, did some risky livin’,
Drove a big, old, black Cadillac car.
D                                             G
Joined a country band, with a few good hands, almost got famous again.
     A7                                                         D
But drugs and wives, and cops and time, brought all that to an end.
D                                           G
Busted, scared and skinny, broke and all alone,
       A7                                                        D
He heard his Mother was dying, so he decided to go back home.

Now the other fellow got himself an education,
with degrees and plaques and things.
             A7                                                   D
Wore a suit and tie, stopped getting’ high, bought a house,

Had a Knights of Columbus ring.
D                                     G                                             A7
Got himself an office, in City Gov’t Square, painted his picket fence white,
With the Mayor he was tight, and up the corporate ladder he’d stare.
D                                                                    G
Well he had a maid to do his dishes, on the side he had a Misses,
              A7                                      D
And his wife, she did all the charity balls.
Till one day he came home, the gardeners’ truck was on the lawn,
            A7                                                D
But his clothes were scattered down the hall.
His wife took him to the cleaners, left him nothing but beans & wieners,

            A&                                     D
Took his house and took half his pay.
He did everything right, now he lays awake at night,
         A7                                                       D
and asks his god, why he treated him this way.

D                                                                         G
Now these two old guys sit on the corner, and watch the world go by.
          A7                                                 D
They discuss politics & hypocrites, with jaded wrinkled eyes.
D                                                    G
These two lived different lives, but both ended up the same.
          A7                                                      D
Just sittin’ on a corner, watching the world, hoping that it don’t rain.
D                                                         G
Just two old guys sittin’ on a corner, watching the world go by.
   A7                                                                                      D
Two old men sittin’ on the corner, stayin’ low and getting’ high.


(0 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song can be heard, at        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvPGWgsnw0k
          with video

                                        TWO MEALS……Steve Boileau

D                    G               A7                   D
Two meals, -- one cot, -- twelve bars, -- not a lot.
D                G                  A7                          D
Big time, -- no friends, -- lonely hours in the night.
D                        G                  A7                     D
Locked doors, -- lights out, -- guard house, -- no doubt.
D                   G                 A7                     D
Memories of better times, I just wanna go home.
I miss you honey, yes I do, I just want to lay with you,
        G                               D
And know, that you’re alright.
Everyday, as time goes by, it’s harder and harder to say good-bye,
      G                                    D
Oh Baby, I die a little each day. – I get..

I got twenty years, in this big house, for stealing cars, and running about,
         G                       D
Now Honey, I’ve lost you.
The sun won’t shine, the moon is blue, so much time to sit & think about you
       G                        D
Oh Baby, what will I do. – with…
Chorus x 2


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yu' know what really is amazeing! is that some fellow half way across the world can listen to my music. Think about it! What an opportunity, and gift CHORDIE has given us Thanks bud_wiser, other members, and espspecially the Chordie staff of moderaters.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks for takeing the time to listen and comment. Compliments and construtive criticisim are always welcome. Thanks again.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hear this song at    http://www.youtube.com/user/ChampagneWhiskey

                                           BLUE MORNING………SB
            D                   G                      A7                              D
-Sitting here, a rainy day, wondering how, it could end this way.
D                                                   G                         A7                     D
Don’t know when, I’ve been more blue, don’t know how, that I lost you.
                D                                    G                             A7                          D
-You left a note, with your wedding ring, said you were going, to find better things
D                                       G                         A7                           D
So here I sit, on this rainy morn, thinking of you, watching the storm.
            D                         G                      A7                             D
-Yesterday, was hard to take, threw your picture, and made it break.
D                                    G                          A7                        D
Swept it up, the broken glass, my broken heart, our broken past.
                  G                             D
What can I do, to stop missing you.
                  G                                A7
What can I say, to take your hurt away.
                        D                          G                   A7                                 D
-Wherever you go, whatever you do, you know that, I will always love you.
D                                                         G                       A7                            D
This storm will pass, the sky will turn blue, I hope the sun, shines down on you
          D                                   G                 A7                       D
-If we meet, someplace somewhere, I’ll pretend, that I don’t care.
D                                    G                          A7                           D
I will never let, anybody know, that in my heart, I still love you so.
               D                             G                   A7                           D
-I’ll try to forget, these stormy days, look for love, in a different place.
D                                            G                           A7                           D
I’ll never regret, my time with you, cause I was happy, when I loved you.
                   G                            D
What can I do, to stop missing you.
                   G                                A7
What can I say, to take your hurt away.
                 D                    G                      A7                            D
So here I sit, feeling so blue, I know that I, will always love you.
                  A7                          D
I know that I,  will always love you.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This song can be heard at       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F7dy_GDC5o

thinking about an old friend that did't make it

                              I’ll Bury You……………………….SB
E                                       A                                    E
I’ll bury you this morning, because you were my friend.
E                                                B7
I’ll bury you this morning, this is how the story ends.
E                                                          A                          E               
It has truly been a long time, from the beginning to this end.
E                                       B7                                 E
I’ll bury you this morning, because you were my friend.
E                                             A                      E
I’ll try to find your children, I’ll do the best I can.
E                                             B7
If I ever get back to Texas, I’ll try to find your Dad.
E                                           A                               E
I’ll tell them all about you, a good man, Dad, and Son,
E                                                  B7
You never gave no quarter, you never asked for none.
E                                              A                          E
Hard times have bled you, left scars upon your soul,
E                                                B7
Made you hard and bitter, your stare turned icey cold.
E                                      A                        E
Anger has eaten at you, life has taken it’s toll.
E                                      A
An endless fight with the needle and the night,
B7                                      E
And death comes to your door.
E                                         A                             E
Today I stand beside you, proud to be your friend
E                                 B7
Today I stand alone, loyal to the end.
E                                                A                          E
I’ll bury you on this hillside, with sunshine in the sky,
E                                      B7                              E
I’ll bury you this morning, you were a friend of mine.
Chorus x 2


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Blondie