(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you for the comments all. I appreciate your thoughts. I always find it interesting how each person finds their own meaning in ...stuff! 

Methuselah - (ha) I am glad you enjoyed it so much. I enjoyed writing it also. I am flattered. And I do not care whatsoever that you chopped up my deepest thoughts just to satisfy your own personal needs!!  I'm just kidding I don't care in the least. HA HA I really don't have any experience in writing poetry so all the breaks and stuff are foreign to me. Thanks. 8-)

Arkady and Kap - I do not have chords for it. I have made the jump from poem to song before but some of them I just cannot bring myself to doing it.
I have found that when I am experiencing a block the best thing is just start writing anything. I think alot of writers use that theory. Therefore, ....well .....sometimes i write with a general rhythm in mind. (It's the old MC in me) Other times no. I don't have an exact formula. I had a REALLY hard time making the transition from writing rhymes(raps) to writing song lyrics. HUGE DIFFERENCE!! Took me years to be satisfied with "song" lyrics. Then I had the dizzying thought that I didn't have to change the way I wrote to accommodate a particular style. That screwed me up even worse!  But I am glad I was able to have those experiences from rap to oldies. Words do Rock!!


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello all. I am rather new to Chordie and this will be my first post. I did not see a "poem" section so I chose to post it here. This is an old thing I wrote in my youth. (In my ripe old age of 31) Hope you like it. Comments welcomed. 8-)

Driving at dusk.Sunbeams barely making their way through the tree tops. Clouds surrounded by sheets of light, highlighted by Gods own hand.

My mind is blank as the page I'm staring at. But the instant pen touches page. Blue lines become ablaze. New lines are getting heavy weighted with words missing just moments ago. Soon the lines cannot contain all the weight of words. Straining under intense pressure the lines become weak. Bending and shaking, clinging onto the edges of the paper. Blue lines struggle to keep thought together. Intense battle erupts in clouds of smoke, and ink spills from worn soldiers holding onto former glory! This is why you were made! To hold. Thought finds creativity and hand in hand, back to back, they fight! As if it was the last stand. They fight! Slashing, holding, straining, laughing, screaming, crying, hearts wrenched, widows made....words made silent. Incomplete thought scattered abroad. Lines still hold! Strong words said. Lines still hold! White paper clouded with ink. Lines still hold! Side of hand shows battle scars, smeared and stained from heat of struggle. Lines still stand!

The war has spilled over from 2nd dimension to the 3rd. Affecting the writer. Moving him to action on behalf of creative thought. The struggle, now over, has left him perplexed!

As he washes his hands ink fills the sink down to it's final destination. Swirling into oblivion goes my mind and thought. The last and final thought of battle is the first thought of peace!! Leaning over the sink, spent. I ask, How has he stood up to an onslaught of formidable foes, yet come out victorious?

Because his only job was to stand!

Hello all. 
ALOT of inspiring artists have been  mentioned. I grew up listening to everything from oldies to Death Metal. I also was an M.C. (rapper for those who might think I was in a wedding band) 8-) 
through the 90's so I have an appreciation for rappers who consider rhhymin' an artform and take time to develop a poem over beats. So all that to say I really like:

Abstract (A Tribe Called Quest)
Sup the Chemist (SFC)
Kool Mo Dee
Alot of old school rappers. I won't bore you with the names. Just thought it was worth mentioning.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hello Kap!
I was breezing thru the songs on here and came across yours. Love it!! I think the essence of songwriting is to be able to envoke a feeling or create a mental picture of what the writer was seeing or feeling. I definitely had both of those from this. I love songs like this that just make you smile.  Good Job. Is it somewhere we can hear it??


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Sorry about the lack of introduction. I am rather new to the forum circuit.
Is it considered rude to just pipe in without intro?


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I think it's very easy to over complicate things as you get better on your instrument. Luckily I don't have that problem cause I don't get any better on my instrument. HA! JK!
Good job. Simple is great!!


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hello Arkady, I just listened to your songs and I actually think they all sound good but I have to say my favorite is Arthur. Good job. Smelly about Sound stage. I actually just found out about SoundStage a couple of days ago. I hope to be adding a tune at some point in the near future.
Good job!!


(23 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just listened to it. Thanks for the link. I am sure she falls asleep with a smile more often than not. Kids are awesome!!!


(23 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hello Jets. Nice to see a lullaby. I wrote one for my kids as well. Where can I hear it?
I checked your Myspace but it did not have it on it.