(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That`s right

Thanx for all the good words. I only got enough to live comfortable for this month. Next month I will be back to just making ends meet. It was still nice to have an easy month and buy my best friend a present. It`s still great getting some medical bills paid in full.

NELA wrote:

Jeoy, be sure to check out everything prior tp paying off credit card debt. I paid off nearly $70,000 worth of credit card bills and canceled the cards. Didn't help my credit ratimg one bit - if anything it hurt me. I still have items showing on my credit report that have been paid off several years and it is difficult to get them removed. Weither you like it or not having zero debt is worse that owing $$$$.


The credit card will still be there. I will just take a couple thousand off it. I didn`t get enough to retire or live comfortably. Just enough to ease the pain a bit.

Baldguitardude wrote:

Awesome! Congrats on your good luck! Foxwoods? smile

No, scratch ticket.  1.00

I had a major moment of good luck this weekend. I came into some money. I will use it to cut down credit card bills and pay off some medical bills. My wife and friends said to buy myself something nice too. I was thinking about buying a Martin or a Telecaster. Then I thought about a Marshall half stack or Fender amp. Whenever I buy any new guitar or amp, I always go back to my beloved red strat and Gibson Falcon amp or my Yamaha sj-180. My explorer needs brakes and tires. That is getting done. After thinking long and hard , I made my decison on what to buy. I bought a nice stereo for my best friends car. We have been friends for 44 years. He was best man at my wedding. He stuck by me at my best and my worst, through thick and thin. It comes out to 10.00 a year for 40 years of friendship. I caught him by surprise. Friends for over 40 years at only 10.00 per year. I`m getting out of it cheap. I wish I could have done better for him.  He is a BRO and I appreciate all he has done for me. I finally get to return the favor. Plus, I enjoyed him swearing at me for thinking of him(in a good way). I can always get a guitar or amp but a friend like that only comes once. Since 3rd grade. 52 years old now


(31 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I used silk and steels for years, until they changed the way they packaged them. 2 strings per bag. Now on my acoustics I use whatever is cheapest, as long as they start with an 11. I used to use ernie ball earthwoods until I found a bunch of cheap acoustic strings in a discount bin. DARCO. Electrics, whatever is cheapest as long as they start with a 10. Except for a brand called ROUNDS. I simply stay away from them


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

If that's how you want to live, it appears that what you are doing wrong is performing personal hygiene and wearing clothes.  On the flip side of that, though, I'd be wondering what they have to do to get the keys to an Escalade.  We're likely better off with our showering and dressing routines. 

- Zurf

That`s true Derek. My 2003 chevy pickup may be old but it was obtained honestly. I`m too cheap to make a car payment. A showy fancy car isn`t important. I also like to dress normal. As wild as I get are my hawaiian shirts.

July 9th I had my bad knees checked and fixed. Later that week I ended up with kidney stones. Now last week my right ear is completely gone. I have always been hard of hearing in that ear but now I can`t hear at all out of it. The drops aren`t working anymore. Here is the funny part. I had no intention of getting it checked. Truthfully, I was enjoying the quiet. (kids,dog, WIFE) Then when I went to play Sunday, it threw off my timing and playing. I told my wife I had to get it checked because it was affecting my playing. Her reaction." sure, you wont get it checked. But when it affects your playing, you want to get it checked". Am I wrong. What would you have done?


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Girls that go out shopping in their pajamas and slippers! Oh whitewater, I spend 12 hours a day in supermarkets. I know exactly what you mean. I always have the hygenically challenged watching by. EBT cards. The same girls in the pajamas always have EBT cards. Then they get into their escalades or navigators. Makes me wonder what I am doing wrond


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

bunbun wrote:

Ok MB. I know you are young but...REALLY? I don't even like the Beatles and have heard those songs. Sigh....Today's yoot's!

That was just mean. Don`t rain on her parade.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Look online at ovation. They may be able to help. How does it play? Piece of advice. Use one of those flat rubber jar opener thingys to keep it from sliding off your lap.


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

There is an art to changing strings. It never ceases to amaze me at some of the string jobs I see on guitars I have bought. How many times do you see people try to use every inch of string. Then there is this big mess of string on the shaft. I had two guitarists teach me how to do it. It`s a lesson that stuck with me forever.


(24 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Welcome to chordie katie


(11 replies, posted in Electric)

It`s kind of old and dated but the easiest one to memorize is ABACAB by Genesis. The title is the chord progression A  B  A  C  A  B.  How easy is that to memorize.


(35 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I hope whatever it is, it goes in your favor. Good luck to ya


(275 replies, posted in Electric)

Also I`m 52 now. When this topic first came out, I was 50.


(275 replies, posted in Electric)

M.B.two wrote:

I don't have an electric guitar, but I'm 16 and have been playing acoustic for two years. Also, I love soup. I like to make it, and I like to eat it! I've loved soup ever since we enacted the story "Stone Soup" in kindergarten. I thought, "Wow, making food out of rocks--that rocks!"

I remember the book "stone soup" when I was in kindergarten. That was 1965


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

Don`t give up. My 15 year old daughter has been taking lessons for 5 years now. It won`t happen overnight.

You didn`t list any dino. My all time number 1 favorite is Leonard Cohen. Then there is Marshall Crenshaw, Matthew Sweet, Ben Folds, Warren Zevon. Then the usual Beatles, Eagles, Doobies and lots more to list. (but I wont).


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Glad your vacation was good. Hope you heal fast. Nothing can be worse than being hurt or sick on vacation

I was amazed at how old he WASN`T.  Considering their first album came out almost 40 years ago. I always youtube the song "Love Takes Time". It`s been stuck in my head since it came out.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats Scott. Only a 12 string sounds like a 12 string.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Got clearence to go back to work tomorrow. I never thought I would miss my job. Hopefully, that never haappens again. Especially 2 states away


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great news


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Going to doctor at 2pm. Hopefully I will get cleared to go back to work