(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Clatter Clatter Selso lol

Someone elses heart took the Mr from my life many years ago now,

So ive chosen to remain Single. Not a problem at all. Im as happy now a big red bowl of cherries. Well most of the  time.


Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Good for you Selso.

Record it sometime and send to me.. i had no thoughts  at all as to melody.

Thank You

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Em ! will Irish do ya ?.



I like this young guy also..


Old Doll.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Excellent Mr Harding.

I think Harding is also an English name ?

Just checked Russell, you just maybe related to UYK lol

http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/q … -crest.htm

Great tune, love the family crest.

Old Doll.

Gosh that brought tears to my eyes.

What a beautiful song.

When going to your link i realized ive seen and heard your songs on youtube.

Wonderful stuff.

Well done to you .

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Kap,

Good editing job, i like the changes . they fit like a glove to hand.

Your not on your own when churning new stuff in your wee head. I think all writers do this.

I ofton got up in the middle of the night to change some words/ Lyrics

Shush now K K , between me and you, i think writers suffer with O C D. lol

Obsessive compulsive disorder.

Now wheres me pen, i just thought of something lol lol

Acceptance is wished for you .

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank You"

For understanding my fears encripted in this piece.

My oldest friend in the North is 90 years old next month. To see her sadness at this turn of events
and those of extended friends and family  who all live Up North is  just heartbreaking.

One of my friends studies astrology. She did say with the new year,we were re entering the age of Aquarius ? which brings many changes. Hopefully for the good of all, is my wish.

Peace is wished for you all.

Alan, I was gladdened to see so many turnout for the silent protest. The sound of silence is a very powerful force  to reckon with.

Dia Linn.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

So great minds think alike ?

Is that what they say Phill ?. Im so sick of  listening to all this killing.
Our lives are gone in the blink of an eyelid. Its all so pointless.

Your words are expressing my sentimens also Sir.

Excellent as always.

I have a loop of chordie  songs playing on the pc here. So good to listen to you all.
At the moment its "Sparkler Playing",  One of James Mc Cormicks songs.

Selso, Alan, and anyone else who would  like to send me there songs please do..
Id be delighted to recieve them..

Ark ? any new instrumentals ?

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Everyday another shooting. for some crazy reason or other. These are my thoughts about the perpetrators of same.
My deepest sympathy to all of the countries  who is suffering  from there losses this night.
Dia Linn.

I heard the news again to day
my blood ran cold, my mind away
to other times, no peace to dwell
in truth, I'm scared,  i need to tell.

You're the trigger who pulls the gun
Its you ! who diminishes the rays of my sun,
You ! don't speak for me ! my circle of friends,
your darkness completes you, kills in the end.

These people who died, were somebodies babies,
like you ! to your mothers arms, like a cradle
From living things, you've created new stars
in the name of revenge,  or something called war.

Have you ever known love ? or the pain of a loss?
Has your eyes never rested on one on a cross?
your soul is neglected,  your spirit forlorn
You need love , from my heart, i offer you some.

Don't take away peace, for a small tribal band
be righteous, be proud, live by your own hand
Your thinking is not of my culture or kin,
The deed is your own, created within.

I outstretch my arms as your Mammy once did,
To nurture to hold you, to love and let live,
No poisons to spirit, that weakens and toils
Just love, no disdain, or lives left to spoil.

Like the great “Oak Trees"   that silently grows
Nourish yourself with love of your soul,
Your essence, your  thoughts, no secrets to hide
be loving , be giving , stop curdling inside.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great stuff daddycool,

How proud id be to have some work colleague write a song for me.

May lumpy lol Have a long and happy retirement, He sounds like a fun guy.

Your a wee pet Daddycool.

Hope life is good for you ?

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is "BEAUTIFUL" .

I love the  soft pleading  to share, that this song emanates,   

and so well written. I agree with selso, you do have a poets heart Ken

plus the ability to express  in words/Lyrics. You have a great gift .

I really would love to hear this recorded.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good topical song Ken,

I know so many, from Accountants to barmen, builders, not to mention Nissan car workers .. Shameful,

If we did, what they did ,wed be sent to prison..

Unadulterated Greed..

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely Jets..

Your both lucky to have found each other.

Long may you both live to love and be in love.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank You" all

You gentlemen of chordie..You warmed the cockles of me heart..

Phil, i was with a crowd of Welshmen some years ago in Dublin after a match..

The singsong was great ! But i have to admit to the Welsh having such amazing singing voices.

Must be all the fresh air in those Welsh Hills..


Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Dublin is in ireland, but there would not be enough space to write about my homeland..
So ive picked my Dublin, to give a flavour of my capital  city...
Some explainations. for chordians
Ould is Old. Coddle is a dish like stew. Quartier Bloom, is an Italian eating place in Dublin. General Post Office is where the war of independance was strongly fought from.. Its said to still have bullet holes in the columns.
The temperture in St Michans Church vaults, stops the bodies from going to dust..
Ceól agus  Rince is music and dance.  Dublin was once a walled city" hense "inside the pale.. Dia Dhuit" is a greeting" hello or God To you..

My Dublin . Ireland.. Dubh-linn" in Irish  language, means a "black pool.".

From the heart of the city, to my blessington lakes
through all the modernity left in the wake,
Of a tiger called “Celtic , now dead on the floor
the ould side of “Dublin  gives  Welcomes Galore..

Old buildings have history and stories to tell
Sure we gave yis “James Joyce, Shaw, Beckett , as well
While our  scholarly  monks stayed  busy till knell
Transcribing the bible to “The Great Book of Kells.

We have markets galore, depends on your needs
Old Moore Street for  fruit,  fresh fish from the seas,
Antiques ?  now !  “Thats Francis Street ,  Aah, The liberty belle
Smithfield markets are outdoors, sure your belly will swell.

By eating chorizo , or great olive bread
but Dublins best known for “Coddle"  instead,
Fish n chips from Italians, Smoked salmon its said,
“taste great with a Guinness" , with a slice of brown bread.

The docklands now modern, with cafes and bars
or Temple Bar madness with a few of the lads,
Theres the famine memorial , the Quartier Bloom!
The General Post Office, sure the gunfire still booms.

We have Churches, Catherals, St Patrick, God rest
Christ Church, or St Michans were dead bodies wont dust !
Flower Markets, the Four courts, The Wonderous Dome
Croke Park, G.A A, Sports heritage home..

Stroll down through fishamble , Ancient cobbles will tread
Where Handels Messiah,  on  earth was first heard
We've Céol  agus Rince, Those Vikings did fail
as they plundered the Liffey, inside the great pale.

Are ya tired of the city ? Then meander a while
to take in the wonder we call “Irelands Eye"
A santuary , a  haven,  all forms of wildlife
you'll think your in heaven, in this wee paradise.

Take a train from the city, or just hop a bus
Dunlaoghaire sea air, is free and robust
while you breathe as you walk, on my favourite pier
give a thought to the immigrants,who sadly left here.

With a tear and some sighs they said  “Dia Dhuit"
as the boats left the shores, there tears caused  a mist,
to float to the  skys ,   sail them far away
The Mist falls  like rain now we call “A soft day “ 

So ! Talk to us Dubs, sure we love it you know,
We'll tell you our stories ,  ould times long ago
or sing you a song, so you'll want to return
To my Dublin, My people, My Molly Malone.

Failte Rohat go  Baile Atá Cliath"

Croke Park, some of our music and  Dance.....  Fantastic night this was..


Old Doll.

This is a great idea, ive loved reading them..

I know i have one somewhere ill look for  and post.. may need some changing now I feel.

I felt like i walked your homeplaces with you.. Lovely..

Thank You"

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

Heartiest Congrats Phill,

I had no clue to this, when i spoke to you at myspace..
The right man for the job i feel.

Good Luck,

Old doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

I like to hear,

your melody to this one Southpaw.. lol

Good one Buvvy..

Old Doll


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Wowsers Phill,

You just nailed in lyrics this recessional madness... It seems like everyday, someone here takes the own life
because of it.. Nothing aint worth  paying with your life in life to me.. Worked hard all my life, lost a lot  like most
with trusting others with my pension..  But you know Phill , as my brother said to me.."The good lord aint let us down yet".
I personally always believed everything is for a reason..

I can rest easy..

Very well done.. I didnt feel you were angry.  More a sense of injustice by a Wunch of bankers.. lol

Old Doll.


(18 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great song Ken,

about  the waste  and sadness of good lives lost.. When we we as humans ever learn ?

Killing  doesnt solve a thing..
Your on the ball my friend..

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice one Alan,

Some of my best celebrations,  I was wearing sweat suits, sharing a song, a drink ,and great company.

Cant be beat.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good ole Charlotte,

Always a good sense of humour..

Long may it reign..

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy birthday Son.



Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

Southpaw !

How are you pet.?   Im well,  thank you for asking.

  TIGER PRAWNS" What are ya like ? Paws !!  lol

Oh!  maybe you call them shrimp ? or something ?

This is my favourite.

http://images.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=h … 4%26sa%3DG

With sweet chilli sauce. Yum.

Much love to you and yours from the Emerald.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I glad you wrote another verse phill,

I felt it need another to bind..

I love this Phil, I call these lyrics Soul writing..

Lovely stuff.

Old Doll.