ah well all good things come to an end I suppose, A great man with a tremendious voice that cannot not be replaced.

i will do a few songs in his memory tonight.



(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

never saw any guitar like this. It looks really good but I bet it costs a fotune, but maybe worth it?

cheers Jerome


I want one too


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am coming with you next time.

I enjoyed my 5 days on the ilse of Skye last week, I took my guitar, wife took her violin and we had a wee jam every night, but had to finish at 10:30pm as the campsite seemed to go to sleep then.
Never went fishing as the coast at the west of skye is too shallow to fish from and when i went to the other side on one of my daily tours of the island I forgotten to take my rod lol

So a great time but more sightseeing and relaxing than good fishing, drinking and jamming. The 3 things I have top of my list when camping.

But the kids and wife loved it!


lol lol
we should have a wee section of our own to discuss nothing but floyd!!! lol

that was about the 4th song i learned on the bass guitar about 1984 ish. If i remember right there is a wee bit of echo and reverb and some other effect in it for the bass. superb!!!

one of my favourites of all time though is Echoes. I just love Dave Gilmour's voice on that. And the video "live at pompei" is an experimenting fabulous experience just to watch. I do a version of this on my Youtube space. as well as a few syd songs and a few other floyd songs, all done acoustically. Upyerkilt123 or upyerkilt4fun is my user name if yer interested to see how  idestroyed them ,lol.


I love playing and singing bike on the guitar, easy and great, and when you play it to people that have never heard it, you always get a laugh at the Gerald line.
Also, effervessing elephant ( Syd's first song he wrote) is another good one but after my singing nodule I find it harder to sing so deep.


GoodbyeBlueSky wrote:

Hey... I've read some of your other posts, and you sure do seem to like Roger Waters...
Strange, I was listening to Pink Floyd just before I came online... smile

Roger Waters and Syd Barrett are my two gods.


I love floyd as well as Waters' and Barrett's solo stuff.

I have loved Floyd since I fist heard them when I was 8 years old....... a long long time ago, 30 years this December.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Bwriter.

You can ammend the chords if you see they are wrong. There is an apotion at the bottom of the song to do this.

Chordie do not actually host the songs so we cannot be blamed for wrong chords/lyrics etc. Chordie is a search engine and gets the songs wit hlyrics and chords from other sites.
For more info please go to the resources



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Got to disagree, I dont think Ronnie dio is a great singer, I hate his singing,lol, but thats just me.

As for this long tongued posing bass player gene Simmons from Kiss, when did he clain to have done this horn hands thing first?
I would have said at a guess it was angus young??? maybe about 1977??? I am totally guessing here ,lol.

But as for godfathers of rock, AC DC are defintetly there I would say. They may not have been about before these other three mentioned but they have to be there.
And the early early godfathers of rock or metal or anything heavy like that will still have to stem from the likes of eddie cochran, buddy holly, that other guy with the funny hairdo lol and a few others from the 50's. Without them we would not have had leps or blacks or deeps.

and to go way way back to the great great great great grnadfather of outrageous music ye got to hand the title to Motzart. His classical music in that time was frowned upon because of the eraticness of it.

So without motzart we would not have had punk, mods, rock, roll,

Or would we have?

no one will ever know



(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


throw in a few???
ye just mentioned all the ones I was going to,lol.

3 man bands that stand out for me is

the jam,
rush and Nirvana.

But like Mixter says about adding in a few others like The Who etc, maybe a 4 person band but wrote loads of songs with just guitar, drum and bass.



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good stuff Dino,
hope you enjoy the guitar and hope they enjoy thier hot air balloon.

All the best



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i have never heard Celene Dion sang "You Shook Me All Night Long" nor would I want to.
And I wish I had never seen this clip of highway to hell.
I have no idea why folk have gave her so many stars, this will only encourage her to destroy other good songs.



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

stretch papa wrote:

Coffee is the purest form of juice in the universe!!

I think ye will find that it is WHISKY, since when translated from gaelic to english it means water of life and it sure does taste like it too.



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


maybe this link will help




(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i must be doing something wrong.
I dont get all these perks the other administrators get.

lol lol lol

has anyone gave a serious answer here?


Zurf and Royce ( My best mate is called Royce, thought he was the only one,lol)

I think i kinda agree with you two here. I dont know if I would myself look up a thread to look up people. If I was interested I would look at their profile.

maybe this is one for "about chordie" and asking per to make this work, but he is very very busy and probably would not happen straight away.


James McCormick wrote:

I like this idea of having a specific "Who am I" thread. 

My only concern is that it will get cluttered up with replies and become a confusing tangle of conversation (rather than a ready reference tool).

james this is exactly what I said in my initial response. It would have to be moderated closely and any " hi welcome" or hahahaha blah blah blah etc would have to be deleted so it was just a list of names with intruments, where from age etc etc, anything esle gets deleted.



(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Stevie Wonder?????? Number one????
away with ye!!!!!

I was shocked to see that!! and to be honest I have never heard of that album but I bet I would know a few songs of it!

Na, I just cannot accept that Stevie is number one. I would admit he maybe good enough to be in the top 20 but #1 ???? no way!!!

I would have thought along with dark side and the wall that pink floyd would have had wish you were here in the top ten but maybe my personal opinion on what should be is clouding what is reality.



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Dino  ( I moved this thread to here by the way, more apt here)

I have a friend that was in the same situation nearly.
He knew someone that lost their son due to death. The father of the son wanted to give my mate a guitar that was worth a lot of money, my mate didnt really want to take it but the guy said he knew it was going to a good home and knew it would be well looked after and sort of forced it onto him.

Sometimes money really does not matter to people wanting to give people things.
I have gave away stuff and never wanted money whether it be expensive or cheap.

But you could say you would rather give them something for it and if they still reject then get them a present, nothing too big, just something to say thanks.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I wouldnt say he is over rated Liven,
I would say though that there was a lot of hype around him, but as for his lyrics I would say he had a true tallent, as a musician....well.. he had to get our his face to perform most of the time as far as I am led to believe so not very good in that respect.

And I love that song



and heres another one since i was listening to them from my window as they played on the shores of loch lomond last night.

started with these four guys, got rid of the bass player replaced him with an idiot. then got rid of the singer and never replaced him and the guitarist thought he could do the job and failed, then the band broke up. The replacement bassist killed himself.
Then years on they got offered a lot of money per band member to reform with the original bassist for a one of gig that turned into a one of tour that turned into " we will play when the money si shown"

yes...... it is........


and they sounded in good form last night.


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

hi flatpicker,

I use a KYSER for just now. Had it for about 3 years and never had any bother with it.
Since it is a quick clamp style it goes on very easy and mostly first time, I never have to reposition it. It cost me £10.99 but I am sure you can get them cheaper now on the likes of That auction site on the net.
I have never had to but it looks like once the rubber has worn down it can be renewed.

BUT, when I am ready for a new one I am getting one like my mates, but I dont know what it is called. Reason for changing is I dont find the KYSER is really good for a 12 string guitar. The one my mate has is made of aluminium and gives a right good grip and is good on a 12 string too.

Some people have said that KYSERs give too strong a grip and can damage the neck of your guitar but I have never had any trouble nor have i any indents from it so I would disagree with them. And if there was that much bother with them, they would not be as popular as they are.



charlotte wrote:

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Look at the mess the USA and the UK are in at the moment, why?, too many rules, too many people tinkering and too many people pushing forward to a better way of life when in fact they are bringing us all to our knees.

Sorry for the rant but Chordie is and always has been a superb music site and I for one would like it left alone.


the usa and uk???? take a look at zimbabwie, afghanistan, iraq, china, south africa, in fact lets look at the world lol

like southpaw said, nothing is changing it is more or less what we moderate on. A few have asked for these and since probably every well run forum has got them we will too.
we can still all enjoy the site as much as we do just now.



(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Howard

I know some folk have got public songbooks here on chordie that are dedicated for christmas.

It is only August but the earlier you learn them the better they will sound in a few months time.


arkady wrote:

If we have a set of rules or guidelines like have been put forward to bring us inline with whats the done thing in other forums.
Then I think we should have another an "Introduced Yourself" channel under a separate title. Where new members if they liked could go to get start posting etc. The rules could be a Sticky at the top.
I think this  has brought up before and is whats is done in alot forums and works quite well.
Anyway just and idea.....


I like the idea of this too.
A problem I have seen in other forums is when people go in to introduce themselves people start saying welcome etc there, then it gets all mixed up.
It would be good to have just name, age, where yer from, work as, number of years playing, what you play, how you found out about chordie.
this is possible by the use of moderaters moderating it and taking out anything that is just chat.

this could be done anytime as long as folk dont get too annoyed if they say hello to someone then find their post has been taken out. So you could have  INTRODUCE YOURSELF thread and another SAY HELLO TO THE FORUM  thread.

good idea ark but this thread is about the proposed dos and donts that james has set out.
