(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ever nitice how many Les Pauls have headstock repairs. If a broken headstock can be fixed. I am sure your Taylor can. If it can, the battle scars can remind you to be more careful


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

bushy243 wrote:

   does anyone read their posts and correct before submitting or am I the only one that has a problem understanding the language used?
Most of the above posts are all gobbledegook to me.

All the best

fkjfgokjfgbkfgo  fkodfgkjfgkffkkl; vmgvmmbhkfkf ;lvkvkvbkkf ofopogfl fnhg ;d;flkv,bk vcdwsv

Are you shutting off the pickup system. Check if the little red light (if there is one) is on or off. There is usually a little on/off button where the controls are. You may want to make sure of that first. Or simply pull the battery out if you don`t use the electric system.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:

keep at it jjj!

I do, when I play by myself. I try when I am driving the company truck by myself. My voice is just too bad. Maybe it was too much Dewars and too many Winstons in the past. Plus a few other substances. I used to really "enjoy my recreation" in the 80s. Being in a band situation for awhile didn`t help with that


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

Why don't you sing?  That's how Phil Collins got his start with singing.  The band couldn't find anybody they liked and they had a show to do.  So Phil sang the show and because the new lead singer from behind the drums.  I still don't know how drummers and bassists can sing and play, but they do.

I have tried singing. I can sing and play at the same time except one thing. My voice sounds like a combination of nails on a chalkboard while stepping on a cats tail during a test of the emergency broadcast system. I have tried different types of music and the result is always the same.AAAAHHHHHHH


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tomorrow we have a new line up starting up. We had a bad case of LSD with the last one.( Lead singers disease) The last jam session was so tension filled, we couldn`t get anything accomplished. The same bassist and I are starting over again. Wish us luck.


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Bass strings- once around the shaft and through the hole on top of the winding. Treble strings- twice around the shaft  and through the hole on top of the winding. When you tune the string it will build up more on the shaft. Usually there is an extre 3-4 inches of string hanging off the pegs. Leave  a little over a quarter of an inch, then snip.

beamer wrote:

I honestly never thought about how a neck is shaped,  If it feels good, it works.  Nver quite got the V neck thing,,(outside of a sweater or T-shirt)  but most seem to be U shaped or flatter [  Depends on what style  I'm playing ,, and I dont play well enough to get to twisted over it big_smile

Same here. I never gave it any thought. If it feels good, play it.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

We just got a Maltese-Shitzu. Extremely playful, but not the smartest dog in the world. We had a Chow years ago. A very smart dog. Small dogs take some getting used to. We also have a cat from the shelter. Had it for 9 years. When we got it, the lady at the shelter told us that she was on death row and that was her last week at the shelter.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love Yamaha acoustics. I almost bought a yamaha 12 string at guitar center but they wouldn`t go down on the price. I said you probably paid 40.00 for it. Either way, if it is a yamaha. It is probably good. I have never been disappointed with a yamaha acoustic.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I print it. 3 hole punch it and put it in binders. 5 binders. 3 for A-Z.With those dividers that have the letters so I can get to them quick. One for complete albums and one for Beatles. Saves a lot on books.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I can sympathize. Up until 2003, we lived in an awful area. My wife always had ornaments stolen from her garden. Also her car broken into and the top sliced on mine. Even if it is vegetables, no one has a right to go on someones property and steal from them.


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bensonp wrote:

I'm glad you got that off your chest, Joey. smile feel better don't you?

Yes -Remember John Belushi telling a story on weekend update, then he would go nuts and start losing it. That was me


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

WALMART- need I say more


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

One more thing. Kids walking around with their underwear sticking out or a t-shirt so long it looks like a dress. With a t-shirt that long, no one can notice the underwear sticking out. I got so sick of my stepson dressing that way I said" you want your underwear to stick out, here, "then I gave him an atomic wedgie "now they stick out". One time I actually started laughing at some kid that tripped over his because they were so low.


(78 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Kids driving with the seat way back. I don`t know how many times I see these kids trying to pull themselves up so they can see over the steering wheel. It doesn`t look cool, it looks stupid. They usually have to drive really slow and are all over the road. It`s those times that I wish I had a rental car.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I may be there just to say Hi. My hearing is still bad and it still affects playing and timing.

I remember the 1968 special being shown in the 80s on HBO or one of those channels. It was great. The later Elvis almost seems like a caricature of himself. How many singers can you just say their first name and everyone knows who you mean without thought. There has to be a reason!!!


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good for you and congrats. Hope it all goes well


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It`s a risk I`ll take.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I`m hoping for the best. He is an icon


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I`m so sorry to hear the bad news. I`m awful with words in these matters. Best wishes for you.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I still cant figure out how to post pictures. On my facebook page  is the ad for the actual guitar I bought.  It fit like a glove. Didn`t need any time to get used to it. It was right from the first time I tried. My wonderful wife talked me into getting it. I think ill keep her. The wife too.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When I get my hearing back, I will play it more. Or at least show it off on skype.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After hitting on a lottery ticket last week, I paid some bills, did something nice for people that stuck with me when I was at my worst. Took my wife on a shopping spree at Macy`s. She and my friends told me to buy myself something nice. I went to guitar center to get a telecaster today. Then I tried 2 gretches, one solid and one hollow. Then I went to the acoustic room to look at martins. I also tried an ovation and a dobro. Also tried out this awful looking Gibson acoustic. It played and sounded sweet. Then I tried out a chinese telecaster. Long story short, I now have a 1959 gibson LG1. More guitar than I expected to get. My wife said that I will never get a chance to do this again, just do it. That`s what I ended up getting. The last thing I ever expected. Pictures soon.