(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi MArcalan

I am managing to reply within 12 hours lol

I dont have any problems printing out the songs either.

I think when I saw this problem before it was suggested to try printer settings but I am not exactly too sure what settings need set as I have never had any problems printing out any song. I always get the chord diagram.

Like James says, if you have no luck then ask again.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Glad to hear you still have your house edgefan.
And My appologies if I sounded like a thoughtles careless son of a tomato lol Im not really, I just got fed up hearing everything about this hurricane and america instead of other places it had visited.

But, my next question directly to you edgefan.

This area on the planet you live is well known for its hurricanes and tornados, why stay in such a place?
I know it would mean leaving friends, neighbours and even family but surely life comes first? Not just living life as in breathing and good health, but living in harmony without having to evacuate once a year, possibly more.

I think if I lived in such an area I would be moving north.
It might be easy for me to say as the worst weather we get is a few inch of snow or a downpour for an inch or so, the odd flood on the road.

As for these stormchasers. I kinda like this idea. I would love to do it but with someone that is sensible ( if there is ever such a thing as a sensible storm chaser). I love electrical storms and I am sometimes jealous that the best ones are in america.
Also tornados, I really would love to see a real big massive one ( with a very handy banker with storm proof door to jump in when it gets closer.)
But I never underestimate the weather and the force it has, this is what makes it so fascinating. it is pure nature power.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well, I am glad it was mpt as bad as they first thought it would be.
But I got to  say something here about this.

We in the UK get a lot, an awful lot of all the stuff that happens in the USA ( I would rather see more UK news instead but never mind about that, i got a point to make here)

Before the hurricane struck the coast the news and american news teams were going on about how bad it was going to be for the area etc, and maybe quite rightly so, BUT before they went on and on about people getting evacuated I tihnk the headline news should not have been focussing on America and what if it goes this way, what if it doesnt calm down etc. The news kept saying how it had passed through the carribean and heading for the south coast.
Well why did they not report about the destruction and death it caused in the carribean? I heard late last night a little bit about it but went back onto how bad it could have been.

I do not understand why we in the UK are so focused on america. I would rather have heard the news about this hurricane as it went. We should have heard about the carribean getting ripped up before we heard anything about how america are going to cope.
then when it actually hit america then we should have heard how it was. We had days of the big run up all about new orleans.
I just think the news is very wrong sometimes.

But like I said, I am glad it was not as bad as they thought and I only really feel sorry for the folk in the carribean at this time. Some died in New orleans I think, but they had the chance to leave. And I also heard that 4 people that died, died when a tree fell on top of their car??????? WHAT? driving in a hurricane??????? MAD!!!!!!!

This is a crazy mixed up world that should sit down and think about what should be reported. All events in america or the more important life taking events that happened yet failed to be reported until 24 hours later.

Ok, I got to stop here, my wife says it sounds like I am typing a book.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

there are far too many to mention never mind remember to mention but

Bruce dickinson from iron Maiden.  The notes this guy gets is unbelievable, tremendious and sheer excellent. From very low to a screaming singing high notes.

Elvis' voice will always be up there near the top.

Noddy Holder of Slade, rough gruff voice but always in key.

Steve Tyler, Aerosmith

Brian Johnston,, acdc...who can sing like this for a full world tour and still be able to talk after it?

Too many more



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I would imagine it would be Metallica.


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi Blue

click on the link and it will answer your question




(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I love this wee tune by randy.
It is on Blizzard of OZ.

He was very young when he died. he was yet another that died on an aeroplane. I tihnk it was one of those small ones?

There is a documentary on Randy somewhereand I am sure either his mum or Ozzy talks about this song. It was years ago I was this either on tv or a dvd.

Sorry I cany help anymore but there is something somewhere.



(2 replies, posted in Song requests)


welcome to chordie.

I dont know the song you are looking for, but i dont a google on it and never got any chords, only lyrics.

p.s. I moved this topic into this more apt section.

me and my great...or not so great memory,
her name isnt amy anything at all
Her name is Emma Curran, and she is not even a nurse yet , she is studying to be one, she is a student nurse.

Or is for the time being



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ahh well,
no matter who he was or what he done, now i know why folk were mentioning his name. makes a bit more sense now.

still, a great song it is.




(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

very nice song ,
I looked it up on youtube but  i will not give a link as most people are going on about how great bobby sands was.
What has this song got to do with a modern day terrorist?
I saw this song as being an old song when they got shipped off to australia, before 1916. Maybe I am being naive about this song?

I could have a right good rant about this but i wont.

A good song spoiled by a few.


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and on the subject of police officers.

they were driving down the motorway along side a car. they see an old woman knitting as she is driving.
The police put their lights on and shout to her " PULL OVER" 
" NO" she replies, " it is a scarf"


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

For anyone that likes a good irish song as well as playing along with it.

I think I found a site or maybe i got it from a link from here earlier in the week?

Anyway, this one Kilkelly Ireland is a cracking song. I have been doing it for a few years now.

and not just this, there are loads of others too.




(21 replies, posted in Recording)

not much else to say.lol

Well done Russell I am sure ye wil be a great moderator for here.

Once I get back into doing my recordings i might be in for loads of advice.


Nope Alan, I got it wrong. I did mean from Glasgow because I was told this and never had any reason to not believe it so I stand corrected.
Still, they got her up on stage after reading her banner thing.




as far as I am led to believe through documentaries ( if i listened properly ,lol) The Who's " wont get fooled again" was the first single to be over 10 minutes that entered the charts.

It might be wrong or maybe fisr to enter the british charts? I dont knw,
but  that song is over 10 minutes.

Also not a single but pink floyd's " echoes" Not too sure exactly how long but it was one side of the album medal lasts for 23 minutes

thats quiet interesting, In the Uk we only have the police, no matter what county or country you are in they will arrest you anywhere.
Too much of their time is spent in towns and cities I think.
it would be good to have sheriffs everywhere.
Maybe the UK just isnt big enough to support this


My wife just got back in from work after a night shift, she told me a story of another nurse that was going to L.A. At first my wife thought it was a story of another nurse taking time out and travelling abroad until she heard the full story. I will not repeat everything as it would take too long but.....
This Girl called Amy ( canny remember her surname) that is a nurse was in Ireland watching "snow patrol" a band that come from Scotland. She was waving a banner saying " I belong to Glasgow" or something along those lines. The band on stage noticed this and invited her up to sing a song with them....god eh???? but it gets better...
People associated with the band ( be it the band themselves or manager) were so impressed with her singing they created a band for her. She also has a friend that played the guitar in on this too.
They have played with snow patrol a couple of times for support and now she is off to L.A to make her first album.

All this from waving a bit of material to say where you come from..... I think this is amazing!! It just goes to show you dont actually have to do anything as her guitarist friend didnt. All you need is a friend with a good voice to get up on stage with a famous group and then get asked by your friend to join them.

So If she makes it big or has a few hits and reveals her story on an interview then ye can switch off and say you already know,lol.

I dont think there is a name for the band, I think it is under her name.

Any more stories of success any knows from being unknown to getting noticed?
Please no X factor stories or pop idol. lol



(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol  lol  lol    lol       
I agree!!!:lol:                   
lol                                                        lol
I love the one liners,



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Was the rumour started after Paul was in a car crash? or the rumour was he was in a car crash and died?
Whatever the rumour I dont think he ever did die as his face would be hard to replace back then. Nowadays they could recreate his face on someone else wit hthe same bone structure probably.

He is still alive, same guy


Hi Ian,

Iam afraid that no one will be able to tab this out on chordie for you but perhaps they could tab it and email you it. Or they could tab it and add it to another guitar site then add it to chordie.

all the songs in chordie come from another source and it is not permitted to allow tabs to be posted directly onto chordie unless it is the artists own work.

good luck with your request.



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Elansar

Welcome to chordie,

I have tried adding songs to my song books and they all work so I might not be able to help you.

When you are on a song all you have to do is click on "ADD SONG" and then it should add it to your book.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good luck headcase



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

very very sad Lena, dont even know the girl and I feel like a tear. I hate hearing things like this but good advice and advice that should be shared if it helps people, especially kids.



(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A guy is in the pub talking to his mate saying how he is sick of his wife and wants rid of her.
His mate says he knows a guy that will kill her for £1.
WOW, the guy says, ok I would like to meet him.
So, next day he meets the guy that will kill his wife for £1, his name is Arty.
HI, I'm Arty and I will kill yer wife for £1, where is she?
The guy points into the supermarket window and said " see that woman wit hthe blonde hair?"

Arty makes a mad dash into the shop and strangles her to death the ngoes back out.
The guy said " no, i was going to say " see that woman wit hthe blonde hair? well it is the woman sitting next to her".

So Arty enters the shop again and goes directly to the woman sitting next to the dead blonde headed woman. He goe sup and strangles her to death and goes back outside and collects his £1 from the guy.

Next day in the newspapers the headlines