(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Hi to all,

I know i haven't been here for a while, Yes ! I have missed you all. But other things in life have my priorities for the moment.  Marcalan sent me  this sentence last week," El Camino De La Rosa" to inspire or kick start me into writing again. It conjured up all kinds of images in my head. It also immediately took my mind to Finisterre, North west of Spain, Santiago. I'm lucky enough to have a friend living there. its a wonderful place to visit..

Camino, in Spanish means , Path , way , lane , road,  rough terrain. Rosa can mean red or Rose, So this is what my ole head composed.

Thank You" Marcalan  for your abiding belief and love for me.

El Camino De La Rosa.

El Camino De la Rosa, conjures pictures in my head
Like, Cleopatra laying rose petals, For, Mark Anthony to tread
was she wise? Or, just in love? for a man she sought to claim
did the petals mask lifes rocks,?  his heart and feet to maim.

Or, James De Compostela, the way, the path of life
encountering life heartaches, mysteries intertwined with strife
Did his journeys count the paths ?, every phase in life to take?
like rose petals bound up tight, scented memories in his wake.

El Camino De la Rosa, must be our finest hour
as we stumble through each day, clutching life with daily prayer
will the promises we make,  mistakes also to  atone
with conviction, total honesty, inscripted like “Rosetta's Stone� .

Will the conflicts or defects, from the rocks around our feet
bring lessons to our lives, with the richness we all seek.
Will each day renew lifes passion ? As mankind  holds onto  life
May “El Camino De la Rosa, pave the way, signpost your life..


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Love this one Phill,

The horses breath was on my neck as i read it, so descriptive is this piece.

Ethereal feeling to it. soooo good.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi jaredDutka,

What a wonderful insight,  also obsversation you have to such a difficult problem.

very well written,  Very well done.

Thank You ! for sharing.

My advice always is " get high on Life.

Old Doll.


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi badeye,

Yes i also love gardening. Its mainly flowers and shrubs now. I do grow lots of herbs . Strawberries in hanging baskets.
Also salad baskets. http://images.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=h … tgeF3oziDw
I was recently sent the link by Marcalan for the hanging toms ideas. thats my next task.  Such a good idea.
I envy you all the good weather to grow such lovely stuff. The rains here the last few years ruined all. So the farmers market is usually my call. There set up seems to cope with the weather.
I use all kinds of ideas for my garden. Heres links to some ive used.
http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink
This is a link to one of my tropical plants. I brought indoors last year to treat it.  I felt so sorry for it not having sunshine !
The weather was atrocious lol i won a prize with this madness. some gardening gifts, and a week in the home for the bewildered lol

http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink
I have quite a big wood arbor, which is great to use. I usually hang quite a lot of  baskets  on there. Its also very pretty to look at
when everything blooms.

Hope your day blooms for you and yours Segosha.
Im away now to the beautiful mountains of Mourne for the weekend. Yipee.
Dont ya just love life. ?  Sunshine, music, and scenery to enjoy my journey.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I run a scan most days. I also did read the link here.

It dont scan Vista lol

Ooooohh im so scared, ill just pop off to bed now.

Start worrying tomorrow  about  worms and  other  foreign things.

Southpaw ! One of my friends sent me a link a while back..  It had a lot of porn images on there. although it was supposedly a
meeting place for people.
So being a woman of the world   lol  one who has seen it all,  i wasnt very impressed. I declined to join.

Some days later, i was sending Pictures to my sister through Picasa. In the middle of my personal photographs were all these porn images from this site.  to be honest id probably only spent about 15 minutes in all browseing the site. I had to call the cavalry in  [ My sons ] to sort it. Some explaining i had there i tell you, while they  nudge nudged / winked winked laughing there heads off at the  there Ma.

Oiche Mhait. [ Good Night ]


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am fanatical about turnning off switches. I do have energy savers where possible.

I recycle , reuse, or gift what i dont need. if i cook to much food , then a neighbour who has lots of children benifits.

I have a composter, use egg shells to deter slugs, dont drive a 4 wheel drive to the local shops. But I do spend a lot of time on this PC writing .

Am i just fooling myself then ? . Does anyone know what a PC uses electricity wise ?

I personally would like to see the big Food chains  contribute more ecologically. We dont need our food in layers and layers of wrapping.

Give me the farmers markets any ole day of the week.

Every  hour of every day should be the Focus. . i guess we have to start somewhere though.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you as always  for taking the time to read.

Much appreciated.

Old Doll.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Selso,

It was windy and freezing cold when i left Dublin  early yesterday morning. I arrived  2 hours later to the Mountains of Mourne.
Sunshine and much warmer temperatures. We can get all the seasons in one day here.  But its Brrrrrrr, tonight again.

Roll on summer.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The golfers expressions are soooooooooo good.

Teehee.  Love it.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is a lovely piece Alansheeran,

The simplicity of love me for who i am [ as the message is cleverly done ]

Looking forward to hearing this song recorded.

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely Tribute Shónagh to your Mam.

Your Mam it appears did a fine job with you. Its reflected here in your lyrics.

Id love to hear the melody to this song, do you record your songs at all ?

Good Luck to you in all you wish to achieve.

Old Doll.

Ps, Alan Sheeran, Control / Alt pressed at the same time. Then whatever letter you wish to Fáda. á é í ó ú.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Hi ,
Im aware in this day and age, some do use the media very skillfully to there own advantage. I do feel others are mauled and manipulated by the same media.  I wrote this piece after seeing a news report about Amy Winehouse last year, whom i  do believe to be a great artist if left alone. I was aslo sickened to find a web site asking people to predict her demise.
Thank You" as always for reading.

Blood hounds. Helena Donovan

Television, stage a queen,
  Act your art, or live to sing
full of life, youth so keen
The blood hounds  start to glean.

Worked like puppets in a world
of flashing bulbs,  mob control
Digitalized your very soul
release!  the hounds  are keen.

Glare of light,  blinds  caress ,
Silently clicked , your processed
tossed into the media ring
A hound,  earns his rosette.

  Pressures in the making
Of a star in modern times
Drink! or drugs, a boozy scene
The howling blood hounds scene.

Territory all marked out
scent of dogs, or barkless louts,
your Photographed  in every way
your cries excites,  blood hounds pay.

Stalk you like a pound of  flesh
push you to the brink of death,
camera lens inside your eyes
your now a blood hound prize

Predicted death, obscene site
when will they ever see your plight
so full of fear, are we to blame?
  prize an ipod, download shame.

Hunt you till you are no more
Negatives scattered on a floor
No money gains you’re spent and done
Your paparazzi hound sniffs  on.

Old Doll.

Lovely wee piece Docs.

Your english is marvelous now. Its so improved over the years.

Pain free days and nights to you Sir.

Old Doll.


(24 replies, posted in Songwriting)

It appears i owe you an Apology Jerome.

In all my years of living, writing, researching, Ive never known the W word in anyway other
way. Its always been sexually descriptive to me.   Noodling  ! yes ! I'd have known.
So, while some words get lost in translation. I hope my sincere apology  to you does not.

I apologise for misunderstanding your terminology.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

I love this poem/ Song.

I’m on the outside looking in.
I must be myself.
No good to be someone,
For somebody else.
I’ll try in my lifetime to be true and kind.
Walking through the forest,
Hopeful and blind".

Yes ! i agree its scary to stand outside yourself and reflect.

This piece is so beautifully crafted Snowden300.

Thank You.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Hi Phill,

You know when i read poems like this and daddycools, i so wish i could smell the air
that accompanies these images. I for one remember " Dylans Farm " where i lived,
there was always a scent of Lilac, Apple blossom, in season and turf fire in the air.

Lovely Poem Phill.

Thank You"

Old Doll.


(24 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good Song Jerome.

I believe all our Karmas clocks are ticking. We all have a limited time of existance .

I also believe you could have restrained from explaining so graphically why you didnt finish this piece
last night !. As were ofton told here, there are younger members here on chordie. I'm surprised  that you in particular
overlooked this fact Sir.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is lovely Daddycool,

I love old villages and pubs. Ive googled this "Parwich Village. Some great history there,
This also reminds me of when i sat  in Liverpool, where "Penny lane" was written. It has that descriptive imagery to it.

Thank You"

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Your a wee pet. Thank You" I take it this is for moí ?. Emerald / Old doll  ? It has to be Moí lol

Im flattered Sir. Lovely song to add to my other tributes. Gosh, ill be getting a big ole head.

Warm Hugs of appreciation to you.

Old Doll. xx

Id love to hear the melody ?.  Wink . lol.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Ark,

I dont consider myself to be a great swimmer but, i love to float on my back for hours and watch blue skys
In sunshine. Your lovely piece of music here would be the icing on the cake.

ThanK You ".

When you get the time, send it my way please.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Wilbaye!What are ya like ? lol

Its your wee girl.

Sappy ? Rough neck ? There was no one more rougher then "Blaze Foley" from what i know. His songs always  make me feel emotional . Such a sensitive writer.

Men singing quiet love songs is emotional and sexy. Who cares about sappy.  Your girl was concieved with pure love, nothing better sir. John legend" Sang "It dont have to change"

Thanks for reminding me of "Cant you see." its  also a great song.
Im also singing this song which was written for women, but to me its signifies everything we wish for our kids.


Go for it Wilbaye, surprise them all.

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Poems)

Phil ?

How could you ? thoses lovely wee bunnies. My old Aunt always cooked rabbit stew. I used to cry rather then eat it.
I always had the  happy Easter bunny image in my head. lol

As this tread is about animals. heres one i did post a long time ago now.  Its my obsversation of some wood  wasps  in the roof of my garage. There fascinating to watch.


I watch you work intensively.
But you are unaware of me,
I sit and watch with passing time
While you hone your skills and fine design.

You hover as you work midair
Buillding up your woody lair,
No rushing in your world it seems
A splendid palace for your Queen.

You Social creature with wings and legs
Making chambers for all her eggs,
By chewing wood into a pulp
Your Paper Tower will be a Trump!.

No Wall Street money needed here
No Instructions for your second floor,
No victims here of past, just " Present"
Exquisitively useing your intelligence.

We have lost, what you dont ponder
Your desire for the world and all its wonder,
Your home will always be the same
A beautiful Paper Pulp Domain..

Have a happy day chordies.

Old Doll.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice song Jeff,

Every mornings a good un,  once you can swing the legs out of the bed  to Rise and face a new adventure
called " Day". I dont think were ever thankful enough for this gift.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good question Jerome !

I have asked some of the loyal rugby followers here . WHA ? was the answer !  Ah, will ya goway, and stop annoin us, we won it didnt we ? who cares! now away wit ya, and let us enjoy our boozy hazy  glorious  grand slam hangovers.

have i the answer ? No lol

But to quote " Huw Richards" It is no fluke, then, that the term 'Grand Slam' was coined in 1957 to greet England's all-four of that year. Since then only 12 of the 27 teams who have won the Triple Crown - and none of the five Irish XVs - have been capable of turning the Crown into a Slam".

[ Teehee . He needs to change that piece fast.]

Grand Slam" is a bridge term for winning all of the tricks in a hand. It come into sport first through Golf to honour the achievement of Bobby Jones in winning all of the then four golf majors in one season i.e The Open and Amateur championships and their US equivalents. It was then adopted by other sports including Tennis and it would seem Baseball for similar achievements.

Ps. Jerome ! How can your baseball  team win  a "World Series " ? when its only held in the USA ?.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yes!  what a feeling to be sitting anywhere when that ball hit home.
i near jumped my drawers with delight.

Ive seen those carvings Alvee.

I actually had a watermelon carved for my sister for her 50th birthday in the shapes of roses. they are amazing  to see, but need constant refridgeration to last.

Flowers do last longer.

Support a florist [ Moí ] lol

Old Doll.