(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

As far as I know from books, Wright himself decided he was not going to be in the band for the final cut because of Rager waters attitude, Watrers wanted everything his way which annoyed the rest of the band apart from Nick Mason. But Wright feklt so strong about it he never joined in. He returned with Gilmour and Mason because he knew Roger was not involved.
Wright remained a very good friend of Gilmour throughout, he also plays on Gilmours latest album " On an Island"


blood pudding????
ye mean black pudding!!!!1

just because it is made from pigs blood,suet and rusk and spices it is still called Black pudding.

Ye wouldnt call haggis a "lambs heart,rusk,suet,spices,liver pudding"  would you? hmmmm maybe you would lol

Anyway, if ye get a good black pudding it is very tasty but some are really bad and very bland.

I hate celery, so much I dont think I have even spelt it properly


why should his private life be up for discussion?
Would anyone here like folk to bad mouth them when they do not not them?

Does anyone persoanlly know Michael jackson to properly comment on him and how whacko he is or isnt?
Are people just commenting from the stuff they have read or seen from the media? which could be all propaganda, even though it might not be.

My thoughts on him is he made some great songs in the past, even though I would never go out and buy them or even play them, but I respect what he has done for the muic scene in his own rights,
He is or was and maybe still is a good dancer I tihnk, not that I am an expert at how good a person is at dancing.

I think when he dangled the wean from the balcony was wrong but a hundred thousand fathers do a lot worse to their kids yet nothing is heard from them
Just because someone is famous does not give us the right to slag them off.

just my thoughts.

But see his sister....Latoya, she is gorgeous but that other one Janet, she is a right proper weirdo lol lol

I heard this at about 1:30 am while sleeping, I got a text to tell me, very sad!
He added that certain sound to floyd with his keyboards.



(31 replies, posted in About Chordie)

good luck Russell.




(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Emmys

As said, welcome to Chordie.
I am sure you will find the site very helpful through the forum and with the songs. Or ye can have a bit of banter in the chat section.



I got this sent to me in my work. I was expecting to see someone get eaten and ready for a laugh.
I emailed back the person that sent me it say I was disapointed in the result,lol.




(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Rush are a internationally very very succesful band. I would think they would sell out in any country and venue they play in.

they have done a few world tours and I bet every place was sold out.

you have asked this before I am sure???

These names you mention have been about for ages and you can look at them and see what they have done. bands today will have to wait longer to see what they have achievec, so ye might have to wait 30 more years to answer this question.

But from the 90's and still going strong you have oasis, greenday, and a few more but I dont listen to much modern day stuff so I cannot continue with that list ,:lol:

also, the music scene is completely different in sound and the way it is run so you may never get anymore bands like stones, elton john, ac dc, clapton.


I would say yer right Phil.

Lieven some make it and some dont is purely down to what P.R. and airplay they get.
Record companies mostly dictate who is and who isnt cool. Same as the image etc, it is not the band so much as it is their gurus telling them what to wear, what to say when to say it, where to say it.

But with more use of the internet abnds if lucky enough can make it on their own.

A few that I know of that have used the internet in a big way to get started are Sandi Thom, she started doing live gigs from her house and broadcasting it live on the web, she got such a huge amount of hits that record companies started taking notice of her, then bought her over,lol.

Arctic monkeys released all their material for people to share before their very successful debut album was released.

David Bowie I think it was, was the first person to release a song on the internet, couldnt get it anywhere else meaning the record company had less of a say.

Radiohead decided to release an album recently on the web and let folk decide how much they wanted to pay for it. tom York the singer, paid 1 pence for it.

there will be a lot more but not enough. But if you get too much and the record companies get left out then i think it would be harder to find really good bands that will pull in thousands of fans for a gig in one area.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I wouldnt say it is all for angry people.

I dont really like rap but I do like...very much like quite a bit of eminem stuff.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you for your honest reply and sorry it had to come off. I thought it was fantastic lyrics.

You can only post things like that on chordie that is your own work. This will save any potential arguments etc from the artist should they or a record company ever see it on chordie.

The other songs on chordie are hosted on different sites, this is why we can have other artists songs. But nothing get posted directly onto chordie.




(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

is this your own song?

if not it will have to go I am afraid. And if it is then well done and please share the rest in Songwriters section.

Also, sorry I have to say this but if there is no reply to if this is your own song or not I qwill have to assume it is not and have it deleted/edited.



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Is this an actual music/guitar question or just a simple why are people so religious?


I am sure through google it will answer all religious questions. or the very many religious sites that are online. I thought and I know this is a music site.

This is not even a question just on music in a church which would not be as bad, but then we have went through quite a few threads on music in church.

im not hurt by the original questions, i am just sick of seeing them, same old questions arising on a music site

just my point of view



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I saw this on the news.
But I am sure the oasis brothers will fogive the guy and know it was all to do wit halcohol since they use that excuse a lot when fighting, punching air stewards, camera men, and generally anyone that looks at them wrong and that is even when they are sober.
So they cannot complain too much, the guy probably thought he was doing it as a fan should react with the example oasis have set to their fans over the years.

Give the guy a free ticket for the next gig lol lol

I bet noel is still sore



(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

SouthPaw41L wrote:
badeye wrote:

food : The entire buffett at the Prince George Hotel {daily}


Dang! wished I'd a  thought of that one..........Good job Badeye;.)

it is meant to be one food not a selection,lol. I was going to pick mince and tatties but thats two.
And Lena's berries and nuts is two
so ye will all have to think again.

ONE food.




(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Food: a live cow ( cut it up daily and make alsorts with it)

Medicine: whisky and honey  ( makes a hot toddy, best cure for anything)

Music: Pink Floyd's The Wall

A few months? I could live on this for at least a year. lol


I used to tune my wife's violin all the time before she decided to give it a go herslef. She manages fine now.

They are quite tricky to tune because of the tuning pegs. They should make them like guitar tuning pegs, no idea why they dont but I am sure there will be a good reason.
OK, The way I do it.
When I tighten the string up to roughly what it should be by the use of a tuner, one that tunes through vobrations I then push the peg in by pushing and twisting to keep it in place. The you use the fine tune adjust at the other end. Sometimes it gets very annoying when the fine tune is already as tight or as loose as it can go and you have to then readjust the main tuning peg after adjusting the fine tuning part.

She has an electric violin as well as an acoustic and this has no fine tuning on it and is near impossible to tune and keep it in tune, so we dont use that. I should sell it on some auction site that I got it off.

As for the strings, it is just tuned the same way as a mandolin ( violinists usually make pretty good mandolin players from what i have seen)
From the top ( thickest) to the bottom ( thinnest)  it is as james says it is.

Make sure you have plenty of resin on your bow too or it will just screech along the strings or worse it will slide over and not make much noise at all.

Good luck, I gave up trying this instrument after 15 minutes



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi trip,
and welcome to chordie

Roger has already told you what you can do here for Uke chords.

Here is another UKE site though


but chordie is better ,lol. More songs !!


Anyone know how to do a smiley for totally confused?


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

As said we al lgo through this phase I think.

One of my mates goes through this a lot. He cannot pick his guitar up because he has no inspiration,no motivation to do so.
I sometimes get this way but not often but when I do I organise a wee jam night in the house with my mate, my wife that plays fiddle and mandolin ( and now learning the flute) and my father in law that plays guitar,mandolin,banjo, violin, banjola.
So if I organise this, it makes it worth while to practice a bit first.

But now that I have just typed the word "Mandolin" twice, and I mentioned it yesterday in the "other instruments" section. I just realised I am going through a " no inspiring motavation phase with this instrument. And I never play it in a jamming session, so how do I find the motavation to play this again? And also my Uke, not played that for a month or two properly.

I need help too lol



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

honky tonk woman

hair of the dog


(87 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi lindamon and welcome to chordie.

The blue grass way you talk about ( if it is the same i am thinking of) is very very useful to know and it is not just for blue grass music. All you need to know is three shapes for your fingers to go in, find the key of the song and you can just about jam along wit hanything at all.
My father in law uses these three shapes all the time.
I am, or was trying to master it. I think I have forgotten the three shapes and I have not played the mandolin for a few months now.
I think I will pick it up tonight again and have a bash at trying to remember and master these three shapes.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

great thread!!!

Glen Matlock, bass player of the sex pistols got chucked out to make way for the idiot (Syd Vicious) that could not even play a bass guitar.
But now he is back with them as they get paid huge amounts of money to show people how a punk rocker looks and sounds in their 50's. ( and I got to say, very very good, better than first time round)

Tracey Guns guitarist from Guns ' n' Roses. He left the band before they hit it big as he did not think that a certain tour was going to be good for the band or some other argument. So he got replaced with Slash. Tracey went on to form L.A Guns and had a few albums but never got as big as Guns'n'roses.
