(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Hahahahahahaha ahh lord, Danny la Rue ?

I never knew he passed away.  He always had a better figure on him then me. He once said " He only had to whistle
for his  [whats  its ] to disappear lol
Will some one start a whistleing class here, i could do with losing some LBS.

Funny Poem stransongs.


Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I so loved that video.

Not to mention the vast range of  colourful instruments. Give the silver haired daddy a warm hug from Old Doll.
He is definitely one man id like to share an evening with.

Thank You" for posting Sir.


Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

That day is etched in my mind like J F Kennedys death.

Sal and i had just left our business premises to go to the airport social club for lunch. It was a glorious sunny day i remember.
There were people everwhere looking in shop windows at TV displays.  We were trying to figure out from my car what this fuss was about .We had not heard a thing. We were a holistic business so no radio or televisions on the premises..
I remember being rooted to the spot on hearing what had happened. Time was in slow motion as thoses planes did there damage  it seemed over and over, as the news looped the same  awful image over and over.

Fear filled my soul as i tried to make contact with family and friends who worked in the banking world there. One young nephew was in flight at that time back to the Emerald. It was one long waiting gane. He came home safe. iIwish i could say the same for so many more that day.

That deed held nothing positive. Other then it killed so many innocent people, left minds and hearts destroyed for ever.

May the innocent rest in peace.

Thank you" Buvvy for posting.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank You"

as always for your comments. There always appreciated.

I am trying to plough my way out of a mode ive been in for a while now.
I dont like being an ole grim reaper, but writing about  how i feel  has always helped me redirect.

Blessings and love to you all.

Old Doll.


(43 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Fáilte Kapa,

2 windows opened here, one to listen, one to read the lyrics.  Wow,  you" krazy Canuk" this is fantastic .

It has a great story line as well as a really evocative recording. Its sooooooooooooo good.

Wish i got writers block like you do lol So very well done, Take a bow, a well earned one.

Great work Sir, Thank you for the pleasure recieved while listening to it.

Keep well health wise, and keep writing.

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Failte Arkady,

On a warm sunny day here on the Emerald i was soaring on thermals in my mind listening to Condor.

Its Beautiful Ark.  You might send  me  the new ones when you can. I'd like to add them to your other recordings. Im away for the weekend to this place.

http://www.ballycotton.com/leisure_walking.htm . For a much needed break. My sis has a summer house here. She is also home
at the moment. so the menu is,  Fresh fish , fresh air, and a wee bacardi or 2  lol

I also will be going back for a week soon with a meditation group, so it would be nice to use your music for this break also.
I know i have your permission already to do so, so Thank You. Ark.

Blessings to you and yours.

Old Doll.


(105 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I love this dish.  I usually make the sauce in the morning and refigerate it . In the evening the tagliatelle only takes about
6 mins to cook. Strain but dont rince the pasta. As the sauce clings better to the tagliatelle.

Butter in pan and melt. Add red chopped onion, small sweet orange peppers chopped, shitake and ordinary mushrooms.
some finely chopped chicken breast, [ or fresh prawns ] fresh parsley  finely chopped.  seasonings. plus one good dollop of red or green pesto.  Then i add half cream , and half creme fraiche .

Less calories to keep my size 10 figure] :lol:lol:  Sure you'd leave home for this dish.

Heat the sauce while the pasta cooking in the evening, you  will have dinner in no time on the table..

Its only delish.  Garlic crusty bread is also yummy  with this dish.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Just a wee piece i wrote recently . Observing  nature , also adding my own feelings at that time.

No Resistance.

Trees bend and sway with elegant ease
caresses accepted, there lover the breeze.
No resistance to life, belief to the end
new growth, new seasons ,will come round again

Your lover, the breeze  blows on my neck
i shiver, resisting the urgeing he makes
“Bring on the change"  his whispers to me
Im scared , im human, im not like a tree.

The changes are coming, wind gives instruction
the losing of leaves , its life in construction
Your trees will bear fruit, continue to reign
Gently blow round me , new growth brings me pain.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Aah, Thank you daddycool,

I got your email. How kind of you to write such nice lyrics for me.

I have missed so many post here in the last months, i doubt ill ever catch up.  I actually did read some stuff here
at times without signing in. Just didnt have the energy to reply. But always enjoy the postings.
Yes your right , music is a salve for my heart and mind always. These guys are my new kids on the block.[ So to speak]
I just love them and there music.

http://www.youtube.com/user/theavettbro … lSZzKcoFp0

Warm Hugs to you  and yours sir.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi There,

Have you tried this link ? Theres lots of Kierans Stuff here.


Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank You" Marcalan,

This is a beautiful piece reflecting just how life is for some. I have seen to much of death in the last 5 years.
Some have left wounds so deep they wont grow scar tissue. I accept, grieve, cry a lot, write a lot, about missing them always.
I have no doubts we will meet again. Its the physical aspect of not seeing or hugging them i will always miss the most.

Its the circle of life.

Thank You" and everyone here on chordie for all your support to me while Declan ,my lovely brother was living his last days
with us.
They were sad, painful,  revealing, but most of all loving. I shared wonderful days and nights with him. His brown eyes said so much to me when his voice was silent. We wrote a lot together. played Luke kelly songs, his favourite singer. Joe Hill" was the last song our Dad taught us before he passed. He [ our Da, taught us all our history in song ] We were so blessed with the parents we had.

400 people sang "Joe Hill" as Declans remains were interred. It was both emotional and wonderful.

I now have the  task of recording Declans diaries for his sons..

Blessings on you all in abundance.

Old Doll



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Marcalan

At one stage i wondered was it "Marc Knopler ? after this thought, i'll  just enjoy the guy. He is FANTASTIC" WHO EVER HE IS.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yes! i know the feeling kapa,

We to had our summer early. But we did have more sunshine this year  weather wise. We also had the tail end of Hurricane Bill last night. He wasn't the quietest visitor ive entertained. kept me awake most of the night.

Some Mojitos, help prolong the summery feeling  also. lol


Hope your well sir ? Thank you" for your emails also.

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Guitarpix wrote:

In 1587 on Roanoke Island North Carolina over 100 people vanished within the 3 years it took for the others to return to their homeland for additional supplies... They were among the first settlers of America and their disappearance has always baffled scholars. The word "Croatoan" was the only clue found as it was carved into a nearby tree... http://www.coastalguide.com/packet/lost … atan.shtml

Thank You"  for this link Guitarpix, I read all earlier today, i never heard or  read of this before. Fascinating stuff.

Old Doll


clever work.

[The real Bush-isms]

This always makes me bust my gut laughing.


Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Daddycool, Buzz buzz,

I bought some wasp and bee glass catchers. There brilliant. Put some honey or jam around the hole at the bottom of same
for sweet contents they enter and stay there.
I then release them at the end of day when im finished in the garden. There happy and so am i.

Most garden centres stock them.

http://www.collectionsetc.com/Item49252 … 8165049252

Good writing about one of my favourite subject.s "Nature"

Old Doll


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

"Arre, me heartie daddycool,

Ya never lost it sir. That's some swashbuckleing song ya have there !

God be with the days when i could learn songs like this to sing at parties.  Hooleys are a place suitable for anchoring
a song like this lol

Well done to you.

Old Doll


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Mekidsmom,

Do yourself the biggest favour and cut your nails short, short. Vanity stopped me also cutting mine for to many years.

Nature gave me the most beautiful nails.  I was surrounded by the best guitar players in my time, i also
loved the guitar, but wouldn't cut the darn nails to learn properly. I left it far to late much to my regret. Believe me short nails is needed to get the best sound  from your new baby. In this day and age we have sticky nails for functions and Glam if needs be. I also only cut my left hand nails, I keep the right hand  long for picking.

Good Luck

Lifes to short to be to be putting holes in doughnuts or worrying about nails. lol


Old Doll.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank You "all for your support to me over the last few months.

It has been inspiring and comforting to hear from you all. Its also greatly appreciated by me personally.

My lovely brother passed peacefully from our clan today at 12/ 50 am, just 53 years old.

He will be greatly missed by his 2 sons and all our extended clan..

Dia Linn, [ God to you all }

Old Doll



(5 replies, posted in Poems)

A wee Gem Phil.

as always.

Old Doll.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I never heard of  a "God Shaped hole" But i enjoyed the work.

Thank you "

Old Doll.

Lovely piece Sir.

It has tones of the Om sound running through it . Loved it!  Plus the others you have there also.

Old doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Ah i love this Strans.

Ive seen my neices and nephews going from super duper valeted cars to,
the same cars looking like  mini creches. Baby bottles , nappies and the remains of waffle cones.

Good writing Sir.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Poems)

Hello Elizebeth,

I once also lived a fairytale life. Like all fairy tales they are just that ! Not the real world.
Love can not only break your heart , but your Jaw also !  This is not love !  May i suggest you read this piece as
ive done for many years. The more  times you read it , the more you will understand  daily life.

You  Elizebeth,  and your words are "MORE POWERFUL" then any relationship you will encounter.  Use them wisely.


I wish you real love in abundance.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank You Kindly"

For your comments, they are accepted graciously.

  Love in abundance is wished for you both.

Old Doll.  lol