(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The Jura folk festival was maybe perhaps the best yet.
I never got as drunk as I thought I would though, but that didnt matter as I had a fantastic time. I even had an audience of about 126 folk on Sunday night in the pub.
yes, I had a few beers before that as I wasnt meant to be on there but got sort of forced into it, but i loved it and I think I will have my own slot next year for 15 -20 songs.

Weather was not bad, a bit showery on the Sunday.
Kids loved it, they were on best behaviour as they want to go every year now.

Car broke down 1 minute before boarding the ferry to come home so got home a bit later than expected. I got it started again as I watch my ferry sail off from the pier. typical!!! that will teach me to leave the radio , lights, fans on with out the engine running for a few hours , lmao.

I took a few pics and will find a song to put them to and post them on youtube soon.



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yeah so lets forget the glorious 12th ( the name given for the beginning of grouse shooting in Scotland)

because tomorrow is the glorious september weekend ( a public holiday for glasgow and surrounding areas on the last weekend of september every year)

Which means it is The Isle of Jura folk festival yet again, It just seems less than 12 months since I was there last lol time has flown in so quickly.
This year we are taking the kids. Only the kids my wife and I are going instead of a group of friends but I am sure  iwill still have a few drams after breakfast about 9am while playing my guitar to the other campers and get them in the mood for when the pub opens at 11am and we all continue our party that we start on the Friday afternoon.

It will take us 7 and a half hours to get there even though it is only about 120 miles as the crow flies, most time is spent waiting on ferries and being on a ferry. even though the ferry is only 2 hours for one and 10 minutes for the other.

I would ask anyone got any exciting plans for this weekend but then it probably is not a holiday in most places and even if you answer I will not read it until late Monday night or Tuesday afternoon in my work.

so, hope ye all have a great weekend no matter what yer doing.

see you all in 4 or 5 days time



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

tophand75662 wrote:

My two years of self taught  experience  is that I believe in having fun.  If my cord progression  is not pefect and smooth , or the rhytum is not pefect, don't worry about it.  Especially if you are playing and singing by your self.  However, when playing and singing in a group one must be in rhythum with bass  and lead..  Otherwise ,just have fun.  DO MOST OF YOU AGREE?

very much tophand, and welcome to chordie.

If you are playing alone or solo, yuo can make mistake but in a band it stands out more if no one lse knows what yer doing.

having fun is what it is all about



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok Kenny,
3rd song I am saying so far within 14 minutes, I love this too.

I hope others have told you this and ye dont take offence cause ye shouldnt but.... ye sound a bit like bob dylan, and that, to me is a good thing.

( just came in to edit this, I see on yer profile you are influenced by dylan, thats why???)
well done



(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

another one I like listening to on myscpae, your space, lol, Im not getting into that again. and if you dont know what I mean you soon will when you read the next post.

But can I critisize it now? But just my opinion, it is your song and you do whatever you like and play it whatever way.

I just think theere should be no piano, just a guitar with the weather background effects.

But on the other hand it could make a very good diano song if there was nothing else being played.

just my thoughts, but I really loved this song too.



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just listened to this on your space, my space, not my space but your space on myspace.
yel know what I mean lol

Excellent song. I love it.

excellent work



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I had not noticed anything on it.

I will have to use my space more it was Kapp that made me go back into it,lol

Ye Kenny Kirstin is my daughter.

Hope fully I will remember I have typed this and will follwo on wit hmy thoughts and use my space more.

I am listening to myself just now. I forgot I wrote that song "Kirstin"

then I will be listening to you Kenny.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I forgot all about this as well.

I am thinking Per had not seen it first time round?



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

eric bogle's "and now im easy"


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

wcpom wrote:

As far as I can see theer is only one Bobby Womack song listed on here. Any chance of addding any more?

to me that looked like you were asking if more of Bobby womacks songs could get added since you asked " any chance of adding more".

so, where were you wanting them added.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

If you go to resources it will tel lyou how you can add more songs to chordie.




(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

flester wrote:

Sure, we can project our attitudes etc. and of course I too in a way would like to be a rock star rather than be in the 'normal' job that i do! And you never know what's happening in someone's life. But I feel strongly that people should not be made to feel intimidated in a retail store, even if they aren't sure what they want and need some advice.

you are so correct there flester

but also looking at it the other way round. People will look down on people that work in a shop selling guitars, food, plants, anything, anything in the retail business! people do look down upon those that work in these fields, I should know after working for 11 years in a garden centre. I used to get people asking if the job I had was just a temporary one until I got soemthing better, or a " real job" ..... these were of course snobs that asked this. And I guess it would be no different from folk working in a guitar store to the snobs of society.
So the folk that do work in these guitar stores should be thankful they have got people that do need advice, that do get people in that are just learning, that do get people that come in that can only play knocking onheavens door or something else that is easy to play and they hear it it constantly. ( I am reffering to a shop in glasgow called McCormacks that had a sign say ing no one was allowed to play the follwoing and had  a list of songs such as knocking, stairway to heaven, and another 6 or 7 songs)

If I could pluck up the courage or after a few pints when up glasgow I should go into a guitar shop and play as bad as I can but make it look like I am think i am good and hopefully get a reaction just so I can tell them how lucky they are I went in that shop to think about buying a guitar and keeping them in  a job



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Russell_Harding wrote:

Welcome Uncle G to Chordie the friendliest site on the internet,there are a lot of interesting members and many features for you to use to enhance your enjoyment

the most friendliest? I know a site where all the girls are friendly, they all say so and it only cost £6.00 per minute. they are all intersting soI am told...... and theres lots to enhance your enjoyment.....
But I am only told about these sites lol  honestly....no no really....

anyone got a new spade? I have worn this one out from bidding this big hole I am going in.

Anyway, Hi uncle,

Hope you have as much fun as others do in here, share your knowledge or learn from others or both.


I thought the myth of caveman whacking the female over the head was just to shut her up so he could get some peace. lol

Oh how I love for the big cycle to come round again lol


Zurf wrote:
SouthPaw41L wrote:

ps---what if it was your child?

It it were my child, she (both my children are daughters) wouldn't be permitted to go into another person's house without parental supervision until such time as I had been there enough and knew the parents well enough to take a decision that the environment is a safe one.  My daughters don't get play dates with children until we know the parents - or we stay during the date and GET to know the parents and how they run their house.  That's what.

- Zurf

My thoughts exactly!! All parents in this case are partly to blame whether they believe they are or not. Parents are suppose to protect and if they didnt know exactly ho a person is or what their intentions are then they have part blame.

James McCormick wrote:

I am of the opinion the human females and human males are actually 2 totally separate species - it's just some sort of cosmic joke that we feel the need to intermingle!

James without joking I also really do believe this. and as well as male and female being different species I also believe there are different species of males but we look very similar. I blame the intermingle of nethaderal man and also other species of human like life from hundreds of thousands of years ago.

but the biggest difference with species is male and females. But the collective word for these two species is  "human".


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

they brought him to the manger on xmas eve? hmmm was he not meant to have been born on xmas day?
We get this stuff in Scotland too. The parents with kids in school get asked for permission to allow their kids to be in these plays about xmas. I think in case you are of another religion and they do not want to get into trouble for forcing another religion on to a child. Good thing they ask I suppose. But when I was young parents were not asked anything, it all got forced on us.

Xmas in scotland is only big because it is a holiday and like other places in the world I would think if there was no holiday it would not be bothered with as much as it is. And although I am not religious and I dont really care that much about christmas I think Christmas has lost its meaning over the years. Kids do not really care about what it is meant to be about they care about the presents!!! Is this a bribe that started years ago to make kids interested in christmas and over the years has just got very commercialised.
In Scotland we love new year much much more. Has it anything to do with having a party and getting very drunk? probably, but you can have a party anytime and you will not get as many happy,good natured people all having fun without much fighting.
To be honest if I never had kids I would not have a so called special dinner at chrsitmas or buy presents (coming to think of it, I let my wife buy all the presents) some think I am a scrooge for this but since I am not religious I do not see why I should celebrate xmas.
But the kids will still get their presents every year so they do not feel left out of society.
I am not happy about this either, this is pressure from a commercialised system that forces you to either buy presents or make yourself look bad.

I still hope everyone here has a lovely time at christmas especially if they have kids because thats all it is about nowadays, a big beaming smile on a kids face is priceless.


and windscreen wipers for a car windscreen were invented by a woman.
not hard to work that one out, just like the wiper a woman keeps on repeating herself all the time.

But seriously I dont think men should slag off women nor women slag off men. There is a place in this world for everyone.
Men on their thrones and women waiting for their orders.

some say that is chauvanistic but its not really it is just nature, just the way it is meant to be. It is just most people have lost this natural thing. whoever gave the woman the vote was probably blackmailed into doing it.

anyone man enough to agree with me or is your wife standing over you lol lol


(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

hi impheelinu

welcome to chordie.


Zurf wrote:

Michael does not equal Janet.  Janet is much more masculine.

Those kids were messed up by "stage parents" to the extreme.  It is unfortunate.  I am no psychologist, but I can agree with that person above who says that Michael Jackson is still a child in his mind and spirit.  All his money can't take away that damage.  That he has a lot of money and is a target for sharks is that much more unfortunate. 

- Zurf

Zurf I think your amatuer psychology has turened out to probably be near the truth.
I tihnk the family was so rich since Michael was a boy that he never had to grow up. He always enjoyed childish things and as he got older he still liked the child games etc as he was too busy to be a child when he was young.

If he was allwoed to be a child instead of a child star then he might have and probably would have turned out a lot more different than today's version of the amn he is suppose to be.

And not only that, who other than him gets away with buying a wife for the means of a child, paying her off so she never gets to bring up her own child, whats more what sort of mother would accept any amount of money to neglect their own kids? She is just as bad if not wirse than him.

The state should have stepped in and took the kids away to be brought up a more natural lifestyle than the one he is subjecting them too ( not that I know how they are getting brought up but I bet they stay children for a long time even when they should be young adults when the time comes)

charlotte wrote:

My mistake, got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Partly your fault as the stuff I was drinking last night came from your part of the world.

lol lol

Its always my fault, my wife even says so with everything. lol


get noticed by a record company and get them to hype you up.

sorted, your famous


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I know a few places but you can try this one


Also if you save your songs in to a song book you have created you can use the option at the bottom to change all the chords in to Mandolin chords, uke chords, banjo chords.


charlotte wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

why should his private life be up for discussion?

It'a a free country that I live in and that includes freedom of speech. People will talk about you, me and everyone else in this world so why not M. Jackson.

See if you read my very last line on my post on this thread and think about it, you might realise all my post was a joke reply.
I talk about everyone and anyone.



(31 replies, posted in About Chordie)

See when I wished you luck earlier in this thread I really meant it because I knew hard it would be.
I tried and failed and I am sure quiet a few others have tried, I might be wrong but I tihnk James has tried too previously.

still , good luck with continuing to try. I would not have the patience and crack up and email wikki people and give them a mouthful.
