(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That was great. Especially the fisher price xylophone.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That looks great Amy. No way will I put any tattoo near my naughty parts though. I already have the next one planned. 800.00 worth of car repairs monday puts that on hold. I`m glad  I had it done before the car gave trouble. Actually, I wanted to put my red strat criss crossed with my daughters purple one. I am allergic to strawberries and they advised me not to use red ink. So I had my rickenbacker put on instead.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I almost bought some the other day. A bottle of Diet Coke looked better instead.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

So far, the only person that DOESN`T like the artwork is my wife. Oh well, Can`t make everyone happy all the time. Note: she doesn`t play any instruments either

jjj maybe she is a little hurt, ever think of putting a small one some where else for her?

I would love to. She doesn`t want me to. She say`s it`s bad luck to put your spouses name on a tattoo


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So far, the only person that DOESN`T like the artwork is my wife. Oh well, Can`t make everyone happy all the time. Note: she doesn`t play any instruments either

Don`t forget used. You can get a lot more wattage with used than if you bought brand new. Look in music stores and craigslist. With the economy the way it is, it`s a buyers market. The only thing I don`t go for is buying stolen. No matter how good the price is.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

gitaardocphil wrote:

this is not about christian or not, this is about music and not theology

Well put. I always wondered what the difference is between a christian E chord and a secular E chord.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wow, I feel right at home reading all this.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:

jjj,good looking tatto,glad too see you got it posted too give us a look.

Roger put it up for me. I still cant figure it out. Thnx again Roger


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thnx Zurf. And thank you so much Roger for doing that. If I were there I would give you a hug. Someday I will figure it out. Thanks again


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Anybody that has been on my facebook page can see  my daughters nickname. Her purple strat and my Rickenbacker 450 criss crossed on top of my name. (Tattooed on my arm). I still  dont  know how to post pics and I have been trying. Just wondering what everyone thinks.


(Here it is for you - Roger)


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Arlo Guthrie. Used to only like  "coming into Los Angeles". Now I can appreciate his music more. It took 40 years. The title of this topic did make me snicker.Dirty mind I guess.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Arlo Guthrie- coming into Los Angeles


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It`s snowing now but not accumulating. The way I like it.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsmom wrote:

We have snow here in Central NY too.  I have a feeling this year will be like the "good ole days".  I kind of enjoyed the scarce snow last year and got spoiled.  The really weird thing though is that I live right by a lake.  WE don't usually get a lot of snow here until the lake gets colder and freezes (or at least starts to ice over).  They usually get more about 15 miles from us until that happens.  However, they currently have less than us.  So, if my bat senses are correct, we are IN FOR IT this year!  I hope Jim gets a plow for that old clunker soon.  I think we'll need it.  I forsee the kids sledding in the back yard on the snow piles from plowing the driveway this year.

My wife is from North Tonawanda and  talks about the lake effect snow.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:
topdown wrote:

It's been brutal here in Florida. Had to close the windows last night as temps dipped into the 50's. And today, despite bright sunshine, but we struggled to reach 70! So cold, I had to put on a damn pair of socks sad   big_smile big_smile

that sounds brutal topdown you are about 2 degree's warmer than us,I put my socks on last week!!

Let me get the violin. Right now it`s 20 degrees outside.Still no snow , but it`s cold


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

None here in Massachusetts. YET

Do any of you have wrist trouble? I do all the time. I am always wearing braces on my left knee (got hit in the knees by a Rabbit in 1981) and my left wrist.(just getting old). My wife bought a pack of wrist braces at Dollar Tree for me to try. They work great. They come in a pack of 2 for 1.00. I have tried the expensive ones and they don`t work. The cheap ones are thin and stay in place. You can put your watch right over it too. If they don`t work, you will only be out 1.06 (with tax). If you have trouble with your wrist hurting, try them. Don`t buy the big clunky expensive ones until you try these. Plus, they are cheap enough to throw away if they get dirty or worn out. They do stretch out and become useless after awhile. But at .50 each, who cares.   NOTE: I`m not really a doctor. I have never even stayed at a Holiday Inn Express


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My wife saw a new way to cook turkey on one of the cooking shows last night. She cut the backbone off the turkey and cut it into 4 pieces. She said it cut 2 hours off the cooking time. Anyone else ever done this? Just sharing the info. I offered to take the 4 of us out to eat. She refused.


(39 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I stayed out of this whole thing. Zurf and Beamer know my opinion and this is not the place for it. Oh- happy thanksgiving everyone


(1 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Good for you Roger. The last two comments were uncalled for. I don`t know who started it, but it turned into a schoolyard fight. It is kind of funny that adults act that way. We just went through that here with the presidential; election


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hendrix, Lennon, Elvis. It`s called staying power. Only the top of the heap can still come out with new music long after they are dead. Let`s see todays rap (singers,artists?) do that.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Same to you dino. And to everyone else too.

In old movies and TV shows, have you ever noticed the old guitars people were playing. Especially the old Elvis movies. You can find some really cool instruments in these movies. I have seen Elvis playing a doubleneck Gibson. This morning I saw Tennessee Ernie Ford playing a cool Gibson on The Lucy Show. The old Frankie and Annette movies always had some band playing surf music in the background. The plots may have been lame but there are some cool vintage guitars to be seen in these movies. Even Bobby Vinton and Jackie DeShannon were in a surf movie that had a band playing  fenders. Try it. You may like what you see. Also Hee Haw had some cool instruments.


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Russell_Harding wrote:

Thats a tough one,I think it depends on the individuals taste I use Martin Silk n Steel on my acoustic only because I like the ease and sound but they have a short lifespan.my Strat is setup with slinkys .09 to .042 this works best for my needs smile

I used to use Martin silk and steels on my acoustics. Like Russell said, they do have a short life span but they sound and feel great. The reason I stopped using them, they changed the packaging. Now I use Ernie Ball Earthwoods Lights. 11s on my acoustic. For my electrics, I use my tried and true brands. Whatever is cheapest at the time as long as they start with a 10. On electrics I really cant tell the difference between sounds. Just dont buy a brand called ROUNDS. I did once at a flea market. Used them for a week, took them off and threw the other 2 sets away. People will disagree when I say I can`t tell the difference between electric strings. But they will agree that there is no question that you can tell when you get a set of bad strings.