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Strummerboy Bill wrote:Either way you word it, it's for someone else to decide and here's a guy to illustrate my point:
(If someone could fix this for me so it'll show, I'd sure appreciate it. I've been working on it for about an hour now and I'm exhausted.)
Thanks and have a great weekend, everyone.
Here ya go just replace the url with img in the link
Doug_Smith wrote:I'm totally with you Russell, but the truth is, and a sad truth I may add.... just about everything in the way of consumer goods (other than those things you wear on your body) are machine made. The person that manipulates the parts through the machine and the folks watching the robots work get paid really well for doing it here. You got an American worker getting something like $80.00/Hour (with Benefits) and an off-shore worker doing the same job for 80 Cents! No wonder we have a trade deficit..... We can't hardly afford to buy our own products, and for sure no one else on the planet can either.
We did it to ourselves, and it hurts. No easy fix in sight!
Yep we did, As an older member of planet Earth born in 1941 (6 weeks before WWII) I can speak from experience I hate to say it but the demands for higher wages raised the cost of goods and services exponentially as wages got higher so did everything else and people were looking for any way to save money this is where the entry into the WTO(world trade organization) by China began under president Carter and everything went downhill China shipped tons of goods and put a high import tax on our goods in addition stole the intellectual property (ways and means to make there own copies) out an out piracy prevailed and there labor cost consists of pennys and hour or children and imprisoned people forced to work for nothing for food with no medical benefits truly a sad violation of human rights but nothing we can do about it for now as it will take a grass roots movement to change the way we manufacture and purchase so brace yourselves for a lower standard of living till we can recover. This will have to be coupled with a change in our political system new laws on price fixing, lobbying dissolving the Federal Reserve and replacing it with a government agency lots of changes needed to fix this mess.
Just out of curiosity I inventoried all of my electronics to see there point of origin with the exception of my tuner a Sabine (U.S.) and my Gibson(U.S.) everything else was made in China or Taiwan (which is part of China now) my toaster was made in Mexico LOL but all the little gadgets like the pencil sharpener,nail cutters, stapler, scissors wardrobe ALL made in China this sucks and it is high time to bring it back home whichever country you live in hence my reason for this topic.
Dirty Ed wrote:Back in 1987 I was working as an I/C test engineer during construction/testing of the Beaver Valley II nuke plant in PA. There were several IBEW electricians working in support of our group. One day one of them strolled into the office proudly wearing a green ball cap with a "Made by, Paid by, Worn by an American" logo on the front. I liked the hat and asked if I could see it. When I looked at the label inside, it was made in China!!! Needless to say, that hat hit the trashcan immediately.
Funny stuff like having a bee in your shirt
TIGLJK wrote:Seriously.....
I had a problem with - the 8 (Yes, that's right, eight!) Amazon agents that I spoke or chatted with initially were all from the Philippines ! I did not get resolution until I demanded that I speak with some one from the U.S.
Two days later I had to order some ink from Dell. I ordered over the phone - guess what - the agent selling the ink was from - the Philippines as well.
I teach an an economics class in my high school, yesterday I had the 30 students look at each others shirt or sweater labels - result - all but 2 were made in another country - ranging from Vietnam to Pakistan, Mexico and others. TWO were made in USA>
DINO is Spot on !! And TF is as well, we have done it to ourselves - with the addendum of thank you politicians !!
Did not see dinos post but I agree our politicians were naive in thinking China's ruling government would play fair perhaps if we levied an import tax equal to there's it would help, the worst part is they have taken the knowledge of how to make our products and use there huge pennies an hour labor force and children to make there own copies and flood our markets (Walmart Target etc.) the problem go's further then just politicians it also includes corporations shipping business operations and manufacturing as well.
I am urging all fellow Americans to purchase made in U.S.A. products and contribute to the rebuilding of our infrastructure by putting this country back to work and level the playing field with China I am not advocating any one company or product only my support for America.
I found this website that lists all the products produced in the U.S or assembled by local companies and that includes musical instruments the choice is still yours if you wish to use this information or ignore it.
I am attending a two day event sort of a midwest Namm version free entry lots of gear used and new, workshops live performances and my faviorite FOOD! if anyone is interested and in the area this looks like a lot of fun you must register to get a pass.
Baldguitardude wrote:^^ My 1,300th post was about Back To The Future. Awesome.
I have it and it will remain one of my favorites to watch
Tenement Funster wrote:I think it's a helical engramic non-kopf off of a slogged tubilcore.
makes perfect sense
Sure is a purdy git congrats!
hmm nose shapped dithering sounds kind of kinky i have it and dont use it somethings are best left alone lol
dino48 wrote:unclejoesband wrote:mekidsmom wrote:Just checked into this, it's supposed to be a free upgrade to current 7 and 8 owners for the first year once released.
I looked in to this as well. Yes you can upgrade for free but it's only good for a year from the day you install it. What I can't find out is, what happens at the end of that year if you decide you don't like it and don't want to buy it? Does MS uninstall it from your computer?, shut your system down because you are now in possession of pirated software? They aren't addressing that scenario.
Good point I am going too keep looking and try too find out more,I will let members know if I find out something important about that.
dino I am also interested in this I run windows 7 on my laptop it the cost is reasonable it is ok
Tenement Funster wrote:Hi Russell ...
It must be very satisfying for you as a teacher, to have a student make such progress. He's obviously being taught the right things, and is also motivated to put in the effort and time to learn what you're showing him. That's great work by both of you, all the way around.
I must admit it was like pulling teeth the first few weeks John had a problem with timing and he has large fingers + he is left handed after thinking about it I came up with basic theory to teach him the value of notes and gave him an old unused yamaha portable keyboard with a cheesy built in drum effects to use as a metronome this turned the corner for him. The next thing was to work on his hand and wrist positions and finger placement it helped that he was determined to succeed my message to him "timing is the most critical part of music without it your playing noise" sunk in yes I am pleased.
dino48 wrote:Its doing a good job you should keep it as long as you can.
I forgot to mention I filmed the video with a Sony HDR-MVI movie cam it dont zoom or take photos just videos and the sound is recorded on the cam on a mini 5 GB card
Pedals are kind of like sweet rolls it depends on your taste and sometimes it helps to listen to a few bands you like and see what the lead guitarist is using or go to a music store and try out a few, I buy effects based on sound and ease of use I have used the same setup for the last 10 or more years a Boss ME-50, Boss 20XL loop station, Hendrix wah and recently added the Electo Harmonix C9 Next month I am adding digitec trio to the lineup they are not in stock anywhere yet so I pre ordered it from Sweetwater but thats me you have to define your own sound so keep checking out pedals till you find a few that sound cool to you ps. they are very addictive. lol
dino48 wrote:Comes in good on my computer . Nice song !
Thank you dino more and more I am using my older Dell desktop running the extinct windows xp no updates but I have good anti virus and it is a lot faster then my laptop (at the moment) it sounds good too running thru my 32 in. flat screen and surround sound
kind of the best of both worlds
removing the nut is not to hard all you have to do is take off the strings and use a piece of wood and a weight to tap it out then use some 220 or higher grit sand paper and evenly sand it down then tap it back in
Strummerboy Bill wrote:Comment left on YT. Great job, John! Keep it up.
Russell is that Strat a pale blue? I can't tell, but if it is, she's a beauty.
All the best
Thanks Bill! yes is is a pale blue I have three strats the white one has three hot texas coils the Green has three fender and the pale blue has two fender and a humbucking (HSS) all three are builds I am playing a Modern Players Tele on the video and my Gibson les Paul is in a case at the moment to keep it safe
easybeat wrote:Go John, bet you got real buzz out of it.
oops! I hit the report button instead of quote lol He did and his wife is thrilled John has worked hard and deserves a lot of credit he can also play a solid B chord too and other 2nd positions I showed him two ways to bar the B one with his 3rd and the other with his pinky the pinky is the easiest for him (and me) it requires less stretching and strength
Roger Guppy wrote:YouTube will not allow me to pass comment Russ.
I will take a look at my settings and see if this is disabled Roger if so I will correct
John has really made progress since he started taking lessons with me, he is left handed so there were some obstacles to overcome but things are moving along nicely and I composed this instrumental arrangement I left out a lead work to help him with his timing;
I removed this video
I am sad to say I too had problems so I took it off for the same reasons i have a new set of Sperzels I also took off and put the original stuff back and no problems so it was an expensive lesson but I may not have installed it correct so I dont know
Tenement Funster wrote:Cool device, Russell ... we all know from experience that you'll get great use out of it. When I saw the term "Band Creator" on it, I was immediately reminded of this pedal board joke that went around awhile back: … pedals.jpg
Good one aint seen it
dino48 wrote:Russell_Harding wrote:I ordered this today along with a pedal and some patch chords, after listening to a few demos I was really impressed and naturally had to have it but it wont be available till next month, This powerful little gadget is perfect for singles or duos or just filming videos and creating new songs behold the future fellow Chordians
Russell that looks like a one man band machine and easy too operate would that be good for me as I do not have any one too play with now and I would like too record some songs,let us know. Thanks for the heads up! Can I use this with my computer?
this would be perfect for someone (like me also) who has no one to play with and it would help if you had a small 4 or 8 track recorder and use a Y chord out from the rca outputs to the mic input on your pc then just open the recording program (Audacity) and it will show the input all thats left is to transfer the tracks but if you dont have a reccorder you can still use a 1/4 in jack to a mini plug chord and it will work fine.
I ordered this today along with a pedal and some patch chords, after listening to a few demos I was really impressed and naturally had to have it but it wont be available till next month, This powerful little gadget is perfect for singles or duos or just filming videos and creating new songs behold the future fellow Chordians
This is the Trio with my Loopstation just jamming out an making up stuff …
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