Well said Mom,

Invite all your kids friends around. Then you always know who there hanging with. They will enjoy been around adults who want them there.  Speak openly and clearly to them. Kids aint stupid,
there just small adults.
Example is the best form of sermon, so good on you Girl.

Old Doll.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I have meself worn out learning this special song for him lol
Now what do i do ?


replies, please to jefferson City news  [ Agony Aunt lol

Old  [rejected } Doll


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks for the replys Folks,

Yes i too love Susan singing this song. I can hear the lyrics also.        Guns and roses are always good.

I just could never take to Mick Jagger.  [ Now i know he's gonna lose a lotta sleep over that remark lol]
My respects as a musician and singer to the  Man. I never got a warm feeling about his energy at all.

Or Satisfaction . lol lol lol

Ok, I'll behave.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Same song. 2 different interpretations. Both wonderful i think. Tell me what you think ?



I love the lyrics of this song by Mick Jagger.

I need wild horses to drag  me sleep this weather lol

Goodnight from the Emerald Chordians.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Weyhey ya boya daddy,

Did ya renew your marriage vows ? in January next ill post some pictures of Old Doll in a hula skirt.  No , not a wedding, im allergic to  cake lol  Im invited to a joint 40th birthday celebration for family members . summer theme.  Jeez ill take the sight from your eyes, ill be so gorgeous lol lol

Sunny imagery to your lyrics.


Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love markets Daddycool,

Went to a great market last week in Cork. I bought a lovely old teapot as a gift for my intended daughter in law. Love those places
to have a browse and rummage. They appear to be having a renewal here ? must be the recession !
Lord, im just thinking now i probably bought some persons heirloom.. Ahh. we will mind it well.
Make sure the stall holder gets a copy of your lyrics.

Remember these geezers lol



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

geez i can relate to this daddy,

God help them all. Its a tough old time.

Lovely understanding of loss in your lyrics.

Thank you.

Stay cool.

Old Doll.

Hi jets ,

I smiled to myself when i seen the name of this CD. When we were small in school we were all taught the St Judes prayer.
Its a prayer said for nine days to achieve the request you ask for. This prayer achieves so much, that we believe it would "cook your dinner for you" if requested lol
So here's a link. I kid you not when i tell you i know the lady mentioned here very well for many many years. My best friend married Margarets brother. He only called yesterday to see how i was. She,[ Margaret] had at one time in life a mansion of a home with kidney shaped swimming pools. First woman i ever knew with a water bed. She had chuck wagons everywhere, her husband also was  very successful.  All appeared wonderful for years.  Allegedly her husband took to gambling and other bad  stuff. They lost all they had. She eventually left and found herself destitute. This is  snippet of what happened when she prayed to St Jude.

Date: 1/1998.101
Title: Margaret Burke's Prayers Answered

Burke, a destitute mother of three, had gone to St. Jude's Roman Catholic Church in Rochester, New York, everyday praying for help. On her ninth day there — when prayers such as hers are to be answered according to Roman Catholic belief — she found $10,000 at the foot of a statue of St. Jude. Believing the money was a miracle from heaven she took it, paid her bills, fixed her car, and got an apartment for her family.
According to the pastor of the church, the money was left by a parishioner as an anonymous donation for answered prayer. When police discovered that Burke had taken the money, she was charged with grand larceny.
Realizing that Burke had acted out of faith, church officials went to court to have the charges dropped.
Putting aside any question concerning the wisdom of Margaret Burke's actions, we do have to admire her faith in God and her belief in the power of prayer. How I wish that all of us, like Margaret Burke, would expect the Lord to hear and answer our prayers.

Margaret, Jets  did come back to live in Dublin for some years, but returned to the United states to live. I hope where ever she is now
St Jude is still looking after her. She was the prettiest woman and a hoot to have around. I always thought she looked like a white Diana Ross.
So thats my wee St jude story . True all true. Now i may go and get the cd to see what revelations it holds.

Old Doll.


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

This is a great thread to follow. Its wonderful to see all the handsome and beautiful people here. Especially the wee ones.
With so much dysfunction going on in the world, its  so great to see real honest people and families.The  kids photos and videos on youtube  are brilliant . Your  amazing people here on chordie. I'm so glad to know of you all.
This song came to mind as i perused your postings.
Toots is blowing a storm in this one lol


Ps Topdown, I read this recently. It said. "When a young person dies . "How privileged  they are to have completed there earthly work in such a short  space in time.. I must admit i liked the thought of this image.

From the Emerald Isle I salute you all.


Old Doll.


(20 replies, posted in Songwriting)

How could you Russell !

I was listening to your song on myspace, when my screen went blank ? I thought you had blown my gasket lol
I just ran out of power, hadn't got it plugged to mains.
Geez that certainly put a pep in my step. Well done to you, ya never lost it sir.

Maith an fear. [ Good Man } Keep on rocking.

Ps Thanks for your email earlier. I will get around to answering soon. Busy with a bridezilla lol But the sunflowers are magic to work with.

Thanks also for the wake up.

Old Doll.


Thanks for the melancholy trip. She was fantastic. If i had a euro for all the times i sang "Blowin in the wind" with our group
Late sixties into the seventies id be a richer woman. The very first chord played, Takes me back to times and smells of small
clubs and other venues we played. I still say "we had the best 12 string guitar player in our group. He was and still is brilliant.

I should have married him and sailed to america when he asked me lol I wonder how different my live would have been ?Were still great budddies.
We makes our choices ! lol

Slán  Mary, May God enfold you in the music mantle of his love.

Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Ah brilliant Stransongs.

Thank you .Its actually a very catchy wee tune.

Just made my day sir.

From  South to the North of the Emerald, i hope the suns shining for you also.

Would ya like a wee toddy for your flu ? You deserve one.
For those who don't know what toddy is, here's an explanation.

A drink, a mixture of whiskey, boiling water, honey or sugar and cloves.

but note 'The word is a corruption of 'Taudi' the Indian name for the saccharine juice of palm spathes'. (Brewer).

Old Doll.

Begs the question Southpaw !

Tuff Taffy ?

Busted me gut laughing reading that reply.
What are ya like southpaw ? Its patchouli time for you i think lol



(124 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Midges !

Start taking halibut oil on a daily basis. For some reason midges dont touch you if you have this in your system.

Southpaw is also right. I learned when studying Aromatherapy many years ago, a few drops of essential lemon oil mixed with water and sprayed where you sit kept the midges at bay.

This is a long piece you all may find interesting to read.

But it appears that on the home front our toughest soldiers are prepared to pander to their softer side to combat Scotland's mosADVERTISEMENT t persistent foe: the midge.

For years the Marines at Faslane who guard nuclear missiles and the submarines capable of firing them have looked for an answer. They've finally found it in a brand of women's skin cream.

Instead of using mosquito repellent issued by their unit, soldiers and workers at the base are buying Avon body lotion to repel midges on the West Coast. The company traditionally associated with images of well-dressed women selling cosmetics door-to-door is experiencing an unexpected boom thanks to the pesky insect. Neil Smith, a Royal Navy spokesman at HMS Clyde, near Helensburgh, said: "It's not official kit but nothing works better and the Marines are buying it themselves because the midges are so bad up there."

The wonder cure is a £5 bottle of dry oil body spray from Avon's Skin So Soft range. The midge problem at the base where Trident missiles and Vanguard submarines are stationed is so bad it recently installed a MidgeEater machine at the front gate. Workers at the camp can often be seen wearing midge nets on their heads.

Royal Marines are also taking the skin cream on field training exercises outside the base. But although it is the answer to their prayers, they have not been able to buy it at the local chemist.

Smith said: "There has been a lot of group buying because you can only get the stuff from Avon. Some buy it online and others are ordering it through local Avon ladies."

A stores sergeant at 45 Commando, based at Arbroath, said: "There is nothing effeminate about it. The reason the Nods [Marines] are using it is because it is good kit. It works. It's as simple as that."

It is thought that the oily base of the body spray is the ingredient that repels midges. Made with shea butter and vitamins, Avon's packaging boasts that it will "ensure your skin feels velvety soft, hour after hour".

Sales of the spray have gone through the roof this summer with several Avon ladies selling hundreds of bottles.

Anna Brown, Avon's area manager for the West Coast of Scotland, where the company has 353 sales representatives, said word of the body spray's ability to repel midges has spread since the wives of servicemen discovered its hidden qualities.

She said: "We sell it as a body moisturiser but many people tell us they are only buying it to get rid of midges. We don't market it as an insect repellent because its primary use is to soften your skin. But it is undoubtedly one of our best sellers, with our best agents having to order up to 200 bottles every three weeks."

But like the best boots, clothing and equipment which soldiers buy out of their own pocket, there are no plans to make Avon's cream standard issue to troops.

And it is not only the military who are taking advantage of Avon's beauty products. Word of the spray's ability to fight midges has spread throughout the entire West Coast, with sales being picked up in Dumbarton, Campbeltown, Oban and Dunoon. It has also been claimed that both the US army and the SAS use it as mosquito repellent in the jungle.

Brown said: "We don't ask people why they are buying it but some people tell us it is because they have heard it is good at combating midges."

Scottish Water engineers in the Highlands and forestry workers are also placing orders. In recent years a more terminal approach to tackling midges has been the MidgeEater range of traps, which generate carbon dioxide to mimic the exhaled breath of humans which are the midge's favoured haunt. Once fooled into coming within range, the hapless insects are then sucked into the trap at high speed.

But despite its dry oil body spray's midge-fighting ability, Avon seems reluctant to sell the lotion to the British public as an insect repellent.

A company spokeswoman said: "We cannot do that because UK pharmaceutical laws ban us from doing so, although there has been talk of it being marketed as an mosquito repellent in America where the rules are different."

There are more than 30 species of midge in Scotland but it is the female Culicoides impunctatus variety that causes torment. It is the only type of midge that bites. The crew responsible for the final episodes of Monarch of the Glen set at Ardverikie estate, near Loch Laggan, wore anti-midge body suits and veiled headgear while filming.

Old Doll.


(179 replies, posted in Recording)


Hahaahaahahha, as sure as im eating this ice cream ? it was cola. !!!!  Oh Ok then,  with a measure or 2  of bacardi.

No wonder i look wrecked.

Sláinte Bensonp

Old Doll.


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

Well wouldn't i like to have you men around these parts.
I was wondering how id fix this ? lol Its done !

That's my nephews tangle wood. Its a beauty to play. We passed it around like snuff at a wake :lol. Tired we were as we had partied the night away.
It was a great week end. New puppy picked. lord i cant wait to go collect him. I really wanted them all.
We  caught 40 mackerel as well down at the sea wall.  They left the sea and were a feast within an hour or so on our table. Delish. I ate like there was no tomorrow.. My dutch brother in law makes food like manna from heaven.

Ok im away to me Leaba [ bed]

Ill be back tomorrow to check out the other photos. I didnt know this thread existed. Thanks wilbaye.

Russell / Topdown/ Zurf, Warm  hugs to you from the chilly Emerald

Oíche mhaith agus codladh sámh[ Goodnight and sleep well ]

Old Doll.


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … irectlink#

Thank You Wilbaye ,

I didnt know about that tread.

Old Doll..


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Again My appreciation to you all.

Your all so kind about my writings.  Stransongs, has  also sent this piece  to me this evening recorded.

Woo Hoo! How very kind of him to do so.

He just gave this ole gal a big smiley face. lol lol The recording of this piece sounds happier then i would have expected to  to music.
I have asked him to post here , so he may do so. The  Poor guy has a flu.

You know i recently had a meal with my son and some friends he met through Cyber. It was a great evening watching the interaction of people who never met face to face. I can only imagine A Chordie Meeting would be superb.

Thank You all. Special thanks to you stransongs for taking the time to record this piece. I love the very thought.

Old Doll.

http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ya cant beat the love of a good family.

This tread has warmed the cockles of my sad ole heart. Wonderful, wonderful, just wonderful.

Thank you all.


Old Doll.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

I wrote this while sipping tea one day  with my bro. There was an old cast Iron Bench outside the window. I collated my own thoughts to what i thought was the life of the bench.

Cast In Cold Iron.

Forged by heat, a cast iron seat
Your elegance looks out of place
What secrets you hold, bustled times to unfold
Sharing times now! No choices,  But shade.

You look sumptuous, ordained, scroll symbols arranged
A symphony of fleur- de -lis
Memorial to one? One who sat in the sun?
Watching croquet,  Sipping cool lemonade.

A small plastic bag, blown in on the wind
Has settled attached neath your frame
Collects slowly dripped rain, Weak sun infused rays
Casting prisms, to colour our day

An old rusty chain, has you shackled in place
Rusty lock that insults your finesse
I admire your grace, were both out of place
In this hustle called modern age

The artistic hands that once drew your plan
Would they scream? And rage at your fate
Your carbon in life, with graphite I write
A cupola, fierce burning pains.

One day I’ll return, sit with you in the sun
Spanning bridges, like alloys allied
Divides in between, death so obscene
Our sorrows! We cast in cold iron.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

Try this site .

http://www.911tabs.com/tabs/f/frank_tur … ay_tab.htm

Old Doll.


(43 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Ive listened to this song all night here on my pc. I have nearly learned  all the lyrics  now.

This is a keeper. I love picking tunes, and this is so good to play.

Thank you again.

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Ark,

Lovely to receive your new recordings. I love them all.  Epiphany is so good .  Music and poetry ?

I loved the piece you wrote to accompany epiphany.   Your a  wee dark horse Arkady, ya never did tell me
you wrote as well ! . I'll just have to take you on our literary tour of Dublin for your next stroll. lol

Much obliged Sir.

Great stuff.

Old Doll.