(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

yes it really does ring loads of bells, loads and loads.

Yes this does sometimes happens unforunately.

Choride does not host these songs or any other songs on the site, it takes them from existing web sites after people add them to chordie. Maybe if you find a version with chords and not tabs you can direct chordie to it and we will have one version the way you like it.
My guess is there might not be any versions on the net with just chords.

happy hunting



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

lughlamfadda wrote:

You are doing the Lord's work.

Eric Mart

believe me, I am not doing any lord's work or any any chieftan's work or any iconic god or any god's work.

but thanks anyway


I got that once before too, no idea what happened there.

What I done was take note of the songs and looked up the artist myself. Since it was in a chordie songbook it was taken from chordie.

Hope that helps



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

smile smile lol lol

Alan, you are just like me by the looks of it. If my boy came on here I would be saying all the things that make me cringe so he could read it and then maybe something might click and I would never cringe again.
But thankfully he doesnt come on here or I would not have told everyone what he is getting.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

fantastic , ye just cannot refuse that.



(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Has been a post or two mentioning this great service ( only availabe on the UK Television I think)

We had the story of the guitar whih was really good. Or the two episodes I watched were good.

Last night I watched " the chieftans" on BBC2. It was a tory of the famous Irish band " The Chieftans" from before they formed to today. What a story it is!
If it were not for these few guys it is probable that Irishfolk/trad. music would not be as widely known as it is today.
I heard about the Chieftans years ago but I dont think I had actually heard any of their stuff, but I might have done but never realised it was them.

If you are in the UK or somewhere in the world where you can press that wee red button on the remote and get the menu to access BBC Iplayer then this is a good hour to sit and learn some history of irish folk musc coming into the music scene.
There are only 3 left of them and they must be at least in their late 60's now but they still carry on. The leader of them "Larry" has lived and breathed music all his life and long may he continue to do so.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well not long really to go until crimbo ( christmas)

My wife has been doing some shopping already ( nothing for me yet though)

No idea what she has got our daughter, it has nothing to do wit hmusic so I forget easily. But she told me last night she has bought our son an electric guitar!!!!! Yipeee I thought until she said it was a three quarter length one so now I am thinking it might be a toy one, lets hope not.

I tried him on an acoustic guitar a few years ago when he was 8 but his fingers were just a bit too small for my guitars and also he got very sore fingers just trying to hold one chord, so hopefully wit hthe electric he will be able to learn this and play chords. Beauty of it is power chords on an electric, with these chords anyone can do a few songs. I am sure he will love it, especially when i buy a distortion pedal for it ( wife doesnt know this yet). Thanks to that awful WWf wrestling stuff it is getting him in to rock music without my help.
I might have anew jamming partner this time next year if he keeps up with it and takes it seriously.

I was wanting a new guitar hard case but I need a good pair of walking boots this year as my old ones have now came to an end of their life as I found out last week.

what is everyone else wanting for crimbo or if ye have kids, what are they getting?



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

great lyrics to start with and great extra lyrics from everyone else.

let us know what you decide to o wit h, Personally I would get them all and make one of them a bridge part in the song.

good work all



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

nice song badeye.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi kiwi

sorry but no good reply here either.
i can still see what you cannot and i have triewd to see if there is an option to change anything there. I cannot find anything.

is this happening with all songs or just a few

have they disapeared from a song where you had them before?


LesPaulGuy wrote:

Ken ... have you ventured out into the Scottish Highlands where Bear Gryls did his show on Discovery Channel?  That place was wildd from what I saw ... such serious weather change!

yep, that was up in the cairngorm mountains. Not just there where the weather changes so quickly, it is probably anywhere north of glasgow that does that, but up there it can get quite bad ( or good depending on how you look at it. I love getting snowed in )
He made it out to be  bit worse than it actually is though for people that know what they are doing, but if he is doing it for the silly people thatgo not equiped properly for certain times of the year then he would be not fr off from being right.
It is lovely up thereand quite a few bothies dotted about, if you know where they are then you are never far away from shelter.
But I love watching him.


my favourite holiday is in he country I live ( Scotland) So any places to choose from but Jura my yearly long weekend holiday, Skye, Speyside, Kilberry, Beauly, Ullapool. are some of my favourite places.

Outside of Scotland I would say Siberia but I have never been there.

My favourite places I really want to go is Up the Amazon or to Madagascar.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy belated badeye.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy birthday Russ,
Have a good one



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks Lena,
we all had a great happy time.
And this weekend we are off up into the hills together with a few other couples and kids. But saturday i have to find an excuse to get away to watch the game. I even sold my tickets for the scotland game so i could go away this weekend, so i got to go to the pub.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I knowhow ye feel jimmy,
some may disagree but

always does the trick for me. some say dutch courage but i say scotch courage ,lol

Not too much though or ye will be like jelly.


Russell_Harding wrote:

maybe someone over on the other side of the pond could tape this series and send me a copy like a VHS or DVD I will reimburse for the cost of the DVD and postal shipping just a thought....

I dont know what it is like now but when I came back from holiday in america years ago I had taped a few things but they did not work in the UK, also my dad had sent me videos and they did not work here either,
Not too sure but maybe something to d owit hthe difference in power suppliy?


my video is knackered anyway lol

SouthPaw41L wrote:

I think the person you're referring to is Django Reinhardt. He was badly burned and had to totally redesign the way he approached and played guitar. He is a huge inspriration to me personally, his determination and his musical genius are as good as it gets..............

thats him,
he should be an inspiration to anyone that has had an accident and still wants to continue to do somethng he wants to, as should you too be an inspiration.

Next week they are moving on to the history of the amplified guitar.


now I find myself replying to myself. lol

I just watched the program, I loved it.

Very interesting. King Charles 2nd is responsible for bringing the the  ??? sitarn, sintar? that ended up being the guitar to the UK. It was one of his helpers ( or whatever ye call him) that put a fifth string on the instrument.  Thats if I took that part in correctly.

and that guy, the french guy, the gypsy  ( canny remember his name) that lost the use of all his fingers nd retaught him self to play with 2 fingers on his left hand for chords/ notes. What a guy!!

this program was really really imformative and great to watch.

And there must be some way of watching online outside the UK. theres got to be away. I just dont know.


i missed this but thanks stonebridge for lettting us know.
I know most cannot but I will be watching this tonight if cable has it on the catch up option.



goodbye cruel world    from pink floyd off the wall album.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

Cool pictures.  Looks like a blast.

On a practical matter - I liked that big green tent.  That didn't happen to be yours, did it, Ken?  Maybe tell me the make and model if it is?

Hi Zurf,
It does happen to be my tent. Best tent I have bought in 24 years of camping, bad thing is it is not very good to fit in a rucksack, so i will stick to my wee one man tent for that. lol
I got it from ebay this year for £56. It was brand new and usually retails at about £250
it is a
RAGE HAMAR 500 DLX tent. It can sleep about 5 or 6 very comfortably. it has an inside area for sitting when raining as well as the porch part in the front as long as the rain is coming straight down and not sideways.
I looked up " frame tent" on ebay and got this. I have seen it selling for £47 as well as £85. Took me a while before I got the price I was happy with. One time I was willing to pay £70 but I got outbidded, luckily I never got outbidded for what i paid.


intro the most important? hmm, nope I disagree.
But only after I read what bonedaddy said about if you turn a radio on half way through a song.

I do agree it can be very important but I would say the chorus is the most important. And that is if the song has a chorus.

Lots of songs you dont know what they are singing about but you will probably mostly remember the chorus.

So i would say the intro and the chorus are equally important for griping an audience but really it is the whole song. And I suppose on it depends on if you are a person that likes to listen mostly to the guitar, drums, bass line or vocals in a  song. If it is the vocals then I would say most definetly it would be the chorus or the lyrics to be the most important part of a song.

I think there are so many various options to be the most important part of a song.

I love the intro to honky tonk woman but I would say it is the chorus that makes that song.

I love the intro to a song that bonedaddy mentioned, " hard to handle" but it is the chorus I love more for that song.

I am a more of a lyrically sort of guy so maybe thats why?

BUT talking of intros and choruses and vocals etc, the song I hvae just put to the pics on you tube " Killiecrankie" is an intro wit hvocals and that really did get me interested the first time i heard it, so a mixture there or lyrics and intro. But then the chorus is just so catchy i am nw confusing myself and I am now undecided.




(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


some pics from the jura folk festival. Give it a bit of time and the music will eventually start.
not me singing but it is better than just looking at pics.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I am not american but I would say they should have made the incline non slip if they knew it was slippery when wet or at least they should have a sign up saying so.
