(11 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Live recording  of   my  new as yet un named  band in rehearsal  studio hope you  like  it


Guitar is  tune A A E A B E With  the  low A  being  an octave   down ,10s gauge  strings  but  I  shal  be  changing  the  low  A  for  something  heavier  as  it flaps  a bit
John  prince  on bass  Mike  davies  on drums  and  me  on guitar

The thing  about  band  members  is  when you  find  your  ideal  you  can  just  jump in  and  play  like  it  was  yesterday , Having  just  got back playing  with  John Prince  who  I last played  with  some  years back its  like  picking up  where  we  left off. Same  applies to  my Greek  band  pals   we  have  a  break  for  6  or  8 months  then just  play  like we've  been rehearsing  for  weeks   straight off. Magic.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

A desperate  situation ,I  wrote  a  song  last  year  on this  subject   when I  was  in Greece   ,I  feel  for  these  people but I  dont  think  the  answer  is migration ,certainly  it  causes  bad  feelings  and  resentment  in the  country  they  come  to .I  dont  know  the  answer ,but  songs  like  this  serve  to  make  the  world  stop and  think .Well  done  beestie .


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I sometimes write bits down as they come up or just record a riff or progression on my lap top then come back to it when the next bit pops into my head but mostly I do the whole thing straight off usualy at stupid o clock in the morning


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Sorry to hear about your son my thoughts are with you all ,stay strong and take care.

No instrumentals   for  me Bill just  long  self indulgent  solos ....lol


(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Petes brother just looks like Brian from my band


(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I know weve probably done this subject to death ove the past year but I really dont feel to bad about it today as I watch a vid of the who at glastonbury this year only roger daltry hasnt got either an i pad or a stand ,so in my mind now its ok to have the memory of a goldfish,like me.


Had  the  first  session with my  new  trio yesterday and  it  went  very  well , we hired  a room at  Aquarius  studios   in Colne ,they were  great  and  very  helpful  providing  every thing we needed   to  just  plug  and  play .We  did a three hour  session and  tore though  the  set  new songs  old songs  some  of  my  original  stuff  and to  be  honest   it  was mostly   good enough to  have  played   to  an audience, the  guys  who  run the  place commented  that  they  couldn't  believe  we  hadn't  played  together  before ,I  was  quite  over whelmed   by  the  comments, but not as  over whelmed  as  John  the  bass player  when he  remembered  he'd not  switched   the  recorder on ,so  you'll  have  to  take  my  word  for now  that  it  was  good ,ah well  next  time ,must  be  an age  thing !!!!!


(580 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I  met  Steve   when he  played  with  Kevin Ayres band Mike  Oldfield  was  also  part  of  this band  back  then just  prior  to  him  doing  Tubular  bells
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc9w_7O … c9w_7OhmwI
heres  a track  with  mike  on bass



(580 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Found  a  cd  in Lancaster  today with  this  on it
I  had  the  pleasure  of a  few beers  with  this  artist in the  early  70s at  the  ABC   theatre  in Preston nice  guy  fantastic artist   enjoy ,Steve Hillage


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good  song  tig catchy  tune


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Really good


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like this ,in my head I hear a live version with the band joining in about half way and a really strong solo then back to acoustic at the end

hope  she  is  ok  bill


(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hope things soon get better ,stomach surgery is very uncomfortable ,it is two months now since mine and I still feel discomfort ,just take it easy and get well ,each day you will feel a litle beter.


(37 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I'll  keep every  one  posted   with  dates  as  to  when we  will  start  doing these  nights  then.


(37 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Phill if  you  remember   last  year  I  mentioned  the  idea  of   a  uk  chordie  fest , why not have  a  rethink  about  the  idea  then Bruce  can get  the  opportunity  to  play  in a  band  situation  albeit  for  one  day .I'm currently  putting  a  UK  band  together and  Im sure    the  guys  would be  happy  to  take  part  all though they  are  not  chordie members .I'm hoping  to be  able  to host   a  regular  open mic session at  the Victoria  Hall at  Settle   with  my lot  as  the  "house band ".We  had  agreed  on a  monthly  event  on a  friday  or  saturday  before  my illness . Having  spoken to  the  manageress   a  couple  of  weeks  ago   it  is  still  on the  cards  when I am deemed  fit  enough   by the   hospital .This  would  be  an opportunity  for  people to  play in a  real  theatre  with a  proper  sound  system.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill  play  open chords  in a  reggae  rhythm  fits  great    sounds  excellent .
Beestie nice words .


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

cool  song  nice  playing


(13 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Dino its just a cheap Chinese one I got off amazon 5 pounds sounds ok plugged in


(60 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

The trio is awesome I showed it to my friend whos gonna be playing bass with me later this year when I'm a bit fitter and he said what do you need me for when you have that.
Its a great tool especialy for practice,  nearly as good as the reall thing ?certainly more reliable than one of our bass players ,no names mentioned.


(16 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks  Phill your comments are always gratefully  received and  appreciated .


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks Phill, sadly my vote  didn't  make any  difference ,but  maybe if  I keep   singing  and  shout  loud  enough eventually changes  will  start  to  happen.