(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thats a nice tune ye got there Ark. I dont usually think much of instrumentals like this but i gave it a chance right to the end and I tihnk it is very well done.



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi washed and welcome to chordie.

Any questions feel free to ask, always ( or mostly) people ready to help.
ASk questions in the relevant sections and if yer not too sure then ask away in the chat section.

there are newbies to experienced guitar player on here. (  as well as banjo,mandolin,uke players)



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I did see this and thought of replying but then thought I couldnt really be bothered to be honest.

There are loads of websites that are dedicated to this. So instead of me typing for ages on what i think or what I have been taught, here are some websites.






(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

the pipes I tihnk were also banned in Scotland as well as the kilt if used for battle.

I love the pipes. allpipes, but especially the irish Uilleann pipes, they are quiet enough to play and listen to in a pub at a folk night.

I have quite a few cd's with pipes.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)



of course it is Roger, lol.
I knew this before and no idea why I forgot. I was looking for an edit just like in a song that is not in my songbook. But yes, I have tried editting one of the songs in my songbook and it works fine.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Deadstring,

when you subscribe to a topic it will notify you through email when someone has replied to you or added something to the topic you subscribe to.

To unsubscribe you go into the topic and click on the "unsubscribe" option.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

being wrong to prove you are human is good sometimes.lol

There must be a problem wit hpersonal songbooks then.
I can only edit songs that are in the main site. I cannot edit any of my songs in my songbooks.
I cannot even see an otion in my songbook to edit/change the song.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I have tried editting songs and they all seem to change ok.
Instead of clicking preview update try clicking on SAVE. this will save your changes.

However I have found I cannot change songs in my own songbook. I had to remove it from my own songbook then change it then save it again.

I am sure I did manage to change songs in my own songbook before.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was going to post a link to this a few weeks ago but at the time my computer crashed and I went in a mood and forgot.

Fantastic foot playing, It is always good to see things like this to show us all that we take things for granted and also if you are determined to do something the unthinkable can be achieved



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi ted and welcome to Chordie,
Great name , I like it

My work decided work was more important at 11am this morning, the machines kept running. I had my own 2 minute silence.



(5 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Well I am not too sure what side of the atlantic my info is based on but

Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon and MEatloaf's BAt out of hell albums were both very high selling albums and I would say both would outsell some of those listed you have.

As for Brian Johnston being accepted in sc dc. I was recently in a foru where people still say he has not managed to replace Bon SCott. But after 28 years or so I would say he has done a pretty good job. And I do not think people should be comparing him to Bon Scott. Two different singers in a the same band that brought two different fronts to the band, yet Brian Johnston can still get through very nicely songs such as " whole lotta rosy"  highway to hell, " TnT" and all other songs that bon Scott sang.
I bet if it was the other way round where Brian Johnston was the first singer and Bon Scott took over people would now be saying Bon can never replace Brain.



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

....and when bagpuss went to sleep............


I loved that too

Also skippy the bush kangaroo, flipper, and conarnation street from age 4.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

what a question..... 1st tv program?
I have no idea

I think it might be a scottish program on a sunday afternoon called " Glen Michael's cavalcade". he used to sit at a table and talk to an old oil lamp, and it replied to him. It showed cartoons mostly.

Or could have been playschool?


eh, all adults? no, family site and kids come here too.

And to anyone else that wants to view a moan against what I have done then please accept this appology just now.

I will not be discussing this anymore. I have said what i want t osay. I have done what I felt right to do.

Live with it or dont. the choice is yours.


Yes Al these is topics that have got nothing to do wih music and they are let g oto run ( as long as they do not get ergumentitive, but I tihnk everyone would agree as the admin at choride have  that religion, politics do end up argumentitive. (I would include footy in that too but that is mostly for West of Scotland that cannot agree on things like that, or start arguing about proddy/catholic sort of thing)

As I am sure most know by now that read in here, I visit bothies a lot and the three unwritten rules of visiting a bothy is no talk f footy, religion or politics because these three subjects dont only start arguments, they start wars lol ok a little OTT for in here but ye get my drift?
Prevention is better than cure...... If we do not have heated debates/arguments/replies on any of these then there is no need for anyone to make excuses for what they said.. meaning everyone can stay as freindly as possible onthe forum.

As it has been said before several times we administrators are volunteers and I am only human, I know I make mistakes too but as well as make them now and again I like to prevent them too. And as an Administrator on this site I like to think I do a good job when I feel the need to reply to people or take appropriate action when needed as I see in my eyes.

I decided not to delete the thread as the initial intention was not so bad, but where would it hve ended? people can still read what was typed but let that be it. I we feel so strong we have to direct a question to another member then there is always the option of emailing the memberand discuss it away from everyone else. I even have a lot more to say on this and I  am thinking of emailing one member to explain why i said something. I could have said it in there but that would have kept it going and again.....where would it stop? and that would have been from just my question, never mind the other convos that were arising through the thread.

I hope this explains more to why I decided to close a political thread, even though I replied on it too. The initial thread I think was fine. I saw it as a " congrats to the winner" but it went further than that.

I do not expect everyone to agree with me as we all have our own views on how things should be or what they would like them to be.


thank you.

the sticky i put on today was mde up some time ago but I just noticed it had not made its way onto the forum.

So appologies on behalf of chordie for this going up just now rather than earlier.

the good thing is we can still talk about dog chews, smelly socks, what wine is best to drink while listening to ac dc's new album, what whisky to drink when tryint to ignore britney spears lol


How to enjoy Chordie's forum:
Basic Guidelines
DO'S Be friendly, be helpful.Ask questions.Share knowledge and ideas.Respect personal differences.

DO NOTS;*No obscenity, no foul or degrading language.
*No spam. Messages that simply promote a product, a service, or that advocate for a political or religious cause will be deleted. Spammers will be banned.
*No posting of copyrighted material (unless you are the writer).

PLEASE REMEMBER;Use common sense - this is a public place!Chordie's forum is used by people of all ages and cultural backgrounds.Chordie's forum is about Music and Musicians.Topics that become arguments over Religion and/or Politics will be closed or deleted.The forum Moderators and Administrators are volunteers.An individual who causes problems will be warned or banned

I closed it as it was nothing to do with music, guitars,pianos etc.
We have cosed other topics in the past that had nothing to do with music.
the thread I closed was far too political for a music site.
If you want t otalk politics then I am sure there are loads of political forums on the net.

We do and can talk about things that are not msuical but talking about politcs will end up getting more heated with people disagreeing, just like religious subjects do to.

I also closed it as most people had their say in it about congrats to obama, but from this t was going off the original subject.

If anyone doesnt like it then please feeel free to complain to any other administrator and you can copy and paste this reason to why I have closed it.

And livebaitan, if you think you ca start a thread of from where it got locked in a new thread then i am afraid you are very wrong.




(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and on that last reply to all this politcal stuff.

I shall now close the thread.
It has ran its course.



(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yes at least people voted. If there is one thing I disagree with is people complaining who got in when they never voted themselves

without this getting too political on here ( sorry for my earlier post)

Let sing a song.........

eh, yeah  aye  Mcain it was reported today has a very famous ancestor...... King Robert the Bruce of Scotland. He was told this by his great grandmother that came from a very wealth family from England.

An Obama also has  Scottish link. Something to do with early Scottish settlers inter mingling ( and more) with the native americans. Thats all it said so I am guessing his ancestors must have been native american somewhere along the lines.

can anyone put chords to that? lol lol

( just listened to our P.M brown there, pretending to know Obama very well and how he is a very good friend of britiain....see al this politics and politicians I really hate them all.
I'm away to listen to the Clash and some good anti political songs. then it will be woodie guthrie and then tom Paxton.)



(52 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well Americans thank you for proving me wrong.
I alsways thought Americans were too racist to vote for a non white guy. So thanks for proving me wrong.

SAying that, after watching the news this morning I think lots of black/coloured whatever you decide to call people that are not white voted for Obama because of his colour. A few darl coloured folk on the news were saying We have got in, as in the colour of skin got in. This is very wrong if that is what most people done it for.

The same happened in the UK in 1979 with Thatcher. Loads upon loads voted for her just for the fact she was a woman and we had never had a woman Prime minister before. And just look what she done to the UK, more so what she had done to SCotland and its industry.

But I kinda like Obama, maybe because of his youthful face? maybe because his colour? maybe because he seems like a nice family man? But it is not because I believe in what political things he says because I have heard nothing lol

but for all those that supported him and voted for him, well done, ye got yer man.


I cannot se this ad bt I know what you are describing.

I Dont use my pinky finger when plying G most times. But sometimes if I know I will be using my ring finger to hold down the 3rd fret on the B string then I will use my pinky on the high E.

I tihnk most people may use their Pinky rather than their ring finger.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good luck trying to hint on though lol


(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)


yer mate is right, when you hear this you know instantly it is AC/DC. same sound, same beat, same style but same fantastic songs.
Some songs though if they had a different singer you might think they could be another band. Brain 's voice is just so distinctive and instantly recognizable. The other ongs ye just have to hear the riffs and know who it is. BUT the fourth song on the album "anything goes" does sound a bit like Bruce " the boss" springstein's "Darlington County. Not a bad thing as I love that song.

They have really managed to hit it off yet again with this album. ONly thing that annoys me is they have not mentioned Scotland in their tour this time. And with the two brothers being born in Scotland I think they should have insisted they play here.

I heard on the radio the other day a conversation that went on with the producer of Black ice an a few of the members of the band. He asked them if they had ever thought of giving up. Angus said he would when he couldnt play. Brian Johnston by the sounds of it took it the wrong way and moaned back at the producer telling him he was 61 years old and if anythone thought that he could not cut the albm ten to tell him there and then and he would go. No one answered and they walked into the studio to make the album.

I do hope they come back to Glasgow.


micky the mooch wrote:

Am  staying put, well nearly! ilive  near the most beautiful scenery in England, North east coastline up Bamburgh way holy island we have Hadrains Wall, Northumbland, Scotland , and parts of Yorshire too... Nahhh i`l stay at home thanks


Scotland is not part of England, but it i very close to North of England lol
You also have the lake district which is a fantastic place!