(36 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Looks like someone is getting GAS.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hope it goes well for her. Strep is awful. No matter what age.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good for you. It only gets better and more fun.


(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Depending on where you are, you should try the left side of the FM radio dial. From 88 to 92. There is a whole world of public radio there. In my area there is WUMB, WERS, WCUW and WCHC.  At certain times they have some kind of great music. It is a matter of finding their schedules or hitting them at the right time. Check in your area to see and keep an open mind. You may be surprised at what you come up with.

after over 5 hours of digging out, I called it quits. I will finish tomorrow. The snow isnt going anywhere. Any facebook friends can see how much snow I got. Our cars were buried in 4 feet of snow. The only one I don`t drive much in the winter didn`t get buried too bad.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

How about anything by Jimmy Buffett.

I got a phone call earlier. I was told to drop what I was doing and bring the truck back now. When the boss is right, she`s right. She didn`t get any argument from me. No traffic is allowed on the roads after 4pm.

We`re supposed to get hit pretty hard here in the worcester area. It will be interesting to see how a 1 foot dog handles 2 feet of snow. They are predicting 2 to 3 FEET of snow for this one.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

deadstring wrote:

There is a little gizmo that lets you make all the picks you want from things like credit cards. I think it sells for about $20

I have seen that. But I have been using the same type for so long, I cant change now. Like I said, I just keep telling myself" they`re just picks".


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

My first amp was a GAX practice amp. Then I bought an acoustic model 115. 50 watts. I miss that one. Then my 3rd was a Gibson Falcon which I still use to this day. I paid 85.00 for it back in 1984. I`m glad I kept it. One like it was featured in Vintage Guitar magazine last year. Turns out they only made 204 of that particular one. (1961). I`m glad I kept it and didn`t paint the cabinet red like I wanted to.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My daughter (the trout) has this awful habit of losing picks. She has an even worse habit of taking the picks off of all my guitars and losing those too. At .75 apiece, they get expensive. I probably spend 7.50 a month on picks. I hjave asked nicely, yelled and even made her look for them. The first time bugged me the most. Some of them I had since 1983. They are herco flex 50s and they never break. Now I bought a pack of 100 on ebay. Just venting. There is no way to stop it. So I keep telling myself " THEY ARE JUST PICKS" .She is my daughter and there are a lot worse things that she could be doing.

Tenement Funster wrote:

Roger ...

You may have heard former YES keyboardist Rick Wakeman commenting on marriage, during one of his Grumpy Old Man stage shows. He mentioned he was about to get married for the 4th time, and confessed a total lacking of understanding of wives. He suspected this was somehow linked to his lack of understanding of women. He felt his second wife left him for a trivial reason, i.e., that he wouldn't open the car door for her. His excuse was that he panicked, and swam for the surface.

I have to confess being married to the same wonderful lady for 34 years ... 'til death do us part.

23 years with the same wife. Been together almost 28 years. We also lived together for 3 years before we married.

Fire art  wrote:

Stuck my hand in my snow blower New Year's Eve 10 years ago. it look just like the sticker that said don't do that

Ironic- I burned my fingers and someone called Fire Art is commenting. Am I the only one that see`s the humor in this. Actually, back in 1994, I was fixing an old Silvertone console tube radio for someone. I put my soldering iron down and leaned on it. I jumped holding my hand. I held my tongue because they had young children. After composing myself, I leaned on it again on the same spot on my hand. Twice in a matter of 2 minutes. I have a knack for burning myself

I burned my fretting hand. The tips of my fingers that touch the strings. I wish it were my picking hand. (actually neither hand). Then I could use a thumbpick. Didn`t burn those.

Russell_Harding wrote:

Well I have never done anything stupid in my entire life nor have I ever told a lie lol

Are your pants on fire now Russell


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

3am for me and I have it finished by 4:30 am. Then I drive to work.

I Was supposed to play today but had to cancel. Yesterday I was making a grilled cheese bagel and broke my wife`s favorite plastic spatula. Instead of grabbing another plastic one, I grabbed a metal one. I didn`t want to damage her teflon pan with the metal spatula, so I decided to use the tips of my fingers to turn the sandwich. It`s so easy to guess the rest of this. The tips of my left fingers are burned now. Not bad but I don`t think I will be playing this weekend. Does this qualify for the stupidest move ever made by a guitarist?


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

bunbun wrote:
Fire art  wrote:

I'm learning both guitars bar chords are much easer on the electric and then I try them on my acoustic I like both guitars

They do seem easier on an electric. I think it is due to the thinner neck and lighter gauge strings. Of course that is on a well set up guitar. if the set up is wrong any chord is hard.

Electric is easier than acoustic. It is so true that a poorly set up guitar will be hard to play no matter what it is. Acoustic or electric. To repeat myself again. I think of an electric as a car with power steering and an acoustic as a car without power steering.


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

3 cups in the morning = 8 cups in the coffee maker. This may sound wierd but I keep my cups lined up for the day of the week. My thursday and friday cups are bigger than sunday thru wednesday. And my saturday cup has parrots on it. If someone uses them, I have to wash them so I can use them on the right day.


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

coffee. Tea makes me sick to my stomach. Even Dunkin Donuts iced tea bothers me,


(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Two things you never forget.(1) The first real song you play all the way through. (not the choral or happy birthday from the mel bay book but an actual rock song that you love) (2) The first time you bite into a McDonalds hot apple pie. Before they  warned you that it was filled with hot lava.


(1 replies, posted in Electric)

While playing today a new lead guitarist brought in a Les Paul with a maple fingerboard. He said it was from the 70s and very rare. They didn`t make them for a long time. The guitar was the real deal. The fretboard had mother of pearl block inlays and stood out like a light against the black body. Has anyone ever seen one of these? I usually don`t care for Les Pauls, but this one really impressed me. If it were rosewood or ebony it would have been just another Les Paul.


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

I have a Peavey Vyper. My daughter has a line 6. The vyper makes every kind of sound except a guitar playing through an amp with no effects. I find it hard to control. The Line 6, my daughter loves and uses all the time. I do like the fact that if I am thinking of buying any effects, I can get an idea of what it will sound like or if it is really useful. Your best bet is to try all of them. Even if they aren`t on your list. Then decide which one you like.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If it could do barre chords or a B chord I may buy it.


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Future reference. Next time, don`t go it alone. Bring someone with experience or go to a reputable dealer. Also, nobody mentioned if the top is curved (caved) in. A problem I have had with Kays, Harmonys, Silvertone and Checkmate acoustics. It really bugs me when I see junk for sale in pawn shops and craigslist and some unsuspecting parent or person buys it for somebodys first guitar. When it comes to guitars, I always say do a few minutes of research first. It may save you a lot of money and aggravation.