(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

a few duets i like are:

George Michael and elton John with " dont let the sun go down on me"

and not so much a duet but  the dubliners and the pogues with " irish rover" well it is a duet, the two singers are singing with the two bands backing.

Kenny Rogers and canny remember with "islands in he stream"

and my favourite all time duet that lots will not know is
Eric Bogle and John Munro called " a reason for it all" Eric sings the verse about a woman lying dead in her home for months and singing how there must be a reason for everything. The John sings the chorus's ( all different chorus's) singing how there is no reason it is just the way things are, then at the end the two are singing completely different verses.
It really is worth a listen to if ye can find it.
I could not find any on youtube but here are the lyrics.
http://ericbogle.net/lyrics/lyricspdf/a … ritall.pdf



(9 replies, posted in Song requests)

thanks Kenny,

I posted my link a few times when i had put my own songs i had written on but I have not written anything for ages. But next time i write something i think worth recording that link will go back on again,lol.

I am planning on doing a few more scottish folk songs before christmas since I got my camera back from being repaired.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

get back


(39 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

the do's and don't's


(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

errrrmmmm, out now?
Lol, I got a copy of this about May due to some bad bad person in the recording studio.

I was disapointed at first but after about 14 listens to it, it gets better. lol

I give it 6/10. 15 years in the making? hmmmmmm  could have done better



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi and welcome to chordie.
Further to topdown's reply...

The chord above a certain word is not always the correct place.
It depends on the person that wrote it out. I have found a few that are wrong. This is not a fault in chordie, this is to do with the person that put it on a website that chordie takes the song from.
It can be ammended in the option to correct the song or if you have it in your songbook you can edit the song.

But like Topdown says, yer better listening to the song to get the feel of the rythum. Only use the lyrics and chords as a guide to help you with the song. Sometimes the chords are wrong too but can be corrected by "transposing"




(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

if this is true, no 13th floor on a U.S building because it is considered unlucky then I will have to think about how crazy I think the americans are.
This is the most stupidist thing I have heard in a long time.

stupid stupid stupid.

I am going to write a song about the thirteenth floor, a happy go lucky tune.....when i remember



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

evsynator wrote:

The same thing can be said of a much smaller place like the uk .... with a lot less more miles to travel the music styles can vary greatly .. ie .... cornish ... welsh , scottish, even cockney styles and apologies to all the others I have left out.

very true and you could narrow it down even more. Scottish folk songs in the highlands are completely different than those from Glasgow and those from the borders. And I bet songs and styles would vary from one end of London to the other.


(9 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi jamiejah

I play these songs as well as loads more scottish folk songs.


http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/scott … 001205.HTM

the second link takes ye to "Bonnie Dundee" but there are other songs there in that site.

The first link is full of lyrics for scottish and irish.
here is the home page of it  http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/scott … dxv6as.htm

and there is also a rabbie burns site with sheet music on it http://www.milwburnsclub.org/songs.htm

hope this keep ye going for a while.
Also while I am at it. I do a few songs on youtube under the name upyerkilt123


my wife tinkers about with my guitar sometimes and  "over the rainbow" is the song she is trying to perfect. She has 4 sheets of tab for the song. She is doing pretty good but without more practice it will be another year before she does it.

We have an Eva Cassidy cd here, mostly my wife listens to it but  I like it too. It is a shame she only really got discovered after she died.


LMAO Lieven
yeaj i remember Bez and the happy mondays.

He won celebratey big brother a few years ago. He still admits to this day he cannot dance and has no rythum but the fans loved him. I tihnk mostly because he was never sober and did not care about how he looked. But he had fun and that is what it is all about.
So I would tend to disagree with saying he was useless. he showed fans how to have fun without playing an instrument. Too many people I know will not join in with musical activities because they say they cannot play an instrument or they cannot sing but music is about having fun as well as entertaining.
Important? yes because he was a visual display of the happy mondays band,without him they would not have been the same. They would have sounded the same but just would not have been the same.



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good question!!
I have no idea what make my first acoustic guitar was.
About 1992 I got an old battered guitar with a twisted neck and a duff machine head key on the G string.
It was full of wee pin holes caused by darts rebouding off the wire and hitting the guitar. No matter whre the guitar sat in his room the darts were sure to find their way to the guitar.
He had a few others that were well out the way and protected.
I used to play bout with his guiars all the time and he ended up giving me this tatty one, in fact thinking about it, it might have been his brother that gave me it. Anyway it done the trick for about 18 months until I got a new one, But mostly I think I learned on my father in laws guitars ( or he was my father in la to be back then)
The first one I bought was a hohner countryman. It had a green body and that looked unusual to me. That's what made me buy it. I was a bit too embarrassed to play it in the shop so I just strummed it once and said OK I will have it. Big mistake,lol. It also had a twisted neck but I never took it back. I still have it but it sits in a cupboard.


hi firestone and welcome to chordie.

You could find an answer on the chord sheet in chordie.


there are other posts asking this question but i cannot direct you to them as i cannot find them



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

glad ye got it sorted Kiwi.

have fun


Lieven you forgot.

Syd Barret being replaced in Pink Floyd by David Gilmour. No more did people see a drug fuelled guitarist/singer on stage from this band. I dont know who would be best, two different guys, two very different personallities. Both gave so much to the band in differnt ways. Their first two albums seem to be from different bands. But I think if Syd stayed with them, they would never have had the success they did. Especially with wish you were here or the wall. without syd not being around these albums would never have been written.

Rainbow I believe had a few singers too. I really did not like one of them but I am not too sure which one. I have forgotten their names.

Sex pistols replaced Glen for Syd. Syd was much more popular and even still today Glen gets told he cannot replace Syd, even though it was Syd that replaced him to start with and Glen can also play the bass guitar whereas Syd couldnt. Crazy fans!!!!!!

Iron Maiden: Whats his name? lol, paul De who? the one everyone forgets but he thrives on his glory days of being Iron maiden's original singer. Bruce Dickenson was bar far the best replacement they could ever have hoped for. In the 90's Brucey left them and he got replced by some other guy that I did not like, soon they all came to their senses and got Brucey boy back and made a superb album.

Guns'n; roses.....Just brought out a new album after working on it for an estimated 15-17 years.....just not the same without Izzy, Slash and Duff. All guns and roses are now is Axle Rose and his backing band. But the album is good but not guns 'n' roses as I knew them from the 80's

Small faces/ rod stewart and the faces:
After Steve marriot left the band to persue a new band project ( Humble pie) the small faces got together with Rod, this made Rod very very big indeed, he surpassed the fame that the small faces got. Without them he would have been nothing, they gave the music the sound. Ronnie Lane was a superb songwriter, very underestimated in my opinion. So if Steve did not break away then there would maybe be no Rod Stewart, or perhaps there would be, who knows? sliding doors?

And last there is The Jam, Now known as " from the jam" only Paul Weller missing but he is replaced by Russel Hastings on vocals and guitar and now also have David Moore palying keyboard. To me the Jam without Paul Weller is not the same BUT, these four guys have brought back the magic music and they do it just as good as Paul Weller did it, only difference really is Paul wrote the majority of songs. But dont worry, they are writting their own stuff now and can perform with the same magic as they did years ago. Russel also sings just like Paul. He greaw up a very big jam fan so he was already heavily infuenced by them, this leads him to singing pauls song the way Paul sang them , sort of initaing a bit, but dam ngood stuff as far as I am concerned.


Russell_Harding wrote:

I never heered of those "Cadadians" do they drive Cadilacs in Canada? lol 

upyerkilt wrote:

Happy thanksgiving to all you Americans out there and hope the cadadians had one too.

yea so you have heered of them then?

Sorry to the Canadians if anyone took offence I am such a lazy typer smoetimes. I should go back and check my typos/spelling/mistakes etc.... See I will not even go back and ammend the word " smoetimes"


I dont know exactly when this day is, but i know it is sometime in November ( I keep asking this every year though, sometime I might remember after a year)

Happy thanksgiving to all you Americans out there and hope the cadadians had one too.
I have my own thanksgiving every weekend.



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

well i dont know if it is humidity or hot/cold or maybe a mixture of both but when i go up the hills with my guitar it is perfectly tuned when it goes in the case then when i get into a freezing cold bothy take it out the case trum it once and it is fine but half hour later it sounds awful.
I try to keep it in a warm part of the room but not too near the log fire and it seems fine most, unless I am really cold and have to sit and play next to the fire, then it will go out of tune again.

In situations like this I keep my intelitouch tuner clamped on to keep it tuned as much as possible, but then when i get steaming drunk I dont really care about it going off tune slightly. lol

The person to invent strings that only need tuned once in their life will be a very rich man indeed.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:

What Zurf said  "It's not wrong to play it your way"  sums it up real good.

  Badeye cool

I disagree ....... I think it is wrong not to play it your own way ,:lol:

yes the same meaning!!!



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

the kilt has no pockets, you wear a sporran with the kilt. that is the thing that sits in front of the guys groin.

Also the kilt is not a feminine clothes wear neither. it is very masculine. Just because a few countries in the world do not have a guy wearing a dress/skirt like object of clothing doesnt make it feminine.
Also, PANTS? ,pants to us are boxershorts, underwear. I know pants in the U.S and other places call them pants but they are TROUSERS.
And women also do wear a kilt, which is different from the men's, they have a kilt that would be classed as a skirt.

I know most people in the world like to tease and joke about the scots wearing a kilt and say they wear a skirt or womans clothes, but this is either through pure ignorance, arrogance or just sheer cheek. and most of these idiots that do not take time to learn things would never say it straight to a kilt wearing scotsman unless he was looking for some argy bargy argro. Or if he did and he was joking he would better make sure he is seen as joking.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

a kilt is known as a dress not a skirt.
I have no idea why but i just like correcting folk that call it a skirt. lol

But I like yur definition.

It is a kilt!!! lol


tubatooter1940 wrote:

A good jam session always cheers me up.

superb reply and a very true rely.
Always does the trick for me too.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

Saw a hiking kilt for sale in an outfitter along the AT (Appalachian Trail).  It was so hot that day I was tempted, but just couldn't pull the trigger. 

- Zurf

You should have got it and tried it. They are superb for waling/hiking.
Only bad thing about them is they do not protect you from Ticks and the dreaded scottish midge.

And Nessie is real ( or so we will keep saying since so many spend money to come see if they can catch  glimpse) And it is a loch not a lake ( we scots are very fussy about this name, and it is not pronounced "LOCK" you have got to get the ch correctly as if you are trying to cough up some phlem)

And the big question " what is up a scotsman's kilt" well the truth is............ whatever ye want. lots or perhaps most will wear nothing,this makes others think they have to wear nothing but loads still wear underwear. Me personally, what is und my kilt? now that is a question.


well Lena
accoding to the news the rate of inflation is going to start coming down and the price of living is getting better.

All the news is reporting is bad newws or trivial stuff. That is what this world is


(47 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi ,

This is already possible.

All you do is transpose the song then save to your songbook.

when asking a question could you start a new thread to ask instead of adding it on to a very old thread.

