(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good ad Lena.

Even though it portaits men as pigs, but then maybe we all are ,lol

I had eaten a few irish sausages the other day THEN turned on the news to see DO NOT EAT IRISH pig meat. LOL,. I stil lfeel ok so far.

now they say they cows might be infected? well I ate beef all through the mad cow scare and I am fine, or I think I am. I even managed to get a T bone steak when they were banned from the shops and I loved it more than I did when they were legal. Then when they got legalised again I never had another,lol

also I liked a few of the women in that ad.

yep, I am a guy



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I am sure when the webmaster reads this he will help you out.
calm down and be patient, the webmaster is quite busy.


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love this song. Fantastic imaginitive lyrics.


Just one thing.....The chords. you have them all in lower case. Sometimes when a D chord is shown as "d" it could mean it is Dm. and "a" Am etc etc.
It would be better if you got in the habit of using Caps for chords.

Are you going to record this and put it on youtube or myspace or similar? I would love to hear how this is done, I kinda stuggled with the Bm C#m part of the song.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

a bit repetative daddy, but still i like the lyrics.


(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Buvvy

There are no cd's that I know of with a cd full of chordians own work, but great idea.

I was thinking of moving this t recording section but it is a chordie topic about chordie and one I think someone should try and do.
Might have a few problems like poeple not wanting to give their songs out etc.

But tis does remind me there is a youtube space for chordians to go to and share their stuff. I have not been there for a while. http://uk.youtube.com/group/Chordians

Thats about as near as a cd there is so far,lol. an online compilation



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Pix,

I noticed!!!

sorry to hear bout yer grandmother.

All the best



(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

nightrider767 wrote:

Singing is a big leap for fairly new guitarists. For one,,, typically your brain is occupied with playing the darn guitar. So adding the voice can be a stretch. Second,,, even if you have a song you can sing, if you start singing and playing your first song, you may be very disapointed, as the key of the song will not match the key you are singing in.

It's easy to get disouraged, but don't.


that is probably a very valuabel piece of info and so so correct. when singing in a different key it might make a learning think they cannot sing.
And since if starting off they might not know about transposing etc,

great post



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dfoskey wrote:

My youngest son who is only 6 want to learn guitar but he doesn't have the attention span to practice. I've tried to get him to practice with me but i play for 2 or 3 hours at a time. He really needs a smaller guitar than a childs size because it is still too big for his small hands. Maybe a mandolin would work out better. I want to learn it myself. I've been told it's kinda like playing a ukulele. Do you know?

I play the mandolin a little as wel las the Uke and they are totally different.
They are tuned differently too.. The Uke is very easy. I would say probably the easiest stringed instrument to learn. The chords are easy too. The only thing about the Uke is the sound, you do not get the sound like a guitar, it does sound a bit like a toy, but I think it is a great instrument.

The mandolin is tuned like the violin and can be played with chords or like a lead instrument by playing individual notes. The mandolin is quite easy too for the chords after you get a hold of the chords for it. once you know 5 or 6 yer away, ye can play a load of songs.

In my opinion if you want your kid interested in music at an early age when they have a short attention span I would go for the Uke. I tried my boy when he was 8 on the mandolin and he gave up after learning dirty old town on it. Alo he had no rythum, trying to get him to strum it properly was a nightmare. But the Uke is easier to stumm too as it only has the 4 strings and nylon.
If you go for a Uke remember this...the strings will go out of tune all the time until they settle ( worse than a guitar) but once settled they wil be fine. Mine took over a week to settle down.



(9 replies, posted in Recording)

yep Russell I totally agree with that but there are bands that have relied on the sound engineer/producer to make them a sound and has turned out terrible, but sounds good to the guy.
I have hear a lot of over produced stuff on tape/cd/album but when they play it live they do not get the same sound and thank goodness for that as their sound live is far better.

Take that robert plant and allison krauss album. I think that has too much effects in the guitar and I think this is down to the production. I bet when they play live it would have a slight echo/delay in it and would saound much better, and Robert Plant's vocals on that album have been tampered withtoo much too. He does not need this done to his voice but in the opinion of an enginneer he thought it would make a good sound. And maybe it does? maybe Robert and Allison lik it or they would not have agreed to it?

Hmmmmm, each to their own and all that but I think it is over produced as some other music can be too.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

someone is really getting in the crimbo spirit.

well done daddy.



(9 replies, posted in Recording)

what i hate about someone producing your own work is they tell you what to do. You want t oplay it theway you want but yu are suppose to rely on the producer to tell you what sounds better for what you are doing, or what they think will sell and since they are supposidly the experts ye need to listen to them.
I would do a lot more of my own producing but i know I suck at it. But in my mind I know what I want. I should have went t ocollege to do a course on this when i had the chance years ago.



(15 replies, posted in Music theory)


I was going to say along the linesof we are brought up to know that music is for dancing to for enjoyment, but I remember years ago at a wedding reception as well as my own son when about 9 month old - 18 months old moving to music. Not really dancing but rocking back and forward as if i were a ntural thing to do. Maybe they got this from watching adults dancing? make you wonder though doesnt it. Was it from watching adults or do we as humans naturally move to a beat that makes us dance.

As for a cat not feeling emotion to a song is probably because they have not got the intelligence to know what  sad tune is compared to a happy tune. I dont even think a baby would know this either, they would learn as they grow I would say.

I think we need a physcologist guitar playing person on chordie to proffessionally answer questions that none of us really know the answe to lol


I also agree with southpaw and wlbaye.

Sir Paul McCartney from the beatles could not read or write usic yet he was very successful. The beatles also played cover versions and how did they do this? Probably by listening to the original over and over wit hpractice.

I can read a little music but mostly I do not bother, I much prefer to listen to the song and get the chords from the internet and learn te song  that way. You do not need sheet music with tempos and note etc.

And I do not think Jerome you should be insulting someone you do not know well enough to insult. How many folk did you tutor last year anyway? were you successful?



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

So we have a few christmas songs on chordie but nothing like the library this site has.

If I saw this earlier i the year I would have direct qite a few songs over, but instead heres the link to nothing but christmas songs.


go on learn some crimbo songs. It is only a few weeks away.



(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I was browsing around chordie on the recommended sites and stumbled across this one.


An online tutor. I dont believe in online tutor for singing as it is not one on one  but there is a part you can sign up for free i think and she gives monthly free tips for singing.

Maybe worth a try if you are really that stuck with singing? But I would advise not to go paying for anything until you have a good bit of feedback o this site or any site. Or just take the free tips.

I think there would be a forum of some sort on singing on the net somewhere, something like chordie where guitarists help each other. If not hen there should be.


this could be asked in "Song requests" John,
As well as asking for direction to lyrics or chords etc , people if they wanted to know this can ask ad I think they have asked things like this.
Sometimes they get answers sometimes they dont. It all depends on who readds it and who reads it and knows the answer.



(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

favourite ones i am listening to right now are hanoi rocks, sex pistols, And iron Maiden.

next week it will change yet again


HI John
ye might be right but since chordie does not actually host the songs you might have to go to all the original sources and ask all the other sites to include them so chordie can take a rythum etc while getting the song from the original site

Also John please refrain from duplicating the same question in various sections. they will only get deleted. one is enough, thanks



(12 replies, posted in Music theory)

im here as a member.

I dont like this at all.

Zurf wrote:


Does that site require MIDI interface?

- Zurf

lol :LOL:

whats that? sounds like something on the starship enterprise

I think it needs something but whatever it needs I have it as I can see the videos no problem and I dont think I downloaded any interface thing, but thats not to say I havent ,lol

yep, I have no idea.


Hi LArry,

Welcome to Chordie.

I could recommend PLAYJAM. there is a section and opinions in chordie on this site.
I found it quite useful before and recentely I am joined up again. It is a place where you pay a fee though, dont know if that would put you off or not, but it is a lot cheaper than an actual tutor.

It gives training from complete beginner to advanced players wanting to try a different style like finger picking, strumming, electric guitar, as well as other styles.

But good luck.



(20 replies, posted in Acoustic)

difficult question I tihnk.

Same advice as learning the guitar I suppose. Practice practice practice

But one word of advice I can give is make sure you are breathing properly. Without breathing properly you might not sing properly which can then lead to nodules on your vocal cords.

Maybe a couple of lessons from a proffesional just to get you started?

Or hopefully there is one or two singing teachers in here that could help, or someone that has had proffesional training.

Also can I say you may think you are terrible but you might not be as bad as you think. Most people if not all dont like to listen to themselves. But then maybe you are terrible and you have no hope, but I never go for that opinion. I tihnk everyone can sing, maybe not in the style they would like to but they can sing. ( if they can talk)



(16 replies, posted in Songwriting)

excellent lyrics, great song.
well done



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

before this gets too religious can folk look at the topic and keep to it

this is about music not religious politics.

Lieven can I suggest if you want to know how many churches are in te USA then google it.



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Russell_Harding wrote:

Would that be the divine Dolly Parton ? smile

upyerkilt wrote:


Kenny Rogers and canny remember with "islands in he stream"

I thought it was but if I said it was her I would have been wrong ,lol

