I dropped my daughter off at the movies yesterday and figured I would go into guitar center JUST TO LOOK AROUND. I swore I wouldn`t buy anything. I ended up buying a Fender Greta Tube Amp. It is red and gold and looks like an old fashioned table radio. It has a 4" speaker and puts out a whopping 2 watts. Has anyone had any experience with one of these? Funny, when I was young I used to want the biggest most humongous amp I could get.(Marshall half stack) Now I like the small ones. (Pignose, Honeytone ). Who says size matters.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You can only pick one. Think hard. Which song is your absolute all time favorite. It doesn`t have to be your favorite band or singer. Just the one song that speaks to you the most. The deepest lyrics or best music. The one that floats your boat the most. My favorite song of all time is " Burning Bridges" by The Mike Curb Congregation.  Unbelievable lyrics.  It was a hit in 1970. It also played at the end of the movie "Kelly`s Heroes" Another great movie.


(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

floydlong wrote:

After much research and opinions, I go out and find all the guitars on my list. I play each one several times over a period of a few months. The "right" one will always "speak" to you. Something about the tone, the feel of the neck, and the touch that will always let you know "I'm the one."
Now I would purchase a beater guitar on the spot if it sounded good, had good playability, and the neck looked OK .....oh, and if the price was right.

Make music,


My 59 Gibson was calling me. I went in to buy a telecaster and kept going back to it. It wouldn`t stop calling until I bought it. The downside is that I still don`t have a telecaster. If you are new to buying a guitar, bring someone with knowledge. Do your research too. Especially if you are buying from craigslist.


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

We have these machines over here in the Colonies where you stack the dirty dishes, cups, saucers, plates, glasses, goblets, etc (pretty much any utensil made for cooking or eating). You add a bit of soap, push a button or 2 - about an hour later you get reasonably clean dishes! It's magical!

ETA - Heal Quickly!

One time I accidentally stabbed my hand with a knife unloading the dishwasher. Blood splattered all over the dishes. So I put more soap in. Closed it up and washed the load all over again before the blood could dry.


(18 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

52 years old. Been playing for 31 years. It`s an outlet. My escape from the outside world . Like everything except rap.


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Herco flex 50. They last forever and work good for all my guitars.


(8 replies, posted in Song requests)

Are you sure? Do you mean " Holiday Road". That is the song from the movie and it is right on chordie. Also, it`s a great song too


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Any guitar that feels right in your hands and sounds good to you is fine. I have friends that will go in raptures over Gibson and Gretch electric guitars, I would not thank you for either make.

A guitar is personal to the individual.


The worst guitar I ever had was a 1967 Gretsch Corvette. If it plays easy and you feel comfortable, it is a great guitar (like Roger says). Don`t let the name on the headstock sway you. My favorite is a beat up old yamaha sj-180. Probably worth about 30.00 in the shape it`s in. It feels good, sounds good and I am comfortable with it.


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I forgot about lubricant, pliers, wire cutters.Also a set of allen wrenches.Also a can of electrical contact cleaner. They`re in there too


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

How many keep a special tool box just for your guitars? What do you have in it? The lemon oil post made me think of this. I have a bottle of lemon oil. Some chrome polish. A can of furniture polish. ( I know that a lot of people frown on this, but the music shop where I go to said it is ok. It is the same as guitar polish except for the smell). A can of Johnsons Paste Wax. 2 chamois cloths. 2 screwdrivers. A set of mini screwdrivers. Toothpicks. # string winders and an electric string winder.A tuner. Extra sets of strings. Extra bridge pins. Extra tubes. And some other spare parts I will probably never use. Oh also, the toothpicks are for pushing the strings through on a strat when they don`t come out. Plus the Gibson guitar care kit I wasted my money on to begin with.


(26 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Whenever I change strings I use lemon oil on the fretboard. Right over the old strings. Then I wipe that part of the fretboard after I remove the old string. I also wasted 20.00 on the Gibson guitar care kit. A tiny bottle of lemon oil is called fretboard conditioner. A tiny bottle of guitar polish and a tiny bottle of metal polish. A chamois cloth that says Gibson and a tiny brush. A big bottle of lemon oil is available at Walmart for a lot less. Along with all the other products.


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

dino48 wrote:
bensonp wrote:

Good for you and good for him.  I have a Fender acoustic sitting here for a long time waiting for someone in my life to get interested and I will do the same.

I know how that is pete,but one of my grandaughters finely got interested in piano and is now taking lessons,my other two are sports minded,they got a new Fender acoustic in thier bedroom just gathering dust.

It must be a thing with Fender Acoustics. I gave one to my niece to learn on. She never did learn. It now sits in a closet collecting dust. It was one of the better one`s. Not the new cheap ones they sell now for 90.00.


(275 replies, posted in Electric)

I was 50 the last time I saw this post. Now I`m 52

I do all the time. I also have small hands and they are always sore.


(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Good for you. Hope you love it.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nobody mentioned any of Stevie Ray Vaughn`s strats or Muddy Waters beat up old telecaster? They are gone, but the guitars always stand out in my mind


(12 replies, posted in Electric)

When it comes to cords. You get what you pay for. I just had a cord give out on me after almost 28 years of use. Back then I balked at paying 20.00 for it. Sometimes you get lucky with a cheap cord.My cheap cord broke. I needed one fast so I bought a coiled cord at radio shack back in 1983. I still have it and it still gets used.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Williams wrote:

i cant believe no one remembers this joke from way back in the 50's

what did he have on his coffin?

   I was born in 1960. I had no idea what you were talking about                                       DIRT

                                  lol  lol  lol


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

All of the above and then some.


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jimmy Pages doubleneck Gibson sg.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

Jim Croce.  You Don't Mess Around with Superman.

You don`t mess around with Superman either.


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Do some research first. I have seen them at Guitar Center for the same price. As with any used piece, do some research first. It may save you some money


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I managed to get the pics on my facebook page. If anyone wants to see, they are there.





*** Edited to add photos at Jx3's request - RG *** Thank you so much Roger---Joey


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

In the Worcester area when I was young (the 70s). There was a band called  FATE . They had 2 cover songs on the local AM radio station WORC. If you didn`t like them, you were considered to be a communist or something. Then the big thing, DUKE AND THE DRIVERS, they just came out with an album on ABC records? They played a dance at my high school right when the album came out.
. Then if anyone remembers ORPHEUS. They had a big hit called Can`t Find The Time. And the Road Apples. They had a big hit on Polydor called Let`s Live Together.       Then in 1978, the next town over (Shrewsbury) had a rock concert in Dean Park. After that they did not allow any more rock concerts and wouldn`t allow an up and coming group to play there. A band called The Cars.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I sent pictures to my own email. I am having trouble with my camera. If anyone is interested I can email them.