(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

sorry james and badeye but i do not see a short order chef as being a good home cooker/chef.

All these orders in cafes, roadside stops, maac D's etc just not the same as getting the herbs/spices and getting mash potaotes to perfection and knowing when to take the T bone steaks of the heat or how long to boil a haggis until it is perfect,lol

home cooking will always be superior to any cafe or even most hotels with top chefs in them.

if you two want to stop by I will do you a 4 course meal that you will think you would only get in a high class restaraunt yet there is nothing high calss about it, just delicious well cooked food.

I just realised, I never thought I was big headed about anything........ Now I have to rethink lol

I love my cooking



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good reply badeye,
but tell yer wife to step aside and get in that kitchen and cook a dinner, anything you know you can cook, and you will enjoy it, so much you will want to do more.Let her do the washing up!.

or just carry on what yer doing if it works for you lol



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

this post has really turned out to bring tear to my eyes. Tears of laughter!!

Roger I am no martyr
and james and everyone else the kitchen shoul be a man's place.
We can ( or I can) cook better than my wife and probably every other female that does not get paid for cooking lol

c'mon women tell me I am wong..... ( eh no dont lol )

I love my kitchen. upto about a year ago I done the majority of cooking for my family, now it is about half. My wife can do a realy ood.......eh......erm..... well she can do some things and I will eat them and love them but I am more creative. Anyway, for cleaning I do believe a woman will clean more than the men in general but when a guy does it he does a more thourogh job. Maybe because males in general are not used to it and we think we have to get into every wee corner of the house???? I believe this should be done all te time (( take note women_  lol

OK, I have had a bottle of wine and I thin kit is now time to shut up lol



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love chainsaw carvings.
When I worked in a garden centre the manager knew a guy from Dumfries in Scotland, Rodney Holland. He asked him to come along to a fundraising event we were doing for the ex -servicemen.
He came along and made fantastic stuff with all different types and sizes of chainsaws.
I forgot all about him until I read this post. That made me look up to see if Rodney had a site and guess what......


amazing some of the stuff he does. There is a gallery and even a video of him carving an eagle so you can see him in action.



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hahahahahahahaha, two funny posts, just what i need after a busy day at work.

Then i come home to an empty house as my wife has ( I tihnk I  have said this before) gone with te kids on holiday .
so, I am not fixing anything. Instead I am having a massive tidy up. Iwent nto the kitchen last night for a coffee and I noticed a bowl in the basin needing washed, this led me to be in there for about 2 hours cleaning every part of the kitchen, tomorrow I will tackle all the cupboards, tonight I am going to belt out some new AC DC tunes and do he same to this living room, now the kids are not here I can get everything back to the way I like it, for a week at least, then it is christmas day or Messy day as I like to call it here.


sorry i do not. But you could probably do it with G, C, D I would think



(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

never heard of this band but that was great.


lol lol lol

I just love the humour that crops up in here sometimes.


I understand now, this is a game.
Doesnt look like anyone is interested in this game let alone heard of it

But I do believe we should all get out into science's nature and get some fresh air, I just love the way all those atoms came together through science to give us the great outdoors.


i have one of his cd's and this is on it, superb song, great album.

Also one he does which is super is "the 7 men of knoydart" one of his best ever.



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi lespaulguy

I know you do not want videos but have a look at this one

http://www.musicmoose.org/index.php?opt … ;Itemid=32

hopefully that will take you to a page where you can click on  "NEXT" and it will start, you get a good close up all the time as well as explaining.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I like this a lot. So much I am putting a reminder in my outlook t pop up and trell me to record this through the week while I have the house to myself for a whole week.

This is my first to record I think.

Super lyrics, super song.
I am looking forward to hearing your recording.



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks all and a big big thank you to Zurf. I will let ye know when i am coming over. And whiskey also is ok, or the few I have tried are.

I never really meant this to be an uperkilt appreciation thread lol but i do appreciate ll the comments.

And Alvee,

I posted a comment on yer song. I liked it a lot! I think ye should accept an invite next year sometime to a visit to a bothy and bring yer guitar along.



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

charlotte wrote:

I've got my head stuck into some serious reading. It's a three year course on website administration.

When I finally qualify I will be able to join the other administrators on here and argue the toss about everything I know and lots of things I know sod all about.

Did I mention I write poetry as well?


Yea I have seen some of your posts, yer ok, ye can join in you have proved already you know sod all lol

but seriously, ....na, lets not be. lol

Carry on your silly comments and see how far you get with them.


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ozymandias wrote:

Considering the stuff I have seen posted by so many others on YouTube.  I can only say, ignore the crap and just do what you want.  Seriously, some people just love to post negative or nasty comments because of the "anonymity" factor.  Stuff they wouldn't dare say in Public becomes "Ok" on the net.

Now, I want to hear stuff by fellow chordians on youtube, could you please pm or email me your links to your work.  I'd really like to hear.


There is a group page on youtube with chordians on it. I dont know if it will be named chordie group or chordians.

When i get home i will edit this and put a link to it.

And thank you to all replies so far. No comment has stopped me posting my stuff on it. I will continue and I will let the buttheads comment.
I was just wondering why we get so many idiots, but I guess without idiots in the world we would not all look as smart. lol


Zurf wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

I just had a right good laugh at Zurf's reply. Thing is I dont know if he is serious or not lol But no matter it is a funny witty reply.

Totally serious.  Not running down anyone who prays.  More prayer time, and especially more listening time during prayer is an area of improvement for myself, and I suspect for a whole lot of we Christians.  We're so busy trying to figure out what's the right thing to do on our own that we forget we can ask the good Lord directly.  My Dad taught me, and I haven't seen anything to make me think otherwise, that all prayers are answered and furthermore that there are only three answers: yes, no, and not yet.

- Zurf

errr eh ok,

Totally different wave lengths, it was still funny for a person like me that only beleives in the lord satan lol
joking, he is not real either lol



(11 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

DANCEstephDANCE wrote:

Well, I just started playing the Ukulele and
A lot of the songs I want to play are very difficult.

So, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for simple chord songs.

Hi ther are loads of easy songs for the Uke.
best songs that are easy to play the Uke chords are any songs with G, C, D, Am, F.

so you got loads in there.

If you look at the songs that are easy to play on the guitar you will find a lot easily.

I would have named a few but i am at work right now with little time to play oin this



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was wondering if anyone else gets comments on youtube from folk that have no videos themselves.
I got a comment from some guy on my 3 songs from syd barrett. He was the 52nd person to comment and onl the 2nd or 3rd to have a bad comment on it, not bad I thought. I dont mind people having opinions and posting them but it is suprising that the vast majority of people that post negative comments are folk that do not have anything of their own to share.
Maybe they think they are too good to share their tallents, or maybe their tallent is making negative comments on others?
This guy told me to use a metromone, lol lol lol well he sure is not a syd barrett fan or he would know how great I do these songs, lol
I never claim to be fantastic but soe negative comments I have had over a few videos would suggest that because I have put it on I think t is great. I know some are really not so good but still I put them on jus to share and to get comments, good an bad. Only bad comments are from the non posters themselves.

Other bad comments I have had are from rangers fas because I sing fields of athenry ( celtic football fans sing this and rangers and eltic are rivals, even though the song is a folk song, they hate me for it)

So I was wondering if anyone in chordie does this. Do you have a chordie account just to give comments to folk without posting your own stuff?
Do you post a lot of negative comments?

I was always taught if you have nothing nice to say ten do say nothing. Not that I always go with that myself. But if I had an account without any of my own stuff I would not be spending time throwing out negative uneducated comments such as this guy done.
I could delete it but I like to keep all comments on good or bad.



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

oh yeah fishing, I forgot that. And camping and survival stuff like making fire with no match or lighter, cooking basic foods over a fire an trying some edible plants wildlife etc.

I will start enjoying perfume sniffing thanks to Southpaw.
My record for holding my breath is not as good, mine is only 1 minute 17 seconds, So I must improve.


I just had a right good laugh at Zurf's reply. Thing is I dont know if he is serious or not lol But no matter it is a funny witty reply.

I woud say it doesnt matter if it is a church or a living room in front of friends, if you get nervous you will get nervous, most of us do.
Good thing about in the church I suppose is they wil be very forgiving if you muck it up.
But if you can play ok in your own company then jut think in your head thats what you are doing. Once you get by the first song and there are no funny looks or booing then yer on a winner and it will boost your confidence.

Good luck.



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I like to disapear into the hills in Scoland, up north to visit different bothies ( a bothy is an old house that is free for hillwalkers,climbers,cyclists etc to use for shelter. It has no electric or tap[ water, usually get a big log fire roaring while we share a bottle or two of whisky. Also usually no roads will take you to them, most are about 3 miles walk in on sheep tracks etc) I like to go walking through the glens, forests as well as climb the odd munro.

As well as that I enjoy being a dad to my two kids which takes up a lot of time. Oh yeah and being a husband, I suppose I better mention that in case she looks at this lol

I like cooking too, I love my kitchen.

I enjoy playing pool online.

I enjoyed helping people on chordie

I enjoy playing my Uke, madolin, jews harp.

And I enjoy  ermmm, ,  ehh well   things with my wife. lol


malgwera wrote:

Ok this is all fascinating stuff, but dont you think that your arguing has taken over the topic somewhat. Dont go off topic administrators thanx. I personally would like to learn from those of you with the knowledge but not if your arrogant and self important.

I'm pretty sure though that this arguement deserves its own thread then you can abuse each other to your hearts content with out disrupting a simple and valid question. As you have.

   Shame on you both

Note that as i read other topics that interest me and that i feel are important to me, and your names come up i find myself not wanting to read what you have to say. One arguement has already tarnished your reputations as teachers. remember no one will want to learn from an arrogant fool, and you both seem pretty arrogant to me right now. Although im sure you are both wonderful people in reality but you are not proving this at this point in time.

Oh and one other thing. I feel that a simple strum pattern would be very helpfull for the beginner. Also it might help people to add chords in the correct place in respect to the lyrics as i find that very frustrating with songs that i dont know that well

well said but I know there is only one arrogant one.

As for the chords, you can change them by correcting the song. I dont see why the chords should be above each certain lyric for where it changes, But I can see how it is helpful, just not a Necessity. If someone is going to learn a song they would have no doubt heard the song and listened to the song to get to know it. And once you have the rythum of it in your headyou can take it from there.
I dont see why someone would not familiarise themselves with a song they want to learn.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

oh yeah, I see what ye mean.

Per might be able to sort this out. Please be patient, if there is no reply from Per on this within  2 month please ask again.




(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi dabassman,

if you go into your profile you will find there is an option to set your songs into this.
