(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy birthday Jeff.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is the friendliest and easiest site to use. I used it for years before I was a member. Almost like a family. And If you want just one song, you can find it here most of the time. Faster and easier than buying a book for that one song. Plus, I noticed if you come on here causing trouble, we all stick together.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If I like the song and how it sounds, I don`t care what the message is.


(120 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If I could put a pic of myself and my daughter (gabby trout) on I would. A little help Roger. Thanx in advance



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have awful eyesight. But I have never had any trouble reading anything on here. (as long as I wear my glasses)


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I tried one out. Also a telecoustic. I wasn`t too impressed.


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

tonywild2001 wrote:

Hi, First post.   The Monkees were one of the most subversive bands of the 60's.
Check the lyrics to Pleasant Vally Sunday or Last Train To Clarksville. (Clarksville being the station closest to the airfield from where the soldiers flew to Vietnam)

Subversive????. I remember watching that "subversion" on Saturday morning when I was small.( The 60s). Along with other cartoons.


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Stephen Stills tried out for the Monkees and didn`t make it. He told his friend Peter Tork about it. You know the rest.


(1 replies, posted in Electric)

A good quality cord will last a long time. Back in the 80s, I whined about paying 20.00 for a cord. I just replaced it last year. I paid over 100.00 for 2 cords of different lengths. But I have the joy of knowing they will probably outlive me.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Extra cables? I keep a few extras just in case something like that happens.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was never a fan. But it is sad to see another one die. It seems to be happening more frequently lately.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If anyone wants to see the local news from Boston online to see their take, the channels are WCVB- ABC 5, WBZ-CBS 4, WHDH-NBC 7, WFXT- FOX 25. You can get a local point of  instead of CNN or the other worldwide outlets.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If it`s me you mean Derek yes. We are an hour away from Boston. Although our neighbors know someone hurt in the blast. Just glad they got them before they could do any more harm.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Thanx so much.


(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

I have been trying to find the chords and tab for guitar lick for this song. Any help is great


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I glanced through, but was too tired to write or think about anything.

topdown wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

I screwed up on the title. It should start at Happy Easter. The out of the year part wasnt supposed to be there. Sorry for the mistake

Fixed it for you Jx3

Thank You

I screwed up on the title. It should start at Happy Easter. The out of the year part wasnt supposed to be there. Sorry for the mistake


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Roger Guppy wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

Some of us don`t know how to post pics. I can`t keep bugging other members each time I want a pic posted. I am probably not the only one in this situation

I, and I know there are several others here also, who do not consider it being 'bugged' if asked for help in posting picture or anything else for that matter.

So ask away guys.... we really want to see those photos.


Thanks again Roger. You knew who I meant. I didn`t want to name names

I won`t get into the meaning. I just want to wish everyone a safe and happy easter. One of 2 days I get to be with my whole family


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

topdown wrote:

There have been at least (3) NGD posts here recently that are in violation of not posting pics (just semi-kidding). I refuse to post a response until a picture is posted. IMO without a pic, it didn't happen. smile

Some of us don`t know how to post pics. I can`t keep bugging other members each time I want a pic posted. I am probably not the only one in this situation

Bring someone with you with experience. Do a lot of research online to make sure you are not overpaying. Especially for epiphones or squiers. Accesories can be anything. Think if they are really necessary. You are already asking questions or else you wouldn`t be here.

Dirty Ed wrote:

Did the doc check anything besides your bp Joey?  I've had good levels all my life but twice my bp has elevated tp more than 155/95.  At first they thought it was hypertension but then found out I had a kidney infection which affected my blood pressure.  The biggest indicator was I was tired all the time.  A couple years ago I was showing high bp during an annual physical and put on pills.  Once again I was tired all the time and mentioned to my physician that I had went through the same scenario before and it was due to a kidney infection.  I was sent to a urologist who found out I had a prostate infection.  I continued to take the bp medicine but kept getting light-headed (some would say I have always had that condition).  I bought a bp cuff and began monitoring my bp and found out that taking the pills after the infection was gone was causing my bp to go too low (95/55).  I contacted my doctor, we discussed the situation and I quit taking the pills.  My bp has been in normal range the last year. 

Its nothing to mess with.  You did the right thing having it checked out. 


They hooked me up to all kinds of machines. I`m going back in a month or sooner if I can get an earlier appointment.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Dangerously high. Had a major dizzy spell monday merning. Then a worse one tuesday morning. Got my wife mad at me because I didn`t want to wake her. So I drove myself to the hospital. Im no doctor but I know that 140/95 isn`t good. Time to break some bad habits. Yes, I know I am way overweight and my job is getting to me. 60 hour work weeks don`t help. I think it is time to do little things like taking the dog for a walk and not let my job get to me.


(18 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Happy NGD. You went right to the rolls royce of guitar names.