(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I get the feeling out of the regulars here at least, I would say it would be James. I am sure he registered before me, although I might have started using the forum a few days before him?



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was going to hold off until tmorow but I just realised it is christmas already in New zealand and japan and a few other places.

so Happy crimbo to everyone who is enjoying it now and to those for it has still to come.

All the best for 2009, I hope each and every one of you all have a great time over the next ten or eleven days.



(2 replies, posted in Poems)

thanks buvvy,

I will keep these ones in mind. Just have to get a tune for it, or if not, I might just keep it as a poem.


I made a book of poems about 15 years ago. I never got it pulished since I didnt have a clue how to. Now I dont know where it is in this house. I must look them out sometime.



(2 replies, posted in Poems)

had this one for some time
but I have ran out of words to ryhme
So if ye can think of an ending then start sending


I was wanting this as a song but I cannot think of any rythums or chords that do not sound like othersongs I have done so I have left this for ages.
So ye can take it as a poem or help find a tune for it.

Cotton wool children

To protect them from society’s dregs
We wrap them up in cotton wool
At ten years old you’d think they are old enough
To walk home back from school
Everyday you’re at the gate
not knowing who the other people are
and when your son comes out with a smile on his face
you bundle him into your car

have things changed since I was young
or is it now we are just more aware?
When we walked home from school at 7 years old
Did that mean our parents didn’t care?
We were told not to talk to strangers
As our kids are told today
But in the news back then ye never heard
What you hear today

On the tv you hear about a paedophile
That snatched a little girl away
your 7 year old asks what’s a paedophile
and you look for the words to say
they have to know though they don’t understand
so you explain the best way you can
don’t talk to anyone that you don’t know
and if they smile don’t shake their hand

have things changed since I was young
or were things kept quiet from our ears
were problems just swept under the rug
to hide our parents fears
do people feel more braver today
to commit a terrible crime
because prison is just a holiday camp
they don’t mind going for a short time

when your kid’s out your sight
you worry where they are
they said they were going in for a friend
you never asked if it was near or far
2 hours have passed and your heart beats fast
faster than a cheetah on speed
you shout their name out at the door
but they’re in the garden so there was no need

have things changed since I was young
or are they getting worse every year?

the End


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Doug_Smith wrote:

Perhaps we should book a Holiday to visit Ken in order to  regain our perspective.  Nothing like a stroll in the highlands topped off by a good whiskey in front of a warm hearth, and good company to put the world right again.


lol lol lol

Ok, good to see yer all using the word american before the word footbal when yer talking about yer own sport lol keep it up lads, yer doing good lol


WHISKEY in the highlands in Scotland?????? lol  lol  it is WHISKY no "E" in Scotch Whisky.

lol lol

Good to have a laugh first thing in the morning.



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well i registered on the 4th of march 2006 although I had been visiting quite a bit before that but no idea when exactly.



(1 replies, posted in Poems)

buvvy I love this



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

funny lyrics james

good job



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love the lyrics.
Had a listen to the song but not my sort of sound, but thas not to say it is bad.

I see these lyrics as a sort of punk song more than blues.

Just my thoughts,



(13 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

lol lol lol hear it like a ban saw lol good one

My mate changed from medium gauge to light gauge ( dont know the exact gauge size) nothing was wrong at first but after a few weeks or a month he started getting the buzz.
He was ready to get a new guitar but after talking to a guy in a music shop he asked about the size he used, he told him he used to use medioum gauge but changed to light gauge.
he was told to change back to mediums and he has not had a problem with the buzz since.

only problem I have had from buzzing is a wasp that went in my sound hole, yes I played the guitar and it quickly came out lol


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

aye well I thought it was ok. I used to do a better version of that song, but I only dreamt that once lol
it was a fantastic version of it, so good I had to leave a comment on it.

Cheers for that link



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

and as I sit with this 2007 shiraz wine, I will drink to that too.

I was always called a hippy when i was younger just because I had long hair, but what they didnt know is I was and still am.

for those against war and fighting for any government ( although this song is particularly aimed at the british government) I wrote a song earlier this year or late last year about not fighting in anybody's war unless it comes to my front door, then i will fight to protect my family.

I can actualyl sing this better now than wht I did when i recordedit. I can hear that wee nodule making my voice a bit hoarser than it is.





(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well I wont be praising any lord.

And nor will chordie turn into a place of preaching. If it were too we would have so many threads on different religions. As Chordie is an international and multi religional as well as non believers, this would e the wrong way to go.

But I hope all church go'ers and non church go'ers enjoy themselves.
there is already a thread for a " happy christmas" lets not over do the amount of threads on happy xmas.
Please use the one already open, it makes moderator's lives easier to keep an eye on.




(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

gladys_jane wrote:

can anyone give me a chords of new soul by yael naim. thanks in advance

Hi sorry nope,
but you would be better starting a new thread and asking as tis thread is for a different song.



(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

thank you Doug.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Tara and welcome to chordie.

The nearest you can get to doing this just now is:
when you are on the artist you want, click on the option to the right to "change" this will then give you options for show songs with grids. this is the nearest you can get to taking away the tabs, although you may still get them. I find it quite annoying too sometimes. I tihnk it has something to do with where the songs origianlly come from.

The other way is to become an editor of a band and change it all yourself to showing only chords, when you are an editor you can also take away duplicate songs that are already on another album. It does take time but it makes an artists page much easier to read and find songs.

Also if you come across any like this and you want to see more versions you can click on " see all versions" and it will go back to the way it was before an editor changed it.

hope that makes sense, there is more info in resources




(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thank you James.
I always think if I do someone elses song if they will approve or think anything else. Glad you liked it.

And I did go into edit and manage songs etc arkady...twice!!! and I did put it to the top but when i went back it was never at the top. lol

ah well never mind


p.s. james the sproingy thing lol is a jews harp.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

OK,done it this morning after a disasterous night last night.


For some reason I cannot get it to the top to play automatically s it is the second song down.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ahhh, Ye see when MrJAy said he liked that cover, I thought it was a cover of someone elses,lol.

Then very well done indeed, I like it.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well they have said it all jets

Super song, great lyrics.

Have you recorded this for her or are ye just going to play it to her?



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i dont see anything wrong with it, I quite like it.
I dont care what time of year it is. I remember blasting out the sex pistols album "never mind the bollocks" before 10am on crimbo day. My mum was not too happy about it I remember lol

well done and dont give up even if you get a few negative replies, everyone has their opinion.
If we were all to take the nip after one or two negative feedbacks then I would have gave up years ago.

It is the trying that matters, and if you like it then it doesnt matter if no one else does. If you want to share then share.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok, I just spent the best part of 2 and a half hours recording this and tomorrow I will do it again:lol:
I recorded it onto my Korg then onto my computer wrongly, so when i put it into guitarPro so I could add efects it is all wonky like a three legged donkey lol
the vocals and guitar are completely different time because I recorded them seperatelyand  I cannt get them to fit each other.
So tomorrow I will record it on one track thats easier. or a few tracks and record them straight onto another program, but I always knacker the sound up from the KORG to the PC.

I did not want to listen to your version James so I was not influenced in how I was going to do mine but I got too impatient.
I tihnk they are quite simlilar. I have done it a bit slower, and I still love these lyrics. Sorry mate but I am stealing this to do at the new year party, but I will give you the credit if anyone says how good it is.

will post tomorrow when it is done



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


You just said something that I never realised i done. I put my vids on and tell my dad and cousins etc in america, some have never even met me, others have not seen me for over 17 years so this is a very good way for them to see me and hear me.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good link deadstring
but I have never felt the need to use one even though some pratt told me to use one on my covers of syd barrett, lol, just shows that guy knows nothing about syd barrett.

I like to play the way I do, to keep proper tme means to do everything precise and correct. I like my freestyle style and go whatever speed I like.lol

But hat is me.
This should help a lot that do want to do things properly.



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Is it meant to be only a minute long?
I dont know the original but I do like the strumming and the singing.
Now I think you two should sit down and write a song. It sounds like you can play and yer mate can sing, works well together.
