peatle i think your voice was made for the blues
not sure when i will be able to make a contribution my voice is shot from a 6 month running battle with covid symptoms .not that i could sing before lol but right now its out of the question

Peatle Jville wrote:

Thank you Jandle, Roger, Phill, and Doug I hope more people give this a shot.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i third the emotion welcome back

Phill Williams wrote:
Peatle Jville wrote:

Hi Jandle it is wonderful to see you back posting on chordie again.

Hi Jandl, I second that emotion. Welcome back, it would be good to have you keep those other kiwi's in order.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i was thinking the same thing Jim been awful quiet around here     


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Shreveport is closest but  Dallas would be good ya,ll drive down together plenty room here at the house , 2 great lakes 20 minutes from the house. or i have a camper we take to Sam Rayburn either way be fun

Zurf wrote:

If I wanted to get there, it's looking like the easiest way would be to fly to Shreveport and then drive over.  Is that right? Or have you got a closer airport? 

I think BGD is around Dallas/Fort Worth. Maybe it would be easier to fly to him and we'd drive down together. This is cool. We're going to have to think about it.

Have you got space to put us up, or are we going to need to rent a cabin or an AirBnB (this is not a trick question)?

I'm heading to Florida in March some time to pick guitars and hassle fish, so another trip isn't likely this year, but if it is, it would likely be the fall. Is that a good time?

mojo01 wrote:

say when , lots of lakes to choose from here in east texas

Zurf wrote:

Thanks. BaldGuitarDude is down in Texas and a fisherman too. He's not active here, but he was a member and I'm still in touch with him (he's gotten to be one of my best buddies, actually). We ought to try to make this a thing. I think we'd all enjoy ourselves. You could challenge us with a couple of your songs printed out and we'd each give it a go without having actually heard the song before. Then you could show us how it's done. It would be a blast.     

That you're both in Texas is kind of like saying you both live in Spain (Spain is actually smaller than Texas in terms of square miles), and so it must be easy, but you know. There's planes and stuff.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

say when , lots of lakes to choose from here in east texas

Zurf wrote:
mojo01 wrote:

any time ya,ll want to come to texas fishing is all ways good here

Zurf wrote:

I'd fish with you no matter what, and we'd have one heck of a bankside campfire at the end of the day, wouldn't we?

Thanks. BaldGuitarDude is down in Texas and a fisherman too. He's not active here, but he was a member and I'm still in touch with him (he's gotten to be one of my best buddies, actually). We ought to try to make this a thing. I think we'd all enjoy ourselves. You could challenge us with a couple of your songs printed out and we'd each give it a go without having actually heard the song before. Then you could show us how it's done. It would be a blast.     

That you're both in Texas is kind of like saying you both live in Spain (Spain is actually smaller than Texas in terms of square miles), and so it must be easy, but you know. There's planes and stuff.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

any time ya,ll want to come to texas fishing is all ways good here

Zurf wrote:
TIGLJK wrote:


Still is cooler than the other side of a pillow and I'd go fishing anyways !!


I'd fish with you no matter what, and we'd have one heck of a bankside campfire at the end of the day, wouldn't we?



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thats awesome,  ive been retarded ( thats the past tense of retired so the wife says) for two years now.  thats some good advice from Phill, ask me how i know. dear old dad is not working anymore he can watch the kids a couple of days. babysitting gets in the way of doing nothing that day.  any way enjoy the new life.     

now them some true words , it takes a lot to love a good woman but nothing to let her go     


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol i knew i was. i  just didnt know the history of the song or who wrote it till now

TIGLJK wrote:


you are correct !



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i think James McMurtry did a rex,s blues to     


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good work you two     


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i can relate to that , only a hand full of my own songs i can play on demand.

Grah1 wrote:

I'm like  Jim I  cant  even remember  my  own songs  Gave up  trying  yeas  ago   so  I  just    rely on  song  sheets .


what he said

Peatle Jville wrote:

Good photos Jim and Graham I have never been able to figure out how to post photos on chordie modern tech is beyond me.. smile


I dont know sounds ok to me i ran through it a few times trying different things only thing i came up with , and not saying its better just different i,ll let ya,ll judge that

he should have left love to someone who would put down some roots
and sit with me by the fireplace at night and kick off his boots

TIGLJK wrote:

I further edited this duet changed a few words and chords.

But sorry Phill - I only made a minor  change in that line
It is definitely written as a country song and I think it fits.
Maybe our Texas friend Mojo can give some input as to that line.

Thanks for checking it out .




(6 replies, posted in Electric)

cool story Beamer, I ordered some strings online for the time and felt bad about it later for not buying from Dana the guy who owns the music store here     


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIGLJK wrote:


Oh No !!

Hope you got fixed up and things are well.

Mr. style and grace slipped on the stairs doctor said nothing broken but in the words of the old timers will be stove up for a while. i dont bounce as high and recover as quick as i use to .     


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks Jim happy new year to you and yours and to the rest of my  chordian friends.
my 2021 when out with a thump and 2022 started in the emergency room     


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thats awesome     


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

thats cool cant wait to see some pics of it.     


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jandle so great to hear from you. hope all the bad things are in the rearview mirror.     


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thats a nice tribute to lance corporal Leon Smith.     


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

baby sitting my 1 year old grandson two days a week i am being reintroduced to children's programs on TV some of it is pretty good some not so much     


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ya,ll work well together     


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting) … fdc7483d53
got i up on sound cloud to now hope you enjoy     


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)
well the mic on my lap top has stopped working so its gopro and you tube for awhile i guess.
any way here is a video of my latest effort  hope these links work i have not done a lot with you tube .