(49 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Oh wow, I love mahogany acoustics, and a Martin to boot, just lovely. Nice one Amy



(12 replies, posted in Electric)

I'd definately agree with Beamer, if you have multi effects go the tube route, once you've used a tube amp I doubt you'll go back! My recommendation would be a Blackstar HT5, more than enough for a basement http://www.blackstaramps.co.uk/products/ht-5r/

But try as many as you can


moldeoldie wrote:

I have to say the worst guitar I ever owned was a no-name (or I don't recall the name) old blues type f-hole guitar.  The strings were actually 3/4 inch off the fretboard.  BUT it was given to me to practice on and so I did.  Very happy that I did it managed to get my fingering down pretty well and when I finially got my (new at the time) Sigma DR28H playing was like a piece of cake.  Sold that old Sigma years ago and now I wish I could find another but they are no longer being made sad(((

They are being made again. Martin sold the company, designs, logos, the whole kit an kaboodle and they're now in production and being sold as Sigma guitars. Be aware though, they're no longer part of Martin and I haven't tried one so couldn't comment on the quality. If you can get hold of one of the old Japanese made models you'll be doing well, they go for a pretty penny these days.



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

beamer wrote:

OK so ???

What kind / size of scooter?  Is she the type who would want to ride with other scooters?  tell her she is now A MOD.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_(subculture)

THERE IS A rockers v/s mods rally in Mass. not sure the city.  but here is a clip from it,

This next one is from lst year in Dallas.  I was there on my Triumph.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjWZtDFm … re=related (very good clip here)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RHi6SF1 … re=related

The 30th is this years Rocker V/S Mods and I have my room booked!  its great fun.

Hey Beamer

Every year over here we have the Mods and Rockers reunion with a run from the Ace Cafe in London down to Brighton where the original riots happened. The Ace was originally a rockers cafe and the bikers had the nickname the "Ton Up Boys". The idea was to put a record on the juke box and you had to get out of the cafe, on your bike and and race down to the Hangar Lane roundabout and back to the cafe before the record ended. The Ace eventually closed down in the 70's as it's a really run down part of London but was bought back about 10 years ago and is now a fantastic cafe that really trades on its heritage. There are bike meets or custom / classic car meets there every weekend and they do a fantastic all day Full English brekkie.

The reunion is huge with thousands making the run on anything from old Lambretta's and classic bikes to the latest pocket rockets. It's a cracking day out and Brighton seafront all you can see is bikes for miles. I go on my GS every year, not quite period but hey, I need a bit of German efficiency covering about 18,000 miles a year as an observer for the Institute of Advanced Motoryclists over here.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm loving the burst, nice new guitar, Congratulations smile



(24 replies, posted in Electric)

While you can get really close to an authentic sound with effects and modelling amps it won't be absolutely bang on, but as an old mate of mine used to say "good enough for jazz" though!



(10 replies, posted in Acoustic)

BGD, that is genius! Great advice



(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I sense a spammer!



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Brilliant win for England in Paris. Heart and determination are two words that spring to mind.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just found this, a great way to start my Sunday. Enjoy




(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Welcome to the forum Molde, any pics?



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'll ask my wife, she's probably moved it!



(3 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

and the great county of Surrey wink



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well none of them will ever have to get their hands dirty for a living. Brillliant!



(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm lucky, I reckon I have the perfect wife. She encourages me to buy whatever makes me happy. A few years ago I had an aging Honda Fireblade that, while mechanically sound, was starting to look a bit rough around the edges. I had decided to look into getting it sprayed and restoring it to original condition but Maz said, why not go down to Dobles and see what they've got rather than restoring. 4 hours later I had a brand new Blade sat in the garage, and last year saw another new bike, (BMW R1200GS), and two new guitars. I've got 7 guitars now with 3 of them hanging on the lounge wall and a Gretsch coming in May courtesy of my lovely wife!

I'm a lucky, lucky man.



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Rich,

I've got an Epiphone Wildkat, not many around but I really like it. Great tone, very nicely finished and I think it just looks so cool.

Here she is, on the right hand side




(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

harveyw wrote:

Hello all you nice people/guitar pickers.I have a noobie question.I have never used tabs as I always could read music notes.So how can you learn a new song with just tabs as I want the melody too??

Hi Harvey, that's the problem with tab, it doesn't give you the tempo, just the notes. If you can read the dots I'd stick with it.



(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Oh what a can of worms you've opened here! I recently went through this and ended up buying an acoustic amp and keeping my electric amp. Acoustic amps are designed to reduce the feedback that you get when playing an acoustic guitar through an electric amp.

To say they're built to produce as clean a signal as possible isn't quite right, check out the Vox AGA70 which has a tube preamp which can be driven to break up, weird I know but there you go. There are also plenty of acoustic amps that are loaded with effects, check out the Marshall AS100D.

Many will also have two channels and will come with a mic input so you can use them a mini PA if you're playing solo in coffee shops or small venues.

I ended up buying a Fishman Loudbox Mini which is the mutts. I've not tried to play an electric guitar through it as I have my Blackstar for that. The right tool for the job!



(18 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


Joey gives some great advice there. If you're adamant about changing the Breedlove go to your local dealer and try everything in your price range and go a bit above too. Don't discount Fleabay but I'd recommend always play before you buy, (there are some unscrupulous sods out there), so go local if you can.

Oh and if you're selling dollars at that rate I'll give you £300 for $650! The actual figure is closer to $450 and you'll be doing well to get a MIM Fender AND an amp in the UK for that but a Strat or Tele certainly wouldn't out of the question.

Good luck and let us know what you get but remember, without photo's it didn't happen.



(18 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

bensonp wrote:

I wish I couid help.  I do the same thing.  When I feel I am doing quite a bit better, I start looking for the next better.  Good luck to you.

I want to know how you're going to better that Martin of yours Pete!!! I reckon you're about there buddy



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

got to 49 and never heard of this guy? This is pure guitar genius and he's so clearly having a great time. Two for you because I was blown away by both, enjoy!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNZL7Gkq … re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v5IKa_f … re=related



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I've got a theory that those who have been playing since before the advent of the internet can probably work songs out easier than those who have always had access to the net while playing. Then there was no easy access to chords, music or tab for songs and the only way to learn them was by ear if you didn't want to buy the music. What do others think?



(148 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Once you master the barred F and B chords the whole neck opens up to you so keep at it peeps, it'll be worth it in the long run!



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

As they're so worthless if somebody could arrange for everybody in the US to send me just 1 each I'd be eternally grateful smile



(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hey Harvey and welcome. There's not a lot around if you read the dots but there is plenty of tab, try http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/
If you're looking for music I can recommend the software Guitar Pro. It's downloadable and there's more than enough there for your money, here's their website  http://www.guitar-pro.com/en/index.php

I'd add that I'm nothing to do with Guitar Pro, I just use it!
