(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My favorite is Social Distortions cover of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire"


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Stars on the Water by George Strait


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Why do they make drywall screws so sharp?  tongue 

I remember doing framing in Pennsylvania in late November back in the 80's and had the misfortune of missing the nail and hitting my index finger instead ... I was glad it was in the 40's and my fingers were numb ... if not I would have sat in the corner, curled up in a ball, and balled my eyes out  neutral


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Zurf wrote:

I'll bet you ARE getting somewhere.  You've probably forgotten where you came from.  Keep practicing, and you can't help but get better and more smooth.  If you are having trouble with distinguishing what is practicing the guitar and what is practicing a song, I recommend going to www.justinguitar.com and checking out his practice suggestions. 

- Zurf

Agreed Zurf ... I learned my strumming patterns from Justin


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

www.justinguitar.com is a great site for beginners ... everyone here will echo the same


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congrats to you jets60 ... I'm an avid soccer man myself (keeper) but being in the military and surrounded with young 20-somethings, I had to take up coaching so I feel your pain ... the reaction is quick in the mind but a half a step slow in the body tongue


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

upyerkilt wrote:
LesPaulGuy wrote:

Ken ... in reference to Iron Maiden, that song is "Still Life" on the Piece of Mind album ... there's a backwards message at the beginning of the song ... it was meant as a joke during the "satanic" messages in songs during the early 80's ... Nikko McBrain actually did the message making fun of just this

I remember reading it on the Iron Maiden website

Ahh ty lespaulguy.

I have this on vinyl, no wonder I have not listened to it in years


Wow Ken ... Piece of Mind on vinyl?  neutral


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ken ... in reference to Iron Maiden, that song is "Still Life" on the Piece of Mind album ... there's a backwards message at the beginning of the song ... it was meant as a joke during the "satanic" messages in songs during the early 80's ... Nikko McBrain actually did the message making fun of just this

I remember reading it on the Iron Maiden website

geoaguiar wrote:

In the US, IMO:
1. Football
2. Baseball
3. Basketball
4. Hockey

Definitely agree on this one ... Southpaw, I agree as well ... I was Tennis fiend in the 80's with Lendl, Edberg, Chang, Courier, Sampras, and Agassi ... but since that generation has left the game, it's not exciting IMO ... granted Federer and Nadal have some epic battles, but to me it's not the same

I just wish Soccer would ease its way in there ... I LOVE it but I dont see it surplanting the "big three" anytime soon ... although I LOVE the Seattle Sounders ... and Manchester United of course tongue

I've had a few actually ... I wanted to try semi-hollows for the first time and played the Epiphone Dot and LOVED it ... so I figured the Ibanez semi-hollow series would sound just as good if not better ... it proved the opposite ... the tone was horrible and now matter what series I tried, I could not get a decent tone out of it ... I'm not sure if it was the pickups or what ... the second was a Takamine Acoustic ... at first I loved the sound but after I bought it (go figure) and I took it home I couldn't get a decent sound out of it ... oddly enough I had a crappy Yamaha that was $100 and it sounded a lot better than my $499 Takimine sounded


(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I agree as well ... your first finger always wants to go to the position you learned ... it's a matter of training your middle/ring/pinkie to form the "E" and "Am" shape ... it was hard for me at first but over time, your fingers get the hang of it


(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

and to all those scared of snakes and spiders??? i just dont understand this, they have no big claws like lions

Snakes don't have legs either, but they still climb trees.  It's just WRONG.  What's unusual or un-natural about an animal with fangs biting stuff?  Nothing at all.  But something without legs climbing trees?!  That's just freaky. 

- Zurf

I agree Zurf ... no legs or arms and can climb vertical is NOT normal

Speaking of insects, why is it that cock roaches, especially the 3" long variety in Florida, like to take flight right at you when you look at them?

Or those nice big 4-5" green grasshoppers in Pennsylvania that land on your leg and when you see them, you go to smack em off your leg and they decide to fly and land on your face and cause you to scream like woman while your operating a vehicle?!?!?


(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

NELA wrote:

What's my biggest fear?

I guess that would walking into a room completely full of people, bare back and buck nakkid, right after taking a COLD shower.


That sounds like a REALLY bad date Nela neutral


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

You'll get there yes ... after a while, your fingers (even without touching the fretboard) will go into the chord position without you even realizing it ... mine do that with powerchords or major Barre Chords


(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I'm with you Zurf ... I know all too well about fishing in lakes and hooking snakes ... I've never seen it done in a river or stream before but luckily you found a nice bunch tongue  I remember snorkling in rivers before and had the bright idea to lift rocks up, it's all fun and games until an eel shoots out right at you when you flip one over and you realize sucking in your breath through a snorkle while under water is not the best thing to do


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

Remembering my dreams has always been easy for me.  It's forgetting them that's the problem!  I used to be able to manipulate and control them.  If I was falling, I'd just put on some wings and fly, or if I was under attack I'd just conjure up a bunch of Marines.  Inside my mind is a very, very wierd place to play. 

As far as your dream LesPaulGuy, there's only two ways out.  The way you came in, and the - other - way. 

Bensonp - that is so TOTALLY dreamish.  Why should a typewriter by scary?  No reason, but in a dream, ordinary items like that can be totally horrifying and you can get driving directions from a blood splattered vampire or a talking garbage pail with a mustache and a thick Italian accent without a second thought. 

- Zurf

Luckily I didnt find either way out ... I said to myself, "Wait a minute, this is just a dream."  Smacked myself and woke up smile


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:

Ken Griffey Jr back in a Mariners uniform makes me very very happy.    Watching him belt a homer on opening day was perfect.

I second that Jerome ... once Griff left Seattle he went down hill fast ... I was glad he went back to Seattle ... at least he's in a place where the fans still love him ... and I do agree, Griff always had the sweetest swing in the game

On a side note, even though I love the Yankees the game NEEDS a salary cap!!!  smile


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf ... I'm amazed you can remember such detail in your dreams! lol They're a lot better than mine ... the weirdest one I had was being swallowed by someone and me waking up in their stomach and not knowing how to get out neutral


(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ok, I was reading Russ's thread on nightmares and figured we could use a good laugh as to what we're all afraid of. 

Me?  CLOWNS!  I can't stand them.  Ever since I watched Poltergeist and that clown pulling the kid under the bed I've hated them.  One night when I stayed at my sisters house, she had me stay in her spare bedroom.  Low and behold when I went in there to sleep, she had the room full of clows that she collects.  In the morning when she woke up, out in the hallway in a neat little pile was all of her clowns.  Needless to say, they sure as heck weren't staying in the room with me that night!

Stevie Nicks definitely ... also Dolores O'Riordan (The Cranberries), Sarah McLaughlin, and Dido


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yankees fan ... I've been a fan since 1977 when I was 6 years old ... my parents still live about 2 hours from Yankee stadium ... I can't wait to go home again and see the new stadium


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Line6 SpiderIII 75 - I don't feel like spending a ton of $$$ on effects pedals, boards, etc.  The Spider series comes preloaded with effects and an unGodly amount of tones taken from different amps (i.e. Marshall, Mesa Boogie, etc.)  It has all the sounds I'm looking for.

Marshall MG30DFX - I use this mainly for my acoustic stuff.  Nice clean tones when set up with my Ovation.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If I remember correctly, I was doing an online search a while ago and it said there were like 75,000 chords ... and here I was happy knowing I could play about 30 neutral


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That's impressive Jerome ... I bet Geoff Tate had his "80's" hair as well lol ... I still can't believe they wore makeup in their infancy stages neutral


(60 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love Social Distortion's cover of, "Ring of Fire" ... you have to love a great song that's beefed up to a power chord formation ... it sounds excellent