(29 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I've a Fender Tiki Femme Fatale, and it sounds a little bassey (which i quite like with light strings).


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

haha I don't think my vocal talents are for public ears! A friend of mine can play and sing beautifully, I think I would get her to do it!

Eyes peeled!


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I'd love to play ukulele ever since I saw Noah and the Whale live..

That Ohana "Vita" shaped one looks sweet as!


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Short and sweet, my first venture into this lark!
Originally done this to help with learning barre chords!
normal 4/4 time.

(All Barre Chords)


[G] [A] [G] [A] [F]

[F]The soiled soul's of strangers,

[F#]The fickleness of fate,

[A]Standing in the spot light,

[A#]The task that brings up hate,

[G]Your confidence not shining,

[G#]With failure in your mind,

[C]To turn around defeated,

[C#]Your time will come again,

[C]Another you will find,

[Cm]Missed High Fives.

[Cm] [Bm] [Cm] [Bm]


(0 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


Just wondered if anyone knew a good place to get some custom graphic pickguards from in the uk? Preferably ES-335 style, but I'm assuming I could get away with a Les Paul Style pick guard?



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

If you really want to learn a song, try transcribing it. It will be very tough to begin with, but the more you do it, the better you will get. Its a skill that is very worthwhile taking up.

Have you considered picking up an acoustic to learn on?

$300 (about £170??) Isn't an awful lot to play with, especially people going on about genuine Fenders and Gibson, they are completely out of the question.

As for guitars, Squire (a branch of Fender) offer some not to bad classic Strat's & Tele's.
IMO, as mentioned above, take a trip to your local guitar shop, explain the situation your in, and see how it goes.


/Tips Hat.


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I mean the A barre Chord shape, commonly used for B etc, rather than the "E shaped Barre" which is F and so forth.

1 (or X)


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

That is an amazingly helpful site.

I've been working on bar chords for about three or four weeks now, and I've got the strength and finger positions down, its just the speed now to change between them.... There is a lot of hatred towards them, but in reality they are not that bad, just practice! Though I still find the A shaped ones particularly fearsome, I want to barre with the third, but I kind of like just sliding my A chord down as I use 2 3 4 for A's.

There is another very helpful site called  Chordbook that is very handy.



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks, will give it a look see tonight!


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Is it twelve equally distanced strings, or is it six runs of two, like a Lute?


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

As a user of the same guitar as the OP, I find this thread really interesting, as I was thinking of getting a semi-decent amp (stuck with a fender one that came as a starter pack).

The Marshall one seems to be getting a lot of love here.


(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)


For the old office x-mas quiz this year, were going to do a round where I play 20 sec's of a song, and then they have to guess what it is... (not very exciting!)

The only way I can seem to record this is on my mac, via its mic. But the acoustic does not seem to sound quite right. Anyone know any good ideas or tips to improve the quality?




(17 replies, posted in Music theory)

Hey. Learning mostly power chords at the mo.

Would i be right in saying, that for example, if a song pattern goes |D / E / | G / A / | F / E / |  That could quite easily be transferred to Power Chords in exactly the same pattern? (so two for D power chord, two on E power chord etc etc?)

My other question, is how do minor chords relate to power chords? I mean a barred F# could easily be played on power chords as one up from an F power chord, but how do minor's etc translate?
For example if the chord pattern is |A / Bm / | How what that be translated to power chords?

Thanks (hope its easy to understand my question!)



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Back in may / june when I first started learning, my old guitar teacher, taught me to use fingers 1, 2 & 3 for chords E, D, G, A.

I had my first lesson with a new teacher last night, and as we were discussing Barre Chords and Power chords, I realised how much easier it is to use fingers 2, 3 & 4. Especially for an E, then slidding to make barre chords (And Power chords on the E string).

I've found with the guitar, your taught the easy way first, then have to radically change everything at a later point, I just wondered why some teachers don't just teach you the hard way? I mean I was not looking forward to barre chords, but in about two or three weeks of learning them myself, I've got the shapes, and nearly the speed, but not quite the accuracy and speed in one!

I've found I actually really enjoy the power chords. Is there a special way to translate normal chords for songs into power chords? For example, If the chord sequance is A, Bm, G, Bm, A, Would that change to A, A#, G, A#, A On power chords?

Also, thanks to everyone who posted helpful sites above smile


(22 replies, posted in Electric)

I saw the Rifles last night. The lead singer / Rhythm Guitarist was a lefty, and he played one or two right handed guitars (one was an acoustic)....

Decidedly average band though. It felt rather unspectacular throughout. Unlike Elbow who i went to see a week or so back, who were rather brilliant.


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

The classic Nina Simone / Animals song.

I can't seem to find a decent tab online!

Anyone know any?


Why drink tea when coffee exists?

Choice is a good thing my friend.

Well i decided to buy it, and I have not regretted it! The strings are a bit higher than my old guitar, but It just sounds brilliant!

Its advisable to get it Set up by a professional correct? Would that involve me simply taking it into a shop, and going one setup please!

I found http://www.sport-thieme.co.uk/rl/pe-08_ … =froogleuk Amazing helpful (though I wouldn't pay that much for it!)

Has anyone come across these before? I've currently only got a £60 Lorenzo acoustic.

I had a go on one in my local guitar shop, and I actually liked the size and sound of it, both plugged in and not. But I'm not 100% sure what im looking for quality wise. It's price is £205, so its a bit of a step up from my current one!


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks chaps. Will give that website a look!

I'm actually thinking of upgrading my guitar now. Been looking and playing a few Tanglewoods. TH502 in particular.


(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Morning all, Still on my first coffee so bear with me!

Right, Well I started playing guitar about five and a bit months ago. Total beginner, no previous music intelligence what so ever.

Bought myself a £60 guitar and rang up a local teacher and started having lessons once a week. Picked everything up pretty quickly (if i do say so myself), including your basic open's like G and C etc, and a few m's like Em and Am etc, and a few 7's A7 Am7 and so on.

Anyway, I had lessons for about three months in the end, and then I moved out of home and into the local city. My Guitar teacher wanted to charge a quite extraordinary rate for the extra travelling (about 20mins from previous address). So I kind of gaev up learning for about a month or so. About two weeks ago It was starting to nag me, so I decided to carry on. With no teacher or anything i turned my hand to the internet to learn Barre Chords (as we never got into those). I think i've done okey in the two weeks, My fingers know the shapes now, and its just the case of speed in getting into and out of them.

Basically what i want to know is where to go next. Obviously i need to master the barre chords. Anyone know of any good books or the such to help me progress? Or do you think i should find another teacher, and have lessons, say once every other week?

Wow what a wall of text!

sorry! smile


(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

Anyone know any tabs for this amazing singer / songwriter?

Caught her supporting elbow and was blown away... particularly Intellectual 101. Can't find any tab's though sad