From what I understand Sean is the only one he's approached on this. Here's the article I read if anyone's interested. … 11971.html    Butch

An article on yahoo states that James McCartney is trying to get the rest of the Beatle boys together for a new version of the Beatles. I commend James for wanting to carry on his dad's legacy but I think they would end up being a tribute band at best and at worst could draw some unfavorable reactions. I'm sure these are all talented musicians in their own right (I know Zak Starkey is a very sought after drummer) and it would be cool to see these guys get together, but could they live up to all the hype that would go with being the "new" Beatles? I say form your own band,find your own identities and see how it ends up. Maybe do a couple of sets of Beatles songs intermixed with original stuff. I just think that people would expect note for note, dead on performances and if it didn't happen these guys would get so much bad press they wouldn't be able to book a VFW picnic. Any thoughts?    Butch


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I feel your pain Jeff. I have lost several friends over the last couple of years due to various diseases,life style choices,etc. It's never easy getting a glimpse of our own mortality. I try to keep their memories alive in my heart and I think of them often. Sometimes it brings a tear,sometimes a smile, but I know as long as I keep them alive in my memories they will never be truly gone.   Butch


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My first car, a '65 Mustang, my first guitar, a 60.00 Harmony acoustic and my kids. I was there for all three births. Amazing experience. But not quite as amazing as the fact that Phill had to have two vasectomies. You're a heck of a man Phill, one was enough for me.   Butch


(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi sue and welcome to Chordie. As I'm computer challenged I don't know how you could do that,but, here's a link that may help. There is a midi file so you can not only see the chord but you can hear it also.   They have some other cool stuff if you go to their homepage. Hope this helps.  Butch


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

To answer your question MB I slipped while installing a steel roof and when I reached out I grabbed the steel cutting the tendon in my left index finger,took a large chunk out of my middle finger and did the damage to my shoulder all at the same time. All this happened last September. Being unable to play for this long has been a drag,but , I'm hoping to be able to play well enough by July to play at my wife's family reunion.


(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

It appears as if my journey back to playing is close to the end. I had my final surgery on Wednesday to repair my shoulder. Torn rotator cuff, torn bicep tendon and bone spurs.  It's been frustrating to have a new guitar and not being able to play due to the pain. I still don't know if I'll be able to play right handed with any degree of proficiency but I'm ready to start teaching myself how to play lefty. The pain from the surgery is minimal compared to what I've been experiencing for the last 6-7 months and I've already started rehab. I want to express my gratitude to all the Chordie members who have been so supportive and have put up with my sometimes whiny posts.  You guys are really some of the best people I've ever had the pleasure to be involved with and although we have never met in person I feel as if we've been friends for a long time. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll regain enough range of motion in my arm to start practicing in earnest and I can go through the joys of sore fingers and clunking chords. As for playing right handed, as far as I'm concerned that is not a dead topic. I have too many right handed guitars to not make use of them in some manner even if it's playing slide or using some alternative tunings. So here we go coming into the home stretch and as Jerry Garcia said "What a long strange trip it's been" Thanks again everyone.    Butch

I discovered Pandora about a year ago. Then I came across this   Although you can't make your own radio stations they do have some great classic concerts and other cool stuff. Enjoy


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good choices Top. Sometimes you just have to laugh it off. At the very least life has been interesting. Now that I've had some time to cool off  and think about it I'm hoping that from here on out it has to get better. Maybe I had a bunch of bad karma stored up and this is just a test to see if I still have a sense of humor. Well I'm not exactly laughing but nobodies hurt,the truck can be fixed and maybe the young lady who hit me has learned to look before she goes tearing out of places backwards. On the bright side, I had just moved from in front of the area that she hit, so it could have been much worse


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

No I replaced the tranny a couple years ago. It actually runs as good now as when I bought it about 8 years ago.  This is the first accident for it and I'm not in a big hurry to try to keep up with you JJJ.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yeah Roger I could use some luck like that. At least as long as the wife didn't find out. Got the quote for the repairs $887.00 Now as long as I don't have any trouble with her insurance company....


(49 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Very nice Amy. I'm sure you'll do it proud.

Just got my Ranger back from the garage. New motor, ball joints, control arm. In short, a pile of cash. I figured that since it was running and driving so good I should splurge on a car wash. So , here I am sitting by the dumpster for my mother-in-laws rental,just minding my business and cleaning out the cab and bed when wham, a girl backs into the side of the bed caving in the rear quarter panel. Some days it just doesn't pay to get up. Luckily the damage doesn't affect the driving and she has insurance so now it's off to the body shop and get a quote. And how is everybody else's  day?


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey Rick and welcome to Chordie. You can make as many different songbooks as you want. I've got several different ones myself. Just title or number them to keep track of different ones. Glad you're not a spammer but someone using this for what it's intended for. Later


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Check these out. Some of the coolest stuff I've seen. … magic-4509  Some look a little difficult to play but they're all very cool


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Glad you had a great time. Not too many things give more enjoyment than teaching kids about nature,fishing, boating. It's great you found a willing and enthusiastic student. I've enjoyed the pride and satisfaction of getting a young person interested in music (especially guitar). You may have given that youngster one of the greatest gifts he'll ever receive. Good work Pix.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey jerome. I somehow missed your post here and started another with the same title. Sorry about that. Any how I'm a miserable 21 for 45 and my brackets look sad. Syracuse is my only hope now and that won't make a lot of difference considering how many picks I've already had go down the tubes. Maybe next year

Your post reminds me of some reality repo show I was watching the other night. The job was to repo this scooter and of course there was a conflict with the owner. The guy that owned it shows up dressed completely in leather. Jacket, boots,chaps,gauntlets, the works. His girlfriend was dressed the same. Funny stuff. So, hope the wife enjoys the new ride and it gives you some leverage for a new goody for yourself. After 25 years of marriage I know how these things work. There is no such thing as happily married if the wife isn't happy.


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Although I'm not a huge basketball fan I still get a kick out of trying my hand at filling out the brackets for the playoffs. But with the upsets in the first round my brackets have been pretty well busted. (21 out of 45) Pretty much the only team I've picked that still stands a chance is Syracuse. Just wondering if anyone else is following and how your picks are doing.


(15 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I think I smell some spam cooking


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I've been playing around some with the slide but with the damage in my shoulder it's really uncomfortable to do for more than a few minutes. I haven't given up yet on playing right handed( as my wife says I'm a stubborn SOB) But until I get this other matter taken care of my playing is on the shelf. I'm looking forward to getting healed up and back in performing shape as it sounds like all that have joined in are having a blast with the Skype jams. In the meantime I polish and tune my guitars and encourage my son Luke to continue playing as it looks like he'll have to take my place as the guitar player at his mom's family reunion. I have had my bass out and am able to somewhat play it but my heart is really into pickin my six strings. But it is what it is and and all I can do is make the best of it. Someday I'll be better and then can tear into it with renewed energy.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks for asking Zguitar. My index finger still won't bend at the tip. The surgeon said another surgery to remove scar tissue may help but there is no guarantee. My middle finger does bend but only partially. Due to the amount of damage and the skin being pulled tight to stitch them up, both tips are slightly deformed making the finger nails protrude down over them. The left handed guitar I bought has been sitting in the corner as I experienced a lot of pain in my left shoulder whenever I tried to play it. Another trip to the doctor, x-rays, MRI and find out when I caught myself I tore my rotator cuff and my bicep tendon. So surgery for that is scheduled for the 28th of this month. It seems to be a never ending string of bad luck. I'll be in a sling for about 4-6 weeks for that and then therapy for a couple months. In the mean time I'm, as the Statler Brothers said,watching Captain Kangaroo and counting flowers on the wall. I have been putzing around the house a little but for the most part I just try to stay out of goodwife's way. Not always easy to do. Again thanks for asking and to all Chordians for their thoughts and prayers.


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

One of rock and rolls best guitarist and one of my inspirations for playing passed last Saturday ( March 3) His last year was filled with battling personal demons and prostate cancer.  As one of rock and rolls great players he played with such greats as Edgar and Johnnie Winter, Sammy Hagar, and Van Morrison. He formed his own band Montrose in 1973, released several albums then continued guesting on albums with several different bands. Rock has lost a legend and he will be sorely missed.

Unless there is a number beside the fret you start counting down from the nut(the plastic or bone piece the strings cross before the headstock) the bubbles as you call them shows the strings that are played open. If there is a number beside the fret mark that shows you which fret to start on. Hopefully this helps you out.