A G# and an Ab have the same exact frequency and sound the same to our ears.
The main difference is how it is notated in music.
When learning all 12 major and minor keys, this will become more apparent.
The next lesson will be learning the major scale formula and learning all the notes in the 12 major keys (one key at a time starting with the key of C).
Hopefully I can find a way to upload some images to give a visual (I already have the screen shots ready) of what I am trying to say.
The thing that I find about theory is that you can make a statement that is a paragraph long in text that could be explained in minutes by video or screen shots.
So (geoaguiar) PLEASE hang in there with me and things will clear up very soon.
Thanks for the question
UPATE: I found out how to upload images searching the forums so I will upload some images as soon as I have a chance.