Welcome to chordie!
You have been given a lot of sound advice here.
Your lyrics convey a strong emotive message and in that sense they very good. As others have pointed out your only problem is with the tempo and fitting it to music, but this is a good start point for a good song.
My advice is design a chord progression next, or better still two related progressions ie: One for a verse and one for a chorus. Once you have a progression that you are happy with, then sit down and re-write some of the lines so that you can fit them in to the progression with your melody. It has been said that good songs are never written they are re-written.
My personal approach is always to write the music first and the lyrics second because basically I strugle with the music but words seem to flow quite easily for me. I assume it is similar for most people unless they have a solid musical background or a God given gift.
This is a good start and we all look forweard to seeing the finished product;