(73 replies, posted in Electric)

yo peeps im 14 and going to be learning the lectric gutiar i also got a epi sg

i have to say it depends on who you are and how you learn im awaiting my first gutiar (a cheap Epi SG) (im saving up for a real gison mabey another SG or maby a firebird) but defanitly it depends i cant teach myself and im takeing lessons with one of my teachers from 8th grade but yes it depends on who you are.

idk i have to agree with the fact that alot of people are playin the guitar because of guitar hero and yes mabey the reason i got my first chep epi SG was to pick up a girl or mabey just to learn a second instrument (i played the saxaphone siense 5th grade)   idk but there are alot of people wanting or alredy learning at my school.


(21 replies, posted in Electric)

who are you my mother?  im not really saying ones better that the other im just saying that i like the SG better that thee otherand your right i dont have mutch experiance in fact i just bought my first guitar ind im awaiting its arrival.  but my personal opinnion is that the sg's are cooler and better than then the strat.


(21 replies, posted in Electric)

gibson guitars are cooler      i have to dissagre with anyone who says other wise

SG'S    RULE!!!!!!


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

im personaly a gibson SG person (you can see by the name) but i do also like the feel of a stratocaster and they do sound good.... smile