It my be hard to find.. but check out the Martin 'Alternative X'. It has a tight neck that will work well for someone who is used to a strat... and it has near perfect electronics. It has a sweet accustic sound without being too loud
52 2007-04-10 01:36:07
Re: New Guitars (4 replies, posted in Acoustic)
No guitar "brand" is going to work instantly...they all are just a slight difference. I own several guitars, both accustic and electric but my favorite is a fluke, It is a blemished Epiphone texan. I bought it for less than 150.00 about ten years ago. A friend of mine got a shipment of 75 Epiphones to his music store for christmas, and let me have first crack at them. I sat down and played all of them. Only one stood out...and I'll never sell it. Hope this helps.
P.S. Please dont make fun of my lousy spelling or typing skills
53 2007-04-08 17:05:37
Re: I hate my electric guitar (39 replies, posted in Electric)
Dude, thanks for bringing up the topic. I can definatly relate. I myself purchaced a tastey les paul last year but only play my martin and epi accustics. The electric requires a completely different approach and style to get the right sound.
Its now for sale...but I'll never part with the martin