(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

My ex wife never saw or even bothered to see me play in public or ever said I sounded ok, my new partner has nothing but praise for me and loves to hear me play and sing and my confidence is through the roof and I actually think I'm not too bad from the responses I get when playing to folks...so encouragement is the key !!


(76 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Aviation technical lnstructor now ,Ex Airforce Airframe/engine techo.... crap industry , feast or famine ..would I recomend it to my boys ..No way..but its been ok to me mostly...been around aircraft since I could walk..tried some other things but they were a young mans game, so back to what I know and do best..


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ringo Starr's "Photograph" although since Ive been divorced it hurts..
Jimmy Buffet's "Come Monday"..just reminds me of happier times...
Bad Company's "Shooting Star"
Badfingers "day after day"
Most of Johnny Cash


(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Cam, sorry for your loss. I lost my Mum 7 yrs ago to cancer and I still miss her dreadfully and I'm, 50 yrs old. Never to old to cry for your Mum at times thats for sure. Sometime it just isnt fair......


(38 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Welcome Tony and congratulations on the best decision youve ever made ( well maybe ,nearly )
yes practice , practice practice and at about 6 months you will go wow Im playing a tune. Just push through the early times and the days where you want to wrap it round a tree, ( I still have them occasionally ) and you will get exponentionally better and the better you get the more you want to play ..but keep at it ..please!!! smile


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

G'day all,
Certainly is some resilient people out there. I had a bit of a double whammy over the last few years myself. To cut a long story short,my voice packed it in and was given up for dead by the doctors until I found one who said he could fix it and he did( major surgery) but I had to learn to sing all over again and its better than ever. I am a lecturer as well so I was at the point of giving up the best job I have ever had and the guitar and singing as well . I was so low I was looking up at down I tell you.....
Then...I had bad pain in my arm for some time and it turned out to be my cervical vertabrae had degenerated and the discs had bulged out crushing the nerves to my right (strumming) arm. But again found a top doctor and after some major surgery (again) I am a new man !! Extremely poor now but a new man...they say adversity builds character...

What else can possibly go wrong hey lol...:)

Hey G-Pix , cant knock an offer that good back ! Put me in ! Thanx and Merry Xmas too you and yours smile


(41 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

John Hyatt wrote a song about people smashing instruments  called "Perfectly Good Guitar" listen to the lyrics..brilliant.

wlbaye wrote:


I hate to say it but I don't like to see any instruments destroyed in the name of humor or entertainment. Destroying a guitar is a sin and I would like to slap the guy silly that breaks one thinking he's cool !

There I got that off my chest.

Hey Zurf , yes what a song about one mans life !! Brilliant song and I play it all the time ..I guess I can relate to it pretty well...Tangled up in blue ? Well I guess he means his life had the blues woven thru it..  sad times and he was tangled up in them..

Zurf wrote:

Define "do"  :0

I attempt Dylan's Tangled Up In Blue, despite having always hated the lyric "tangled up in blue" because it makes no sense.  It's a good story despite the goofy lyric and is fun to play with all those A to Asus, which sounds really good and is so incredibly easy to do. 

- Zurf

Hey Zurf , had almost exact thing happen to me , was in absolute agony but felt a million bucks at the same time ...still a mystery...but as you say if its not one thing its another ..been having pain in my right arm for some time , thought it was too much guitar playing , turns out it a bulged disc in my C7 vertabrae in my neck crushing the electrical wires into my right arm , so major surgery , here I come . Bloody hell..I just couldnt believe it when they told me... what else can happen??? !!!

Zurf wrote:

So Saturday night I was out to a movie with my wife, looking forward to a dinner without the children, when I started feeling bad pain in my chest.  I thought it was an allergic reaction to a hot dog because I am allergic to soy and some makers use soy as a filler. 

So I get to feeling worse and worse over the course of the day Sunday, and by the afternoon I can't stand up straight, I'm weak, I'm sweating heavily from extremely mild exertion, and it's time to call the doctor.  I do.  She says to go to the Emergency Room.  I do.  They think I'm having a heart attack.  I'm not.  The heart attack meds don't help at all.  They gave me morphine (which in addition to treating pain also reduces inflammation) and a heavy duty inflammation reducer - ahhhhhh.  That's relief. 

They admit me anyway because I had pretty much all the classic heart attack symptoms, except dieing of course.  No heart attack.  Confirmed three different ways.  I stayed overnight in the hospital and awoke Monday feeling ready to go on a hike or a good paddle on the river or something.  The cardiologist wanted to do a stress test, but was going to do a chemical one and I told him to forget it, I was ready for the treadmill.  So we did the treadmill.  I'm more fit than I was six years ago the last time I had an intensive treadmill stress test.  No pain at all.  No shortness of breath.  My legs got tired and my heart rate was high, but I was still able to carry on a conversation breathing wise.  Piece of cake. 

So, no one can figure it out.  Why was I incapacitated Sunday afternoon, and the next afternoon I'm running on a treadmill feeling great?  Wish I knew. 

If it's not one thing, it's another. 

- Zurf


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

Hey Russ , I was just looking at your pic here , you are the double for one of my work colleagues ..amazing resemblance...he's just retired  otherwise I would post a pic of him...IF I can get it working!!!


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

Thanks Russ ,... I was only joking..I will do it ,you guys will see to that you are so helpful.. what Chordie is all about...Funny though .. I can fly an aeroplane ,  design and build an aeroplane , teach all about them ,probably even make a good astronaut.. ( lol) AND.. can even play a tune on a guitar... BUT ...cannot get a stinking computer to do as its told but my 15 yr old son can...Have I missed something ????? Enough to make a man drink...so thats why I drink ..I KNEW there was reason lol : 0


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

Arrrgghhhh ..I give up....way too hard....


(179 replies, posted in Recording)

I cannot for the life of me work out how to get an image on here. I must be really thick or computer language is just c**p ...and I KNOW I'm not thick lol !  Somebody please speak English and help me....I dont speak [img] *&$ Huyjws7ednhdmdmk...whatever}/#@$%...arrrrrghhh smile..Im just raving....I hate computers and I use them everyday..Ooohh , this could be a thread...What do you hate most about computers ? LOL : )

I use Elixer strings. Us humans are very tactile creatures, so we can detect very small diferences in surfaces with our fingers,The Elixer strings are coated so they are smoother, so they dont hurt as much during and after a long session I've found smile


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Not tennis elbow , I have had that about 8 years ago wow did that hurt , but it just went away ..But I did get a bit of carpal tunnel flare up when I got a new guitar and it touched my strumming arm where the ealier one didnt and that was painful and annoying..seems to have gone now though.....


(173 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Mine was Folsom Prison Blues I reckon, hard to be really sure now... err ..what was the question again? smile


(66 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Soldier of Fortune, Engineer omnipotent,Philosopher & Part time Chandelier Cleaner

Wars Fought,Revolutions Quelled,Governments Overthrown, Virgins Enlightened,Equations Solved & Rockets Test Flown

I wish....I'm an Aviation Technical lecturer  smile

I think he's a genius , his music and performance show that and like most genius's , he is on the edge of or in the middle of eccenticity which is a great place to be , but however its all gone a little sad, and I do feel for him. He is a product of his enviroment.......


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Paul Rodgers (Bad Company) and Pete Ham ( Badfinger) get my votes


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

If Air travel is so safe , why is it called a Terminal ?

When buildings are finished , why arent they called Completeds ?

What is the speed of dark ?

Why is stuff sent by sea called cargo and stuff sent by land called shipment ?

Oh boy......Lateral thinking in a downward enviroment...

cameronkl7 wrote:

ok a few more

Do you think it's ok to use AM radio after noon

Ever wonder why glue dosen't stick to the inside of the bottle

Do bankruptcy Lawyers expect to get paid

I wonder what you should do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant

Is it true that cannibals won't eat clowns, because they taste funny

I was wondering if a #2 pencil is the most popular...why is it #2

Ok..I'm gonna be busier than a one tooth man at a corn cob eating contest trying to figure these out


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yeah ,been there too Russell, in my Airforce days , walking out to the aircraft and the comment made was " You really  enjoy your job ,hey ?" yikes

Russell is my son's name too !


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ah yes singing in front of people, it's like public speaking , the average persons worse nightmare. I'm a lecturer so its like being on stage all the time so I only ever got mildly nervous. As for memorising songs , you need to learn them well, but then you just need a prompt, eg first line or even a word from each verse ( and that fits on top of you guitar on a piece of paper !!) all the big guys do it...I play with some really good players and singers and it's good to see them stuff it up as well ocassionally , well good for me anyway.... smile

As His Bobness said in Hard rain, I'll know my song well before I start singing...

G'day Russell, I just put Elixir strings on my Washburn DSC10E after much procrastination and wow !!! I've never heard that thing sound so nice and I used to change strings regularly but these are tremendous and they feel nice under finger, I dont seem to get sore fingers as much after  along session. Worth a try I reckon even though they are twice the price of the Martins I was using smile

Russell_Harding wrote:

I use .09 .11 .16 .24 .32 .42 fender bullets on my  strat and silk n steel on the accustic I like the tone and ease of play some day i will give the elixer strings a shot i have heard a lot about them on chordie mostly pro smile


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey Zurf , Im glad I'm not the only one to play his harmonica in the car and strum songs on his shirt !! Beats listening to the c**p on the radio... But here in Australia it is illegal to talk on your cell phone when driving so I'm curiou s to see what will happen if I get busted playing my  harmonica !!! I just scored a travel guitar, a lovely gift from my students, so now while waiting for the kids at soccer practice , I'll be jammin' in my car !! smile

Zurf wrote:

NELA - I used to play harmonica in traffic - at traffic stops obviously not while driving.  Anyway, I listen to country as well, so if I had a C harp handy, I was pretty much covered.  It'd draw some attention from nearby cars because my car didn't have air conditioning and I'd have the windows down and sunroof open much of the time.  Good practice time if you can figure out a way to do it.  One thing I've done to memorize chords is to put the songs I want to learn on a CD and play them while commuting.  Then I speak the chord changes to myself as they occur.  It helps. 

- Zurf