(53 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

"Car Talk" is a weekly National Public Radio show.  It is both informative and entertaining.

The show's hosts are brothers who own a service shop in Boston.  They offer car repair advice to callers, tell stories & goofy jokes, and generally have fun.

The show always has a song or two about cars.  Some of the songs are well known - many of them a bit more obscure.

You can see the songs they have used here:


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thanks, Russell!
We are lucky here because we have a local public library plus the big university library.  I am a regular patron of both institutions.

I typically have a specific thing in mind when I go to a library - but usually I end up also browsing the stacks and nosing around amongst the collection.

Hope your next visit to the library is deeply gratifying literary experience!


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Greetings, everyone!  I have been absent lately due to work realities.
I have lots of catching up to do here . . . plenty of new stuff to play and ponder.

Here is a very sincere tribute to Librarians.  While at our local public library recently, I heard them do the 'We will be closing in 30 minutes' announcement.  It occurred to me that a little 'closing soon' song would be fun and appropriate.

I have posted a recording to my MySpace Music page:
"Songs for Human and Autoharp"

Dear Patrons (Librarians' Waltz)James McCormick; December 2, 2008

In a gentle 6/8

dedicated to my friends at Starkville Public Library

[G] [C] . . . . . .[G] [F] . . . . . .[G7] . . . . .

It's [C]true what they say about Librarians

[F]Charming, smart, happy and fun

[C]Witty, wise, true expertise

[F]Ready to help, ask and receive

[G]Guardians of knowledge, [F]keepers of lore

Pro-[G]tectors of speech and [F]oh so much [G]more . . .[G7]

Dear [C]Patrons . . . . Dear [F]Patrons

Dear [C]Patrons . . . . Dear [F]Patrons [G7] . . . . .

[C]Poetry, fiction, reference, prose

[F]Wisdom, whimsy, so much to know

[C]History, satire, drama and more

[F]Science and Arts, yours to explore

[G]Shelf upon shelf, [F]row upon row

[G]Perfectly cataloged, [F]ready to [G]go . . .[G7]

Dear [C]Patrons . . . . Dear [F]Patrons

Dear [C]Patrons . . . . Dear [F]Patrons [G7] . . . . .

It's [C]true what they say about Librarians

Ex-[F]quisite, intelligent, brilliant, fun

Ar-[C]ticulate, cheery, tasteful, refined

[F]Patient, precise, helpful and kind

Oh, [G]pardon me please, [F]I must now say

Your [G]library soon must [F]close for the [G]day . . .[G7]

Dear [C]Patrons . . . . Dear [F]Patrons

Dear [C]Patrons . . . . Dear [F]Patrons

Good [C]night . . . . Good [F]night . . .

Good [C]night . . . . Good [F]night . . .

[G7] . . .Good [C]night . . . .


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Greetings!  I have been absent from the forum because of being way too busy at work.  Sorry for my absence, but I have been given some additional responsibilities that have me scrambling to keep up in the office.

I have finally gotten around to recording this goofy little ditty.  I started writing it a few years ago.  Verses will continue to be added as they come to mind.

The recording is gloriously 'raw & flawed' . . . but that is the best I can do with my limited time.  Also, the new MySpace Music player is still full of nasty bugs.

Please hear it here:
"Songs for Human and Autoharp"

My Dog Loves Me, This I Knowby, James McCormick, started years ago & still in process

To the tune of "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know"

[D]My dog loves me, this I know, [G]For his wagging [D]tells me so

[D]Floppy ears drooly mouth, He [G]likes to [D]sleep u-[A]pon the [D]couch.

[D]My doggie [G]loves me, [D]I love my [A]doggie!

[D]We are so [G]happy, As [D]happy [A]as can [D]be!

[D]My dog begs for table scraps, [G]my dog likes to [D]sit on laps.

[D]My dog likes to go for rides, When [G]thunder [D]booms, he [A]runs and [D]hides.

[D]My dog is a fearsome beast, Up-[G]on the squirrels he [D]wants to feast.

[D]Chases critters up the trees, But [G]all he [D]catches [A]is more [D]fleas.

[D]My dog likes to run and play, He [G]guards the house while [D]I'm away.

When [D]I come home he jumps for joy, be-[G]cause I [D]am his [A]favorite [D]toy.

[D]My dog likes to bark and howl, [G]Likes to snarl and [D]likes to growl.

[D]He really is a savage soul, He [G]don't be-[D]lieve in [A]self-con-[D]trol.


[D]My dog likes to snort and sniff, [G]Of your butt he'll [D]take a whiff.

His [D]sense of smell is quite well honed, He's a [G]connois-[D]seur of [A]phero-[D]mones.

[D]My dog likes to lick my face, [G]Sheds his hair a-[D]round the place.

[D]Vacuuming is such a chore, I [G]wish that [D]he would [A]lick the [D]floor.

For [D]all the years we have been wed, [G]Our dog takes up [D]half the bed.

[D]My wife and I just move aside, It's [G]like we [D]share a [A]canine [D]bride.

[D]My dog likes to walk with me, To [G]find that perfect [D]place to pee.

The [D]neighborhood has lots of posts, [G]All the [D]dogs leave [A]Post-it-[D]Notes.


[D]My dog is good company,We [G]share the same phi-[D]losophy.

[D]When I'm sad he comforts me, With [G]special [D]Frisbee [A]thera-[D]py.

My[D] puppy's cute but he can't read, The [G]paper's just a [D]place to pee.

[D]All the news he really needs, Is [G]wafting [D]by u-[A]pon the [D]breeze.

[D]My dog used to be a stray, I [G]met him on the [D]road one day.

[D]Skin and bones and full of ticks, the [G]vet bill [D]nearly [A]made me [D]sick.

[D]My dog likes to sleep and snore, [G]twitches all a-[D]round the floor.

[D]In his dreams he is so vain, He-[G]roic [D]visions [A]fill his [D]brain.


[D]My dog eats with great gusto, [G]licks up stuff right [D]off the flo'.

His [D]appetite is quite absurd, He [G]gobbles [D]down the [A]kitty [D]turds.

[D]My dog is a smelly cur, [G]Full of yuck and [D]matted fur,

He [D]really needs to get a bath, But [G]shampoo [D]just pro-[A]vokes his [D]wrath.

[D]My dog must have ADD, But [G]he is very [D]sweet to me

[D]I know why he is insane, He [G]is all [D]heart, no [A]room for [D]brains

[D]My dog is the boss of me, He [G]is in charge it's [D]plain to see

[D]Just because he loves me so, He [G]tells me [D]what I [A]need to [D]know


[D]My dog was a highway hound, [G]When we met he [D]was southbound

I [D]pulled aside picked him up, [G]Now he [D]is a [A]family [D]pup

[D]My dog is a great big wuss, [G]Terrified of [D]little puss

[D]When the cat comes in the room, [G]Out the [D]door my [A]dog will [D]zoom

[D]My dog loves me, this I know, [G]For his wagging [D]tells me so

[D]Floppy ears drooly mouth, He [G]likes to [D]sleep u-[A]pon the [D]couch.

[D]My doggie [G]loves me, [D]I love my [A]doggie!

[D]We are so [G]happy, As [D]happy [A]as can [D]be!


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

OK - My patience is gone and I feel like the coding gnomes at MySpace must be in well over their heads.  It has been over 3 days now and the new music player is still not anywhere close to being right.

My page plays with lots of 'hiccups' and 'yips'.  It is very distressing since my recordings are already flawed enough when I upload them!  MySpace has big advertising dollars behind this update - - - if I were an advertiser I would be demanding some serious refunds or renegotiations on rates.

This is ridiculous . . . MySpace is not some Mom&Pop operations - they are supposed to be leaders and innovators.  James


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

OK - So I just visited my own MySpace Music page. Seems that the coding gnomes have made some progress:
The 'total plays' and 'plays today' counters have been reset to 1.  However, I have had more than one total plays since the page has been up.

However; The lyrics won't show.  The song graphics and labels are all messed up.  I checked the 'Manage Songs' page and things look all wrong . . . . I am afraid to mess with anything for fear it will get even more screwed up.

I am embarrassed for the fine people who make MySpace work.  This was supposed to be big splashy surprise when they debuted the new player and all it's new functions.  Instead, it has been a big messy headache.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Day 2 & the MySpace Music player is still not right . . .


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi riddler - Everybody's counters are all wiggy now . . . or else we have all finally hit the big time!

I'm going out to celebrate tonight since I've had over 10,000 plays today.  It is obvious that the world has finally discovered my unique talent.  Funny - now that I have become and overnight sensation I feel and look just the same.

The big bucks will start rolling in now - and it's just in time because there is this Nigerian prince who needs my help.  I have been so worried about him - but now I can finally send him some money so he can get his inheritance and send me my share.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Very cool, Russell!  Mr. Clapton's page is quite nice & I shall ask him to be my friend.

I just went to my MySpace and it seems the new player is loading faster and there were no 'yips' in the music.  The counters, lyrics, graphics, and other doo-dads are still all cattywampus.

My guess is that there are several very tired people working very hard to get the coding to work.  By this time tempers are flaring, pompous programming nerds are arguing, egos have been bruised, and everybody needs a shower.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You're right Roger - I doubt that Mr. Clapton eagerly checks a MySpace page each day to see how many plays and if there are any new friend requests.

Those 'celebrity tribute' pages are sort of silly - although, I must admit that I am proud to be a MySpace friend of Charles Darwin!  Apparently, he thinks my musical talent might someday evolve into something worth listening to?

Here is an article from the trade journal 'Ad Week' all about MySpace's business strategy and why they are changing the music player:
http://www.adweek.com/aw/content_displa … a2da0b0b75


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yep - in order just to view my page this morning I had to download and install a new version of Adobe Flash.  Once that was done, the new version of the player was activated but there are still some annoying bugs.

MySpace says they are working to eliminate these problems . . .

Kenny, I agree that a little prior warning would have been nice.  I would also like to know exactly what the real advantages to this new system will be.  I trust that the changes will have real advantages for everybody (not just major artists).

A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

"You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!"

So, this woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'

So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.
'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor.
There are no men on this floor.
This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store....


To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.

The first floor has wives that love sex.

The second floor has wives that love sex and have money. 

The third floor has wives that love sex, have money, and like beer.

The fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited!

So, I was just looking for a version of Pachelbel's Canon in D (because I want to write some lyrics for it . . . hey, why not?)

Anyway, I found something rather strange and wonderful.

Perhaps I am the last person on the planet to have seen these videos, but I just stumbled on a YouTube channel that is rather hard to describe.

Just see for yourself . . .


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Greetings all, from a guy who is late for work . . .

I just posted a recording of 'Rumor Mill'.  Hope you like it - - -

"Songs for Human and Autoharp"


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Russell & thanks, glad you enjoy it - - - I plan on recording this in a day or two.  I have to wait until I have the house to myself since I don't have a soundproof room.  I did a rough take last night just to time it out and it was over 8 minutes long!  Yikes!  But it is easy and fun.

I am of the opinion the human females and human males are actually 2 totally separate species - it's just some sort of cosmic joke that we feel the need to intermingle!


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Here is a slow 3-chord blues about the world's oldest and biggest multi-national manufacturer.
All the trailing dots are just reminders to relax and take it slow and easy . . .

Work has been exhausting lately, I have missed my daily chordie sessions.

Working At the Rumor MillJames McCormick, September 20, 2008

slow blues, like Tracy Chapman's "Give Me One Reason"

[C7]Working at the rumor mill, [F7]. . . . . spreading hate and [C7]fear . . . .

[F7]Working at the rumor mill, . . . spreading hate and [C7]fear . . . .

[G7]They don't have to pay me, [F7]. . . . . I am a volun-[C7]teer . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Working at the rumor mill, [F7]. . . . . working here for [C7]years . . . .

[F7]Working at the rumor mill, . . . working here for [C7]years . . . .

[G7]Circulating slander, [F7]. . . . . my calling my ca-[C7]reer . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Rumor mill ancient, [F7]. . . . . and modern as can [C7]be . . . .

[F7]Rumor mill ancient, . . . and modern as can [C7]be . . . .

[G7]Got long long history, [F7]. . . . . got new technolo-[C7]gy . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, [F7]. . . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[F7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[G7]You might think you're special, [F7]. . . . . we'll cut you down to [C7]size . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Rumor mill runs fast, [F7]. . . . . don't stop for any-[C7]one . . . .

[F7]Rumor mill runs fast, . . . don't stop for any-[C7]one . . . .

[G7]Churning out the lies, [F7]. . . . . we make 'em by the [C7]ton . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Take a little story, [F7]. . . . . add some juicy [C7]lies . . . .

[F7]Take a little story, . . . add some juicy [C7]lies . . . .

[G7]Our recipe is simple, [F7]. . . . . we sensationa-[C7]lize . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Prejudice and ignorance, [F7]. . . . . keep the mill a-[C7]live . . . .

[F7]Prejudice and ignorance, . . . keep the mill a-[C7]live . . . .

[G7]Never have a shortage, [F7]. . . . . we have a big sup-[C7]ply . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, [F7]. . . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[F7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[G7]You might think you're special, [F7]. . . . . we'll cut you down to [C7]size . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Rumor mill hungry, [F7]. . . . . hungry for [C7]prey . . . .

[F7]Rumor mill hungry, . . . hungry for [C7]prey . . . .

[G7]Once we find a victim, [F7]. . . . . they never get a-[C7]way . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Rumor mill global, [F7]. . . . . rumor mill world-[C7]wide . . . .

[F7]Rumor mill global, . . . rumor mill world-[C7]wide . . . .

[G7]Everyone's a customer, [F7]. . . . . at our local fran-[C7]chise . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Rumor mill ravenous, [F7]. . . . . never get e-[C7]nough . . . .

[F7]Rumor mill ravenous, . . . never get e-[C7]nough . . . .

[G7]Infinite capacity, [F7]. . . . . for ugly hateful [C7]stuff . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, [F7]. . . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[F7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[G7]You might think you're special, [F7]. . . . . we'll cut you down to [C7]size . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Rumor mill invincible, [F7]. . . . . never gonna [C7]die . . . .

[F7]Rumor mill invincible, . . . never gonna [C7]die . . . .

[G7]Fear revenge and jealousy, [F7]. . . . . keep the mill a-[C7]live . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Working at the rumor mill, [F7]. . . . . spreading hate and [C7]fear . . . .

[F7]Working at the rumor mill, . . . spreading hate and [C7]fear . . . .

[G7]They don't have to pay me, [F7]. . . . . I am a volun-[C7]teer . . [G7] . . . . .

[C7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, [F7]. . . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[F7]Juicy nasty ugly tales, . . . vicious little [C7]lies . . . .

[G7]You might think you're special, [F7]. . . . . we'll cut you down to [C7]size


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi David137 & I feel your pain.  I'll agree with what others have said - now is the time to challenge yourself.  If playing is no fun - play different.

Here are some other challenges -
Do you sing & play?  If not, start singing - if you already sing, then work on improving your vocal skills.

Learn some theory - what makes music work.  Scales, chord structures, reading music, etc.

Hope this helps,  James


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Good golly gosh!
Marcalan, that song has 26 different chords - that has got to be the most I have ever seen on any pop song ever.  I can see why you would really need to have the grids right there in front of you when you are learning the tune.

You're right - it is a great song.  I believe it has also been covered numerous times by jazz artists - of course, any tune with tons of chords excites jazz players into a frenzy.  Reminds me of the old saying . . . "Jazz has 1,000 chords for 3 people - the Blues have 3 chords for thousands of people" . . . or something like that.

Anyway - I just printed it out and it looks dandy.
By the way, search for 'Sunny' on YouTube for several versions of this tune - the James Brown live performance is a real gem.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Randy California - best known as the guitarist and lead singer for Spirit.

He played with Jimmy James and the Blue Flames.  When the group crossed the pond over to Britain, his parents would not let him make the trip because he was only 15.  Jimmy James and Blue Flames hit it big in Britain as The Jimi Hendrix Experience.

A couple of years later, Randy California's band Spirit was scheduled to play right before Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock.  However, the band's record company thought the festival would be no big deal so they advised them to continue a tour in support of a recently released album.

Spirit's biggest hit was "I Got a Line on You" which is one of those all-time great tunes from the 60's.  Spirit had some other hits also.  Randy drowned in 1997 while saving his son from drowning in Hawaii.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Helena lives in Eire, land of ancient lore
She has a zest for life, she's loving to the core
As harvests come and go, as seasons pass on by
Helena sings and dances with twinkles in her eyes.

Happy Birthday, Old Doll!


(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi marcalan - Sorry you are having frustration.

I just noticed this message and immediately went to the index, chose a song, and printed it.  Looks fine to me - the chord grids are there in the upper right hand corner and the pretty blue chords are there with the lyrics.

Is it just the chord grids (upper right corner) that aren't printing for you - or is something else?  If the chords above the lyrics aren't printing, then you might just be out of blue ink.

If there a specific song that is not printing correctly, please reply with a link to that item.  If it is everything you are trying to print, then it is a problem beyond my meager computer skills.

Please reply with more specifics . . . . we'll figure it out.  James

Hmmm . . . I have never seen The Rutles, but will be sure to seek out the movie.  'Sugar Sugar' I remember hearing on my transistor radio over and over and over again until I got sick of the stupid song - but it permanently embedded in my memory now.

Two unreal bands come to mind:
The Oneders from the movie "That Thing You Do"
Eddie and the Cruisers from the movie by the same name

Both movies are entertaining . . .



(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Excellent point, Ken.

TV news is actually more show biz than anything else . . . especially since the advent of 24-hour TV news channels.  The talking heads on TV feel the need to sensationalize every topic they choose to cover - plus they typically choose to cover only events where they have video to show.

I believe all the storm's mayhem as it passes through the Caribbean islands is downplayed simply because they don't have an English-speaking "news team" there to capture the images.

If you want real information, turn off the insipid idiots on the TV news.  There are far better sources of reliable and timely information.

There . . . I feel much better now!   James