(1 replies, posted in Poems)


Nice one Phill. I know the feeling well. My son moves on this month also. I have started some projects to keep me busy.

I will miss him so. But i have to be happy for his progress.  As for TV ? i rarely watch. A good documentary will keep me watching sometimes.

Live in the moment this piece brought home to me.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks Wlbaye,

You did a fine work on this one. Its well worth listening to and learning from. I always find
visual so much more easy to follow. So im a happy bunny with all you do there.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

This is the just a synopsis of the man Ollie. Phil i see you were curious about him in Marcalans piece.

So this is a piece i wrote about Ollie some time ago now. Ive also added his photo so you can see this legend of my childhood.
Its a long piece i hope you all enjoy reading about him. Heres some  Pictures of Ollie.
http://picasaweb.google.com/lena.odonov … directlink

Rock on Ollie.     Helena Donovan.
In the sun, snow and rain, he’s a legend round these parts
Ollie is his name, drives a big ole horse and cart
He rides these plains his prairies, like in the old Wild West
But The wares he sells are coals, dug from the deepest pits.

His bridle brasses shiny, so unlike himself
His coat’s held with twine, a beard grows on his snout
He rarely talks to strangers, we've known him since a child
  Blackened  coal dust lies in Ollie’s cobalt eyes.

  Outside the Guinness brewery, His image is much loved
The tourist takes his photo, then money they will shove
into his grimy hands, coz there delighted with the shot
Ollie grins, he knows, making millions is his plot,

I’ve often seen him chuckle as he pockets what they hand
He winks an eye, tips his hat, “God bless ya, thank you Mam��
He’s the relics of ould decency, of Dublin he is part
Strikes a pose on ancient cobbles, like a modern piece of art.

  His only love his horse he never took a wife
Ollie monitored   times, as he rode his way in life
All the money he collected never was in vain
Coz Ollie bought up property the real collectors gains.

Me Mam and I once met him, wearing a mohair suit
Me Mam said, “Look you at you Ollie! aint you the handsome brute��
He always acted bashful, but that day his head held high
His blue eyes twinkled merrily, as he straightened out his tie.

“Tis it a wedding you are going to? I hope it’s not your own?
My Helena would be fretting now; she was hoping she’s   the one!
I blushed, as me Mam was doling out the wit
I did see Ollie hesitate, just a wee wee  bit.

I seen him just the other day, I thought about his Ma
Her gigantic coloured picture hats modelled going to mass.
Her lipstick was as Betty boops, but not just quite in place
Sure eccentrics never notice when coal dust masks their face.

Ollie’s part of  History,  One of Dublin’s rarest kind
He’s mentioned now on forums in these cyber times
They ask , “Is Ollie still  alive ? From  all around the globe
Ollie’s Velcroed to our childhoods, in this very different world.

We say “Rock on Ollie  as we see him on his rounds
Honk our horns from motor cars, in a friendly greeting sound
He salutes, mutters something, then waves a blackened hand
This makes me smile, reliving memories with this tapestry of man.

Thank You "

Old Doll


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


My Mam used to sing this song by Kitty.


Lord so long ago now, id forgotton. Thanks for the reminder.

Old Doll.


(29 replies, posted in Song requests)

Pastor laurence,

Its working just fine. Dont forget now im In Dublin,
But im sure the site will work from most anywhere sir.
Heres another you might like to add.
Its a beautiful song By Josh Groban.


Also , the parable of the mustard seed.

Remember these are just suggestions sir. Please do not feel  you have to add them.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Go Háliann. Mait an fear!

Ar riachtanais Do ghramadach a shocrú. Ach do déanamh go han-mhaith MO Cara. a bheidh tú ag labhairt nós Paddy in aon am.  lol lol

Doll d'aois


(7 replies, posted in Poems)

Oh so good my friend,

I do love your usage of simplicity to state a multitude. Its a fine piece. It reminds me
of all the laces around me own eyes at this stage of life. I wear them with pride lol i earned some of  them,
through real  sad  and good ole laughter times.

Love to you and your Visitors. Enjoy enjoy.

Old Doll


(29 replies, posted in Song requests)

Hi Pastor laurence.

Heres something you may like to add to your web site. Ive been reading this piece daily for 20 years or more.

I still learn something new from it each time.. It was given to me at a very difficult time in my life.
It worked for me. So i hope  you  enjoy reading it like i do.


Old Doll.

Just click on the link here below.

http://www.inspiration4everyone.com/sto … etime.html


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Thanks guys ,

These are all terrific to listen to. Isn't Youtube just fantastic. ?
Without it we would see very little of these great gems of artiste.

Thanks again.

Old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Mekidsmom,

Lovely photos. your kiddies are gorgeous. makes me all broody lol  [ Immaculate Conception comes to mind lol]

Jasonhague, Thats a fantastic picture . Is it you ? Tell me more. I could see this as an CD Cover. its really good.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Poems)

Good lyrics stransongs,

I left the stage,
Fled the hard words and the rage.
All I do is write,
And I couldn't lie.

Short, sharp, but deep. Id like to hear the recording.

Old Doll


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Topdown,

Did you have your interview today ? or are my time zones  out on this one ?

Good luck to you which ever way.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

lol Good ole Dennis. Unusual name for a dog. Is it  Daddycool?
One of my relations is called Denis lol

Love dogs and everything about them sir. Heres my latest addition to the family.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh he is beeeeeeeeeeeautiful. Im in love again with this wee beauty. Cody is a golden retriever. 11 weeks old. He had his final injections today. Now i can walk him with the others. whoohoo.

http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Hs … directlink

He climbed into this bag from a local store, sure i had to take a picture.

Thanks Daddy stay cool.

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

We have a train line being installed near where i live.

Every day its more red cones and  new exits. I nearly killed meself recently, when i drove up  what was the old road.
All one way traffic heading for Old Doll. Yikes!  I must say the first driver was a gent. He stopped all the traffic so i could reverse with safety.
Progress has its price Daddycool.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Well done James on the completion of  this song. I do remember it !. It seems so long ago now

Love that auto harp sound. Have you presented to The Guinness Book of Records ?

Good wishes to you and yours.

Old Doll.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love Angels flying to close to the ground.

But cannot ever seem to master it on guitar.


Old Doll.


(412 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I sent post last friday to the British Isles.

One has arrived to Kent already. My cousin rang to say she recieved hers.

They are obviously been selective !

Old Doll.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Willie Nelso looked terrified singing that song lol Wasn't he the handsome man back then ?
I never heard that song before. This one of his i do like to play.


Ps Welcome to chordie Pastor Laurence. Rath De' Ort  [ grace of god be with you ]

PPS. Thats one turkey im glad i dont have to pluck. Have a good thanksgiving.

funnieeeeeeee Video.

Old Doll


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

I never heard of bat slugs,

I just like looking at the ones with shell backs. So amazing to watch.

Nature as always amazed me. Thank You for your comment sir.

Old Doll

Thank you both gentlemen,

I am aware Phil  this type are  of the male and female sexes. It takes all sorts i suppose . If we didnt have one then we wouldnt have the other. Anyhow ill gladly leave them to live as they like.

Daddycool! lol I assure you i done nothing of the sort. Are ya sure your not a bouncer lol

Thanks for your kind words. But im doing ok as i am.

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Have any of  you  chordians heard of this guy ?

Our own wonderful Don Baker and Jerry Hendricks, Tribute to the late  Jimmy Faulkner.



Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Yes, im beginning to smell it in the air daddycool,

I Love christmas time. All the glitz and glam that goes with it..

Tell me daddy do you sing these songs to your wee grandchildren ?

Old Doll.

Ps ill read the others tomorrow. To tired now to take them in.

Im away to me warm cosy bed.

Oiche Mhait. [  Keep cool Daddy.

Old Doll.


(0 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I know you will be here later reading the post. So a great "Big Happy Birthday to you.
Heres a wee music tribute to you for your special day.

Roll back the clouds, by the wonderful late, Christy Hennessy.


Peter Skellern,  Your a Lady. [It also has the mining link  with the Colliery band] Which i know you love.


This ones for fun and nostalgia. Air that i breathe lol [Appreciate EH !

I hope we  get to dance Sue, to keep the pledge we made to each other.


Your prezzie is in the post Petal, i hope it arrives on time. Remember now
Ageing is simple, just dont let a old person move in lol

Love to you from the Emerald Isle.

Helena/ Old Doll..


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I was wondering where you were Segosha.

I thought you and Gem had run away again to Gretna Green lol


The cha  is ready .

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I agree with GSE,

Id pay to listen to singing i can hear and understand.  Its so good to hear another sing this song. You done real good Sir. Im sure Miss Gaulthier would be pleased also.
Im pleased as i can see how you play and get the best from this song. Ill be copying to improve my version lol

Thank You" for taking up the challange,

Old Doll.