Well just thank your lucky stars you havent our health System at the moment..
Its gone so bad there just short of putting 2 to a bed! .
i recenly had to have a test done. Ive worked and paid taxes all my life. The appointment i was given was for 4th April 09, i kid you not.
So i produced my VHI . They VHI paid 600 euro, i was seen in a private clinic the next day! Another massive ripoff... I wonder where all the taxes ive paid over the years went to ? Whatever you do dont get sick in Southern ireland.Old Doll.
This is another thing I find interesting. Health care in the US versus Health care in the UK and Canada.
IMHO, while our system is deeply flawed and far from perfect. (yes thats a deliberate contradiction), from what I have read and seen on other forums from UK and Canadian people. At least our "flawed" system has room to improve. Canadians flock to US clinics and other facilities to get the timely health care that they can't get in Canada. Socialized medicine doesn't work, YET, our system doesn't work, YET. BUT, we have room to develop and grow a system that may work combining, both private and public resources. It's flexible in the US, something I haven't read about in the UK or seen in Canada.
This is another interesting issue, that bears more discussion and debate.