SouthPaw41L wrote:

I personally don't see Barack O'Bama as black, white, half-black, half-white, or whatever. The day has finally come where people, the vast majority of people say, "Who gives a rats arse about the exterior shell of a person." I see Barack O'Bama as a new parent if you will. A new parent of a child unlike rarely, if ever,  birthed to any other. And sometimes a child has to listen to their parent(s). I, for one, am ready to listen....

very well said indeed.


I watched him getting his position today, I also heard him make a sligh mistake when trying to repeat the words that the wee guy was telling him to say then listen to him talk for ages withouth hardly a hesitation for all those words he has probably spent months memorising.

I just cannot imagine all that hype for a british prime minister and thank goodness for that.
All those folk up that road and the vast majority would not even have catched a glimpse of him yet they felt the need to be there.
Some say they were there to witness history?????? witness history because he is the first black president? I know black folk have had it hard for years there and they think that Obama will change everything because of the postition he is in, loads voted for him because of his skin and not his politics.
I just think all this first black president thing has went a bit OTT. shouldnt make such a big deal about it. Making such a big deal about it just shows even more that there is a difference with colour even when there shouldnt be.
I dont think there has ever been a black PM here, maybe I should elect the first black politician for PM that comes along just as folk voted for maggie thatcher in 1979 just because she was a woman?

I dont know much about Obamas politics, not yet but I am sure the whole world will soon and I wish him all the luck in the world as America is the most powerful nation on earth and what happens there has an impact on the rest of the world, not just america.

But he does look quiet a liekable guy, maybe because of his youthful looks? or seen as a family man? or maybe his wife is nicer looking than any other first lady i have seen? Hilray was not bad one time though lol

aye so all the best to him

I still really hate all politicians though lol


how about just whack him over the head and knock him out the nwaken him at the station and tell him how he fell over?



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I could get lost in that website,lol.
Good link cheers. Makes me want the 17 year old rum cask.
But since my bottle of 12 year old double wood is finished I will start my Bunnahabhain next weekend before I open my Glenrothes then the MacCallen, then thats all my christmas whisky gone sad



(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)


See your list of songs they seem to me to be quite easy ones, not that there is anything wrong with that but maybe you should go for something a bit harder, something that will make you sit down and try to work out how to change from one chord to another that ye find hard just now?

Or do what I do,lo,l, just learn even more easy songs.

or take a few of your songs and try changing it from the way the original artist does it, try singing it different meaning you might have to change a chord or two.



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

what a thread,
must be one of the best yet lol
everyone going off on different tangents, is that the right word? never mind, Just thought I would add more nonsense into this threadas I sit here listening to tom Paxton at 00:02 with a glass of balvenie, two ice cubes and a little water.
Just watched snakes on a plane and thinking I am glad I never went to the pictures to see it.

well thats all.

any more nonsense?



(7 replies, posted in Poems)

hope ye have a good Night Alan.
We are haivng ours on the Saturday, a day early since we will all be giong home on the Sunday.
The SAturday is going to be Scottish SAturday day. For about 14 of us for the day:

square slice steak sausage, black pudding, potatoe scones, fried garlic mushrooms, eggs, bacon, fried bread, and anything else that can be friend in a pan. All washed down with a can of tennents tartan special.

Scotch broth soup with scottish mother's pride plain bread and a few drams of malt

Haggis, real meaty spicy stuff and veggie stuff for the non meat eaters. Neeps, tatties, wit ha dribble of whisky in to cook with the haggis. Washed down wit hplenty of whisky and poems and songs.

Oatcakes and scottish cheddar.

Sunday morning:
Paracetamol  lol


(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

sorry Jim,
I and other have not been ignoring you.
I think this would be better answered by Per.

Hopefully he will see this and reply soon, try emailing him.
Try on the "feedback tab" on the homepage.




(7 replies, posted in Poems)

There is a famous Robert Burns poem " address to a haggis". this is recited while serving the haggis at a burns' supper ( 25th January).
I am going to a burns' supper next week, I am helping organise it. I am taking into consideration that there are vegetarians even though I believe we should all eat meat lol

So I wrote this deicated to the veggie lovers.
At the bottom I will do a bit on what some words mean in case some don't know.

Address to a Veggie haggis

Oh Veggie haggis that Veggies eat
Ye taste so good yet ye have nae meat
I dinny think it’s right ye have nae liver
But dinny ye worry, I am a forgiver!

I’ll slit ye doon the middle and serve ye tae the guests
Even tae the meat eaters, the ones that protest
I’ll hae a whiff of yer steam and tell them yer nice
And tell them to eat ye, or they’ll a get rice

It’s got some spices but it’s no quite right
HERE YOU! go on have a bite
I’m sure ye’ll agree it’s no too bad
But dinny tell me it’s the best ye’ve had

Mix it wae yer tatties and neeps
And just like real haggis ye’ll hae it in heaps
It looks quite real and it’s texture is right
In yer mouth there’s such delight

But let me tell ye haggis full O Veg
I’ll no make ye a habit, this I pledge
For I prefer the real haggis all stuffed in a bung
With heart, liver ‘n’ oats and a little bit of lung

the end

Veggie........ Vegetarian  ye' will
dinny..........Do not
doon ..........down
tatties and neeps...........potatoes and turnip the casing used for haggis, traditionally it is the stomach of a sheep or larger intestines of Ox. Probably more animals could be used.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


I believe kids should be taught folk songs, traditional songs from their own land.
As well as it being musical it is a cultural thing too, educational.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

also the scottish paper " the daily record" thought since everyone in the world was feeling the effects of this money thing ( i hate the term "credit crunch" )it would put the price up by 5p to 40p, even though i cannot remember ever seeing any notification of this.
I would have thought the price would have come down since the government slashed 2.5% off tax. so now the newsagents and the printing factory are all making more money from us paper buying public.

its good to know they care



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I actually like Jeromes response. Something similar to what i was thinking of saying but his poster says it all.



(23 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

very true that is!!

When my wife was learning she came home playing scales etc and trying to screech her way through some trad. scottish fiddle tunes.
When I picked my guitar up she could jam along very easily. I much rather listen to her jam wit hthe guitars than to do the stuff she was getting taught to do.
She had to read the music for the stuff she was getting taught but could jam by ear for any tune I done. I think this is due to her learning the scales first though.
So if you learn the scales you should find it far easier to jam to anything.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well if you wont miss the money then go for it and worry about storage later,
Just dont tell your wife until you take it home and burn the sellers name,number and address so there is no going back lol



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

try tapping your feet at a steady pace

or play the song " I tell me Ma"  that always gets faster and faster so it will not sound wrong.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ronacongram wrote:

Thanks guys, i guesspractise, practise and more practise. and if that donr work...........more practise,

that seems to be the favourite advise in chordie and the entire world for anything, lol.

But it is true.

Goodluck with your practicing, you will find a way round your ..... your....... I dont know what to call it lol around your fingerless situation?

I know a guy that plays guitar and he only has one hand. His right arm from the elbow down is not there. He now has a metal thin that fixes onto his arm and at the end is only a plectrum.

As well as some you have heard here with obstructions to playing they all find a way round. If you want something or want to do something bad enough you will.
So,, ,lol, here it comes again...

All the best



(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bensonp wrote:

Boy, you're a tough bunch.  Look outside the box for a change.  This isn't to rate each other, or I can play better than you, Ynaah,ynaah.  It would be simply for us to get a sense of where each of us stands so when we talk to each other or teach each other we know at which level to explain our theories.

when i started reading this I thought here goes another moan. But I read on and I could not agree more.
I know I am nowhere near as tallented on the guitar as a lot in here but I have fun and enjoy what I do, I can even handle the negative critisism that gets thrown at me.
But I enjoy playing no matter how bad i sound sometimes, and I might not even want to better myself if I dont want to. ( but I do lol )

As long as we all enjoy what we do and get help when we need it and give help when we can then we are all happy.



(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i like this too.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love the lyrics, very good work, well done



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

also in the chat section at the top there is a list of easy songs to play.



(23 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi Ben

I asked my wife your question.
She said go to a tutor for a few months. He/she will teach you the scales etc.
She paid about £13 oper half hour when she started but found a fiddle workshop orchestra thing that was weekly for £2 per week. People there helped her.
She says to turn up at one of these fiddle orchestras and tell them you are a complete beginner and someone should help or point you in the right direction if you do not want to pay so much for tutoring.



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I never refer to the irish or welsh as taffies or paddies, this is mostly the english that do this. I am not saying that maybe some scots do call them the names that the londoners gave them
And sassanach is gaelic for lowlander, not just english, it also refers to the southern  scotland dwellers.
And maybe a few scots do see themselves as jocks ( which is another name for Ian) but this is because of the way they are talked about from thos south of the border. I know more people that hate the term than i do that accept it. It was the english that decided to give this name to us.Because Jock is a scottish name and it rhymes with sock they think it is funny to call us jocks or sweaty socks.
I am not getting into an argument here over this. I have asked you nicely not to refer scottish people as Jocks as I and most people I know do not like it. I will leave it at that,

I definetly do not do PC either but I will not have me or my fellow countrymen called this in chordie, nor would I let anyone call anyone other names if folk did not like it.
This has nothing to do with being PC.

thank you
now wheres the cans of Irn Bru? lol

hmm na forget them I have still got 6 good bottles of single malt left over from Christmas.


(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

please refer from the term "jocks" when speaking about scotsmen when i am about.
This is a racis term. A name made up yet again by the english since they have derogoratory names for everyone in the world it seems.
I do not like the term Jocks and neither do most of the people I know.

thank you.

All the best

Enjoy yer rabbie burns night. I am heading up further north of scotland where it is very rarely open and I will recite ( very badl) a poem or two as well as singing " the braes of Killiecrankie" and "my love is lie a red red rose"



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

ok Hi matelot and welcome to chordie.

I saw yer original first post when you posted it 1 minutes after ye posted it but see after I saw ye played that big brass thing I thought I am not replying to him lol

yes, I am joking. But I did see yer post a few hours after ye posted but I dont think i could answer so i never. lol some of us do that.
I read a lot of posts here and I dont leave a reply to most. If I did I would probably be going through the divorce courts just now on the grounds of my wife and kids not getting on the computer. lol
If I said welcome to chordie to every new comer I would not have time to do much else as we keep getting more and more,
but yer right a simple hello and welcome is not hard to do.....just call me lazy and cheeky with no manners and idle and lovely

Hope you enjoy your life here in chordie, there is no going back now



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ozymandias wrote:

I just saw a YouTube video of Celine Dion singing AC/DC's "Shook me all night long".  <groan>

Anybody got any brain bleach??

thanks for the warning. I will be avoiding this
