(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

In the southern US, it seems most sayings like this are similes relating to farm animals. I used to work with a particularly colorful redneck who had tons of 'em. I wish I had written them down.

One of may favorites, heard from my sister in law, said to my brother - "You ain't got the sense that god gave a goat".

Here's a great John Prine song based upon such sayings.

"It's A Big Old Goofy World"


I love this song. I done this on youtube with pictures to go wit hthe lyrics to make it a bit funnier.



(5 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi mooch,
I suppose they could.
I think it would have to be asked in song request or chat section and ask if anyone could edit a certain song to add in the strum pattern.
But if some people do not want to see this they might just take it back out again. I know if I printed a song out I would not want the strum pattern printed out too.
I would be better if their was an option like the chords and people had the option of leaving them on or taking them off.
this would be done by Per.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am 38 just now. It was repeats I watched.

Yes Micky was a good drummer and I think the only real musician in the band at the point of forming or getting manufactured ,lol.



(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

People are creating a thread (new topic) to ask a question. this is the correct thing to do but what else is happening is people are asking a new question within an already opened topic.

You might not get a reply if you do this meaning you will be left disappointed and you may think that Chordie does not care about your questions.

Please, for any new questions you have create a new topic for it.

Some questions do not get a reply for a few reasons. Some are just simply missed while other questions might need the reply from Per ( the Chordie creator) if a moderator cannot help. If you find you are not getting a reply you can send Per feedback by writing to admin@chordie.com and after a few days - a week has passed and still no reply then say so in the topic you created and hopefully someone will see and help.

Also look to see where you question is best put on the forum. If it is a general question about how Chordie works and navigation of the site, then "About Chordie" is the best place,  the best place, wanting a song chords is "Song Requests". Want to join in and just say hello or chat about anything not covered by the other sections?  Then "Chordie Chat Corner" is the place.

Please be polite. Bad language, racism and abuse of any kind will not be tolerated here. If you would not say it to your grandmother then do not write it here.

If a topic is seen in the wrong place a Chordie moderator can move it to another section. There will be notification on the section you created it in that it has been moved.


(16 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I just listened to this song and your others.
Fantastic!! and well recorded.

well done



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think ( and might be wrong) that a moneky has a tail and apes dont

But the monkees were great. manufactured as well, and even though i dont like manufactured bands they were good. Not musically, just good to watch their tv program when i was about 4 or 5.



(65 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Russell_Harding wrote:

I abhor tennis and I loath soccer, boredom ad infinitum if Gort were here "klatu berratta nicktoe" lol
                                     |    (/\ )     |
                                     |    /   \      |
                          =====    /      \ -------
                                        /        \
                                        /         \
                                      / /          \\

so ye'll not like american football either then Russell? 4 hours to play a minutes of play? can you get any boring than that?
I would rather watch 95 minutes of football staying at 0-0 seeing lots of action non stop, incidents, fouls, arguments, the banter of the crowd than sit for 4 hours bored.

As for tennis, well where do i start? lol
I like watching it and I have no idea why, it is too quiet apart from the UHHH OOOOOO AHHHH and thats just in the mens lol the womens is worst they shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
But for nice looking women in tennis there is Andy Murray's girlfriend.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Flatpicker 55 wrote:

Hi Ken I belive its an old naval saying from the days of sailing warships
           Brass monkeys where racks to hold the cannon balls made of
           brass because of all the gun powder no sparks when the metal
           balls were moved.Hence  cold enough to freeze the balls of a
           brass monkey... smile

Ah Yes, now that I read this reply I think I seen this on tv before. So thats settled it is not a saying from glasgow, just sounds like it should be,lol.

I like badeyes nuts off a bridge lol
Also Kenny's deers guts, lol


(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Just had a laugh in this house with my wife and son.
I was mucking about with the guitar not playing much when my wife walked in the room and said it was " brass monkeys". My boy didnt know what that meant so I told him the real saying was for when it was really cold you would say " it is cold enough to freeze the baws off a brass monkey" ( baws as in testicles). He was in hysterics laughing.
I am thinking this might be a glasweigan saying ( from Glasgow). I might be wrong though.

Anyone else know this saying?

And any other funny local saying you know come from your part of the world?

I will be making a song up with this funny line in it. I might even call it " freeze the baws" and mention how cold it is and what it can freeze the testicles of certain things or animlas or people.



(65 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

football is............................................... lol

na I canny be bothered getting back into this football the real name and soccer and american football lol lol lol


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I dont understand that as I always thought you could only get a max of 100 songs.


(65 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ozymandias wrote:

It is funny how the National Football League keeps trying to push American Football on European.  The two games played at Wembley stadium attract people, but people who just want to see what it's all about.  I mean, from everything I'v read and heard, Europeans don't give a crap about it.  So I can understand your feelings about it.  So no offense taken and I'v played the game as a teenager.  I do prefer Baseball and Basketball myself.  And I'v played soccer, not interested in watching the game, I'd rather play. 

They want Soccer and Rugby.  Your right it's just a game, I have my favorite teams, but, if they don't win......ok.  If they do win like the Boston Celtics did last years NBA championship, I'm happy, but I keep it in perspective.

I used to love watching baseball and wished that it was big over here. I would much have rathered played that than rounders in school.

And loads of folk like american football over here, they show the superbowl every year and I know quiet a lot that stay up to watch it and have an all night party for it.


I wish
but yeah I guess he did cover all that.

and Micey, never heard of frank turner but i will now be on the lookout for him



I play folk, country, rock, punk all on the acoustic guitar.


(65 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ozymandias wrote:

I'm rapidly reaching the point, where I want to scream "Shut the heck up" at all the hype.

PLAY THE GOLDANG GAME ALREADY!!   grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

{end rant}

**ozymandias seeks peace and tranquility in playing some guitar tunes.**

it is all hype I agree.
And the game is for wimps, got to wear big pads and helmets, lol they should play the real mans game RUGBY a game for men with balls. ( oval ones)...oh yeah american footy has oval balls too lol

I learned the rules of this game years ago to try and like it but I just couldnt get into it.
I do think it is good for technical stuff and stategy but it takes far too long and all the nonsense with it drives me crazy...the cheers leaders, big band names. No offence meant but I think with a lot of american sports they get over excited and try to make it sound exciting but it plainy isnt.
well not to me.
And another thing lol  the superbowl starts at 11pm here. I have work on the Monday morning!!!!

But to all you american football fans, I hope you have a good time if you are there or a good whatever you do with get togethers for hours upon hours.

I went to see the scottish claymores a few times ( I was dragged by an american football playing friend)

have fun and remember it is only a game. ( if only I could believe in saying that when i talk about rangers and celtic playing in the league cup final)

All the best



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi scallopman and welcome.

I knew another scallop person (scallopboy) ( Alan) from another forum.
any relation?


(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)


At times I wish I could swear when ever I want.

Aye, so good on ye for keeping things real.



(7 replies, posted in Poems)

thanks Lena

but next time you're here dont try any old square slice, most of it is rotten.
Make sure you try the steak slice square sauage. This is not usually found in supermarkets but in butchers.




(12 replies, posted in Poems)

geoaguiar wrote:

Come on....still Bush bashing. Let the past be the past. I thought we were moving on????

here here



(12 replies, posted in Poems)

to reply to you in a poem style
is a good idea for a little while
sometimes i liked bush and sometimes not
most times not for the wars that he fought
or not so much him, but he made men fight
by the advice from advisers be it wrong or right

invaded Iraq because Sadam was mad
with him gone not all Iraqis are glad

if it was for humanitarian issues that bush was sorting out
then how about the countries with the drought
or how about Zimbabwie and their rigged up election
what about those people, where's their protection?
only a few things is missing from all
the flow of black gold and a big commie wall
for America and Uk will decide what they will
ignore their people's voices as they protest in a chill
I thought we had NATO to sort out these issues
in other countries with the blood stained tissues

I will leave this poem that has still yet to be done
but replying to you was so much fun


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

what a great question.

I only listen to music sang in english and I dont think  I would listen to any other languages.
I prefer in the song the lyrics more tha nanything I tihnk so maybe this is why?
Others prefer to hear good guitar or drums etc and not interested in the lyrics so maybe they would tend to listen to foreign stuff more.

But I do love listening to indian music while in an indian restaraunt. I love the sound of the sitar and other things to make that sound. No idea what they are singing about but i dont care.


buying songs off the net is a bit of a rip off really.
Like you said topdown, nothing to hold so the songs should be much much cheaper to download. Maybe they are? I dont know. I bought the Who's Faces dances on Itunes because I only have it on vinyl and I could not find it in any music shop. It cost £7 or thereabouts. I bet if a shop did have it, it would have been the same price or less.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi macca and welcome to chordie.

Good request you are asking for.
The only one to anwser ths is Per. If you go to the home page and send him feedback I am sure if it is possible he will put it on his list of things to do.



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I dont go to open mic nights but i do go to folk nights ( not enoug htimes recently)

Ye get folk listening as wel las playing in one section of the pub. We are not on a stage just sitting relaxing in a pub and it usually goes round in a circle for you t odo a song, then if others can they jam along.
If a song is going good and there are enough instruments the song goes on a bit longer so flutes, violins, guitars, mandolins can have a wee solo part.



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi littlebiglad and welcome. If you feel like sharing thoughts there is the chat corner, let people know if you disagree or agree or even help them out. It is not always guitar stuff.

Hi Martin
welcome to you too,
I do not normally answer highjacked threads ( asking a question in someone elses thread) there is an option to " start new thread".
But anyway.
The "add song" is on the right hand side of the page in the song. You have to be logged in.
I have never heard of this being a problem unless someone is not logged in.

if you still cannot open a new thread and let us know.

