Johnny is still going strong, never would I say he has died early.
Anyone would have taken that butter advert for the right money.

He is a man that speaks his mind, a bit too much sometimes but he always sticks up for the under privillaged folk, he speaks up for the animals that cannot defend themselves ( I better hide from him) he is anti government ( always a good thing in my books) He takes no nonsense from no one, not even on tv when told to do so.
He is living in the real world with no P.C in his mind.

He showed the nation ( the UK nation) what his true personallity was like when he was on " Im a celb get me oot a here" He does mouth off a bit too much but thats only because he thinks or knows that they are being pretentious idiots that do things becasue they are expected to do  or say things because of who they are. He brings them down for this and good on him.

He was a superb frontman for sex pistols. Whether you liked them or not you got to admit he done a great job of shocking folk in the 70's which is why Malcom McClaren formed the band, carefully hand pisked these nutters and told them what to do. Not that they needed telling what to do to shock, they done fine themselves.
He does know right from wrong even though his past actions may not seem it, but most times when acting an idiot it is an act because he is a musician with a role to play. It makes him money.

Now on to Neil Young.....I dont know much about him, but something tells me I would like him a lot. I watched him on TV last week without knowing who he was until I hit the menu button on the TV.
I should look more into this guy.

I really wished there was a way of taking someones question out an unrellevant thread and creating a new thread)

Hi sunny skies and welcome to chordie.
PLease refrain from posting a question in an thread that is already open if your question is a new one. You can click on "new Topic" and create a new topic to ask your question. That way you are bound to get many more replies and help.

To answer your question though, there are strumming patterns i.e down down up down  etc.
The way I play when playing someone elses song is to know the song and strum it how I hear it. That is if I do not try and change the original a bit.
If you continue to strum while changing chords you might stum all open strings making the song sound wrong.
Once you get the rythum of the song you are playing it will come easily for you.

If you need any more help please just create a new topic and ask.
We are all here to help each other.


most time when i play in a pub I have had a few beers or whiskies but not enough so that my fingers are like rubber ( or my brain)
and like Southpaw says after 26 he still gets the pre jitters, butterflies, nervy twinges, whatever ye want to call them. I have played in front of people for about 20 years( not always on guitar) and I still get butterflies, even after a few drinks.
Angus young still gets the mtoo and everyone loves him, he can do no wrong on stage yet he gets them.

I tihnk once ye get passed your first song and you see if folk like you ( or at least not getting booed) you are passed the stage and are quite settled.
If ye smoke, have a fag and a beer. Draw a few pictures, play suduko, go online into a chat room and tell people how great you are.
Get a gun and shoot a few deer or pheasant.



(37 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

two little boys by rolf harris

and for a love song I got to agree with Bob Dylan's choice for favourite love songs

My love is like a red red rose by Robert Burns.

deadstring wrote: … 09-03.html

I thought this was interesting. Click the arrow on the little screen.

well i think this whole thread is getting too political and off topic , which is not a bad thing as the topic is political lol 
(its not been that bad really)

this link deadstring has gave us is really good, funny??? both.

imagine doing that to your own spouse, never mind on TV for millions to see. Mabye it was a mistake and they are talking? But I bet when wee billy looks at this on tv he will tell her she has made him look a fool.
Gave me a laugh though.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thanks for that link Toney,

I used tou use this site a lot but after wiping everything from my computer and starting from scratch i lost a lot of my favourites and this was one.
ONly about another 30 odd to find lol


and after Zurf's last comment on this, hopefully folk will either comment without directing to another or manage to keep their opinions to themselves so as not to start any argy bargy arguments that are unwanted in the forum of music.


I decided I am not giving it a week or two. I will go on the advice so far and stick with them now.
cheers Toney and Geoaguiar


(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi again.

If you try it now it might work.

I have just saved quite a few from public books into my own now. I think either Per has fixed the problem or it was a glitch that has fixed itself, either way it works.



(14 replies, posted in Poems)

tonight when you lay down your head
upon your pillow in a comfy bed
think of the day that has just passed
and how it went a bit too fast
tomorrow can be just as fun
so go to sleep and let it come
dream nice dreams and smile in your sleep
those are memories for you to keep
and when you awaken and lift up your head
it's time to get up and make your bed
tomorrow will be another day
for you to run about and play
but until then you rest down here
you're safe and sound, no need to fear
goodnight little one I will now leave the room
I can see you are tired, you will sleep soon


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After taking Roger's advice there I went to that chart index.

I would say the easiest way of all to play D9 is to play it exactly the saem way as D7 but play all strings,
on D7 you dont play the E and A strings but in D9 you play:



thanks Geo,

It did say that in the description for the strings, saying they would last about 3 times longer but after reading your post it clicked to what that actually meant,lol.
I was thinking how my other strings lasted for ages but the sound didnt. So this is going to be good if they last 3 -4 times longer with that new sound.

If I am totally convinced after 3 or 4 weeks I shall be an elixer stringer from now on.



(14 replies, posted in Poems)

lol  lol

cracker!!! lol

I remember ( although not a poem) me getting instructed by my wife to tell my son a bed time story for bedtime as it helped him get to sleep. I always thought this was nonesense, maybe because I was never told a bed time story or none that I can rememeber.
So there I was onr night with my boy when he was about 2 years old. I thin kit started and ended something like this......
Once uopn a time there lived three bears in the woods. one day they went for a walk BANG BANG BANG< they were dead and the hunter took their house, the end, goodnight son.

My wife was not too amused but in my defence there was something really good on tv. lol

Yes Jerry the shock has wore off, lol.
They have made her playing sound much better but like you say there are cheaper string that will do the job.

My elixer strings on my guitar have made it sound better I think but there is a few things to take into consideration before I bum the strings up.
They are new string and a guitar always sounds better wit hnew strings and also I went from light gauge to medium gauge.
So this might have contributed to making it sound better. I might have bught my usual make but in medium gauge and they would have sounded just as good?

But I am happy with them, but next set I will get cheaper medium gauge and see what they sound like.

This could take a while before I find the perfect set for my own personal choice.



(14 replies, posted in Poems)

ah then that makes a lot of sense now Lieven.



(14 replies, posted in Poems)

I was thinking Lieven this might be better in the chat corner as you are not asking for any poems nor did you post one yourself. I will leave it up to you to think if you should move it or not.

But my gran used to say a lot to me

" sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite"

Like yea garn I am really going to sleep now thinking I have beasites crawling everywhere going to bite me.



(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have a C moothy ( mouth organ) too

I cannot play it too good but I try to along with my mate when he is playing Johnny Cash's " boy naed sue" ,it is easy to do. A few wee short blasts on the thing and it goes along exellent, but if you can play it and can make a tune then it would sound better.

Also if when on the guitar it is usually wit hthe chord G, if you put a capo on the 5th fret, it could well possibly sound like C.



(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

this thread has been answered properly by admin.

closing thread now



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol lol


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

a chord that does not exist is not a chord.
all chords have been thought of.
there is no way there are chords that have not yet been discovered and in the slight chance that there is then they are not worth knowing.

that is like saying anyone know how to write a word down that does not exist but it does really but no one has thought of it yet,

hmmm, ye might have a friompitochir there,
this is my new word for "point"   lol



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

now that was very very very funny. lol

I can imagine what that thing smells like. We used to have things called stink bombs ( now banned) they were the mingingist things you would or could ever smell. So bad that they got banned from sale lol

I just think they spoiled the comedy in the clip by telling them about it.
Now if they put a dead rotting fish in the car under the back seat so they could not find it and let them drive off, now that would be funny.

Maybe I am just twisted? lol



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi and welcome to both of you.
sorry for  the delay.

it does look like you cannot save individual songs from a public book. I have no idea why this is. I have never tried it until now.
You can import all the songs from a public songbook with the option at the bottom but there is no option for a song.
as Legumeman said, the best way just now is to see the song and look it up.
But if a person has editted it and you want their version then you might have to import the songbook then when it is in your songbooks you can then move it into one of your own by checking the song , go to the bottom and copy it to one of your own then delete the unwanted songbook leaving you with the song.

it is a long way round.

I have contacted Per to let him know about this.



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I never thought it was that funny to be honest.
I think the U.S and the U.K have different senses of humour.

But I did find this funny



(0 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I knew this was coming but now the dates are announced I thought i would let you all know.

I think I will go to three of these dates

Looking forward to hearing "green fileds of France" "And now I'm easy" "And the band played waltzing matilda" the original way they are meant t obe done by the original artist as well as many other great songs he has.



1st let me start with guitar strings. I just bought elixer strings ( or whatever they are called) and they better be good, they are three times the price I normally pay.

Why did I buy these?
well this brings me onto
My wife got told while at her fiddly diddly night something. The woman that runs it told her not to be offended but if she invested in a set of good strings her fiddle would sound like a different fiddle, a better one. She took no offence and I took her last weekend to get new strings.
I was outside most of the time until I noticed some guitar books and decided to go in the shop.

"that will be £35 please" I heard the woman behind the counter say. SHHEEEEEZZZZo I thought, she is buying more than just strings.
We got outside and I could not see anything big sticking out her jacket. "what did you buy" I asked. She looked at me funny and said " strings, you knoew I was buying them"
yes, that was it, a pack of 4 strings for £35!!!!!!!!!

to make things worse, she let me string it up for her in case any snapped on her lol I did warn her if I snapped any that I was not replacing them.
I never snapped any, in fact it never even felt like I was going to snap any. In the past puting string s on it always felt like one or two would go TWAAANGGG SSHHHNAP THHHUD  ( the sound of a newly strung violin string snapping)
Apart from them going on easy they stayed in tune relatively not bad for new strings.
Her violin now sounds much much better, it has made her playing sound much more improved.

So this is the reason I bought much more expensive strings. I want to see what difference it makes to my guitar sound.

so if you are a fiddler and ye can afford this extortionate price for 4 string I would recommend it. But I would never have done this myself.
