
(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

wish you luck on landing a job in a guitar shop,that sounds like a dream job?, to me,I hope you get it!!.


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have an old yamaha fg401 acoustic I paid fifty dollars for,got it about sixteen years ago,I still love it even though I have better guitars,it always seems  to fit,I never worry about scratching,banging it or anytjing else.it has already survived almost any condition or accident.


(34 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I pretty much agree with bensop,I was a teen in the sixties and at that time there was a ton of bands and players,this was fused with drugs etc. the compititon was strong and alot of songwriters musicans etc came out of the sixties,seventies and some of the eighties. The people now do not seem to want too work at it so hard. There are some good singers and groups out there now. I would really like to see some super groups ,and players come out of this generation.

hi cam,I watched it and really enjoyed it. It helped me forget my teams third loss. When I was about seven I went to work with my dad almost daily in the summer. One day a balding man came in and was talking business with my dad,he left after about ten minetes. After he left my dad asked me if I knew who he was I did not,he told me he was the quarterback  Y.A.Tittle. I was pretty impressed!!. T he football players of the fifties and later had too work other jobs as they did not get the large saleries they do now. He was my dads insurance man.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have never heard of the brandmmaybe someone here will know about them. but if it plays good and was cheap you may have a good deal.


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ihave three cheap guitars,A fender mexican strat,a yamaha acoustic fg401,and a espana 335 copy. I paid less then $450.00 for all three. They are all good guitarsand play well. I do have one that is expensive a gibson but it was given to me. out of all of these I have my hands on the yamaha 80 percent of the time.


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi agian topdown, I am going to look up some of the sights that sell them,my sister is going to look also,she smokes alot and wants to quit.do you have any tips of were to look at?, you can e-mail me at my home address if you want.


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hey topdown,nice to hear you are making it. I have smoked about 20 some odd years,I only smoke seven or eight a day but it would be better if I stopped altoghter,your posting this here is what I belive a go ahead for many of us doubtors of the e-cigerette,so thank you for letting us know. Ithink I may give it a try soon.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Miller lite and coors light are my domestic choices,but I do not drink much now. IFor a Treat sometimes I will buy myself some Samual Adams beer,G ood stuff!  for imports I like japans asai and Kirin beers. A friend of mine once got an rc cola with a slug in it,that was about twenty years ago.


(7 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I think your teacher needs to be told by you that you do not know these terms and needs to explain them too you,if he will not you should get another teacher now!!


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

real sorry to hear about your dog,I know that pain as I have had to put down two of my best friends,it felt like the world ended. they were also a few years ago but I still miss them.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

sounds like someone put a little peice of fun heaven in that town,have a good time.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like the words but could you put some chords/tab in.


(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

zero,zip, nada, I did not have any luck. you might try listining to him and seeing if you can make the chords out yourself.


(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi resprod,looks like bensonp has led you in the right direction, I do alotof picking this way and alot of the time my fingers will just go there automaticly and it will not be the same finger I used last time on the same song.I think its like a reflex reaction like when we are going to get in an accident or catch something.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi jets, I like the song,kind of made me feel the light effects of the fall comong on us. I sure do agree about football glad to see its back.

I was servicing an account on my route and I finished my inspection,I went to the employees lunch room and found everyone in there, I watched it and talked to people and then they hit the other tower,worst thing I think I have ever seen.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I think working at home or at office have plus and minus sides,I guess it is best to balance out your day with some imaginative ideas.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good song jets!!

sounds like alot of fun,I have the time but not enough money to get there. I hope you do get alot more players to come and please post a video if you can of the event.


(21 replies, posted in Recording)

Hi russel,sorry I did not get back to this Ido know a couple of tunes and chords on piano,but I do not feel myself quilified enough.

I think we all get like that sometime,I do. I have found that setting an old cheap guitar right next to me when I am watching tv helps as I will pick it up and start picking abit,you might also record someone who is one of your favorite musicans and bring it out once and awile to inspire you.


(16 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I would try a mix of some easy rock,country western  (eagles tunes ,dylan,willie nelson) and some fifties oldies. good to see you at the site I think you will enjoy it.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy birthday old doll hope you had agood day,you will not see this till the day after because of the time differance,so I hope you do not have a headache!


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

guess I am with doug, What happend to blues,jazz and oldies.