(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

@NELA and Dino. She is on disability and still very much employed. We have to wait until that is over first. Thanx for all the help and support. All the good wishes and kind words really do help.  You can`t tell from there but they do. Thnx again to everyone there.  On the plus side. I have got to playing again to calm my nerves when I have too much time on my hands. Me and too much time is not a good combination sometimes.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

We have been looking at all that. We did have another setback. Her father passed away this morning. 2 days before Xmas. Obviously 2013 hasn`t been a banner year in the Joey household.


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Im not sure if this is one.   "Who`s That Lady"  by The Isley Brothers. Absolutely amazing guitar in it.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The Placard came in the mail today.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:

jjj, it may have something too do with the medicine she is taking in some states doctors and pharmcist's are required too report some people who use certain drugs that  may impair driving.

That must be it. She is on megadoses of painkillers. Thanks Dino. Forgot all about that.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

zguitar wrote:
jerome.oneil wrote:

Unless they can demonstrate that your wife's handicap somehow impairs her ability to operate the vehicle safely, they're violating the law.

I agree. On what grounds did they determine that she has to give up driving? Something's not right here.

I don`t know, but I think the fact that she is dying has to figure in there somewhere. Probably s to do with if something happens while she is behind the wheel. She still hasn`t driven since august. Plus we use my car because the chair wont fit in hers. Also the constant pain may figure in there too. All in all, we still should have left well enough alone.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My wife applied for a handicapped placard with the RMV. Her doctor sent a letter explaining that she can`t walk long distances and needs a wheelchair. She hasn`t driven her car since August. She can`t. This weekend, she got a letter from the RMV. It wasn`t the handicapped placard. It was a letter ordering her to turn in her drivers license within 10 days. Is that a kick in the you know whats or what? We try to do the right thing and it bites us back. The time left on her license will outlast her. And now she has to go to get a state issued ID. Should have left well enough alone.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Williams wrote:

i did a gig in swansea in a pub that was crammed to the rafters, i think it was the landlords birthday. this was before the smoking ban, but as you say; the air was opaque with fag smoke. after a while my voice began to crack (i thought i'd reached puberty at last!) in a while i could hardly hit a note. then the bouncer (yes a bouncer) opened the door to let someone out and the fresh air rushed in and like magic my voice returned.

the smoking ban is a two edged sword, we get clean air to breathe but the gaspers can't smoke so they buy booze from the supermarkets then drink at home, then the venues become empty and close and we don't have anywhere to play anymore....

i'd hate to think of the damage done to my lungs over the last 40 years that i've been gigging, all passive smoke as i've never indulged.

When you say Swansea, I live about an Hour and a half from Swansea, Mass. But when you say "Fag", I think of a cigarette in England. Which is a whole different meaning here. Now you got me confused. Which Swansea is it?? Just curious if it is the same one.

I must be the youngster. I`m only 53


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hope it all goes well for you


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wrangler Jane was playing "Home on the range" with one of those on an episode of "F Troop" last week.  On MeTV

Sweet.  I haven't seen a Kingston since the 80s. And I have definitely never seen a 12 stringer. Great prize.


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Go for it. It is a great way to spend spare time.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

All the acoustics I had were cheaper ones. Rhapsody, Montaya ,Yamaha 335 and another one that I don`t remember the model. 2 Harmonys, A Peavey and a Silvertone from the 60s.(the sunburst parlor size).Plus a full size Kay and a Royalist Arch Top. And some mid priced  2 fenders, one with a 6 inline headstock. And a Dean Steel body. I am down to 5 acoustics and a 6 string banjo now. 4 electrics and a lap steel.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gretsch White Falcon. An original from the 50s. Not a new one.  Any high end Martin.  A map shaped National electric. And a National Steel Body.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

You already know what I think. Congrats.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Pulled out the Dorado 12 string and my Yamaha SJ - 180 tonight. Anyone that is a facebook friend can see pics of these and my Gibson LG 2 on my Page.

So happy that you are getting a refund.


(120 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nice pic. Is that the Kamen you`re using???/


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

After almost a year I finally dug out a guitar and played for a couple hours. It felt great. Pulled out the old Gibson LG 2.  Hopefully I will make a habit of it. For the time being I have no desire to play in a band again. Just to play by myself. I have a whole bunch of toys that have been sitting and are begging me to play them. Almost like they are saying "Joey, play me". Maybe I will pull out the 12 string next or something different. That`s it.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That`s great Ed. While  400.00 feels good in your pocket, sometimes an act of charity makes you feel better in your heart. While 50.00 isn`t as much, it still makes me feel good about giving it to him. I hope he is still around using it. I have no way of knowing.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I see the same thing as Roger. Unless Martin makes air guitars. I didn`t want to say anything just in case I was the only one not getting them.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I forgot all about this. Back in 2010, I saw an ad on craigslist from a man looking to buy an accordion. I called him and told him I had a Scandelli and I wanted 50.00 for it. I paid 30.00 for it. Then he said  that he wanted it. He told me that he was dying from cancer and played and didn`t have one and wanted to play again. I told him that my wife was a survivor (at the time). After thinking about it I told my wife I couldn`t charge him more than I paid. I called him and told him I wanted 30.00 just to get my money back on it. He was thankful for that. Then I called him back again and told him I wanted a 20 oz bottle of Cold Diet Coke in exchange for the accordion. He said he couldn`t take it for free. I said it isn`t free. I want a 20 oz bottle of Diet Coke. Don`t show up without it. He laughed and agreed. His daughter drove him to my house to get it. She said that she heard I drank Diet Coke. She gave me a 12 pack of Diet Coke. I asked him just to play it once since I could never play it. I tried but couldn`t figure it out. Even with books. He played " Under The Boardwalk". Said it was a good accordion. Shook hands and thanked me. I told him to enjoy it. I would rather see it being played instead of taking up space with all my equipment. I don`t know if he is still around or whatever happened to the accordion.                                                                                                                  What I do know is that now that I am in a similar situation, I don`t have any guilty feelings about taking advantage of a sick man. Also I have gotten so many thoughts and support from friends and family that I feel like it came back to me for one deed. I have family and friends bringing food all he time. Driving my wife to appointments because of my heavy work schedule. Supportive messages and offers to clean my house. Even here I have gotten all kinds of support. Also on facebook. Thank you for all that. Now it seems like it all came back to me big time. What went around came around Big Time. In a good way. That`s it. Just had to vent a little. I will never know if things would be different if I charged him 50.00 like I quoted him.


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome to chordae Mitter B!!  Wow, a Martin for your first guitar. That`s like getting a new Mercedes for your first car.


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Get a new guitar???? 100.00 is cheap if it can be fixed. Especially for all the years of service it gave you.  I spent 60.00 to have my old Yamaha SJ-180 set up. It is probably worth 30.00 in the shape it is in.( cracks, It was worth every penny to have done. Why, because it has been my trusty old friend since 1984. I would never put it out to pasture as long as it can be fixed.  Divide the amount of years you have owned it into the cost to fix it and see how much it cost you for every year. Then see if the price is extreme. I have had some of my equipment for over 30 years. Spending a few dollars to keep them going seems like a small price.