(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi eagleeye and welcome back

I hate anything by

the spice girls
any teeny bop manufactured band apart from the monkees
nepalm death
any heavy rock that you cannot make out the singing or the growling just like nepalm death



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ahhhhh lol, so they are.
Ye see I am young lol

I barely remember these. My house never played much music when i was very young. We got the odd johnny cash or abba.

still they look like the insides of bayblades lol

I never knew you could get so many different types,



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi fordie and welcome to choride and the world of getting sore fingers lol

I have been playing acoustic guitar for about 17 years and I still get sore fingers. My fingers tips are like little dog paws and yes my skin peel from them too.

Like Russell says you could try changing your gauge. I done this years ago and stuck with extra light gauge but I recently just changed to medium gauge and my fingers are feeling it more.
I was away for the weekend last week and I was playing my guitar nearly constantly for two days, my fingers nearly bled, I could not play the guitar again until last night.

If you keep playing like I dont then it will ache, My advice is play until you feel it getting sore. do this everyday and your finger tips will get stronger and you will be able to play without the pain for longer than you can just now.
But if you stop and let your finger tips go soft again, you will go through the same. I find that once your fingers have turned into pads if you play a couple of times a week or a few minutes everyday it keeps your fingers in perfect condition to play.



(14 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have no idea what they are but I was looking and I asked my boy to look.
He says they look like bayblade parts.
He had lots of these things and he is kinda right, they do look like the insides of them


if this is the right answer, delete it, lol

I dont want to spoil it if it is right, not my answer though, i am typing for my boy under my name


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

I love this topic Lieven and the idea behind it and also the poems i have read in here so far for one thread makes this the best thread in poems yet. well done

I am going to try make one up on the spot here. see how long it takes time: 20:36

I live in Scotland, it's north of the UK
its a wonderful place or so people say
I have to agree its no that bad
I live here and that makes me glad

hills capped with snow and rivers run fast
eagles fly high as steam engines go past
islands up north and over to the west
I cant decide which ones are best

traditional dress is the kilt, colourful to wear
with a Sgian Dubh* in the sock if you dare    ( sgian dubh....skee an doo. a small knife
under the kilt we wear no knickers, that wouldnt be right
we flash our bums when we get drunk at night

our auld enemy is England though tis all for the banter
we wind them up while we play a chanter**
our auld allience is france but where was their aide
at culloden 1746 where we started to fade

we have a football team that put on a game
although not too good the fans make their fame
we are the tartan army and we drink Irn Bru
now its worldwide, you can drink it too

can you see why I love Scotland im sure that you can
its not for the money or the fake sun tan
its for the people, their spirit and their warmest hearts
for their gentle kind wishes and the deep fried tarts.

*sgian dubh....skee- an- doo. a small knife worm wit hthe kilt as part of the outfit, tucked in the sock

** chanter is a practice pipe for the bagpipes, just like a whistle but not as loud as the pipes


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i got 11 and never used any help . I feel like I should have got 13 though lol



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Love the lyrics Alan, and very apt for me.

Not tried playing it yet as I am in work and I have went through aspell since saturday of not playing as my fingers were near bleeding



(15 replies, posted in Song requests)


yeah but he did get a hat trick last week and still played good last night



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


13 miles by blink 182


(15 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi vegabondrambler

please read here   http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=10687

it will tell you the best way to get a reply to a question and how not to ask in another non related topic.
Maybe "Them Dancehall Girls" is an irish song but it is a new question getting asked in an already active thread. I have never heard of it.



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

use two? one for the guitar and another for playing the backing tape?



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Russell_Harding wrote:

I like the name "free beer"for a band smile

that would certainly pull the crowds in.



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

When we were thinking of names for our daughter I remember one of the names I suggested that I love was "Siobhan" ( sh - iv - on )
No way she said, people would say to her "shove on, shove off "

at the time of my wife being pregnant with our son many years ago, we knew it was a boy and since I drank jack daniels like water I wanted him called jack daniel, again I was not allowed to chose the name,lol. But we did name him jack ( after my grandad)

Also with the names Jack and Jean when saying hello to them  " Hi Jean" Hi Jack" I still get a laugh from that for some immature reason.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thank you Zurf , Oz and Kenny,

head cleared, mind sober and fingers still a bit tender from playing nearly non stop from friday night to sunday morning ( did get a few hours sleep though)



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

just thought, ( yes sometimes I can)

Have you looked in "Public songbooks" to see if anyone has submitted a 50's or 60's songbook?

or have a go at making one yourself and making it public.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi and welcome to chordie,
Glad you like the site.

Per ( chordie webmaster) is doing a lot more work just now, some of it has to do with songs and searching. But to put it in chronological order may be a bit hard. Chordie does not host any song so we would probably have to rely on the other sites, or the other people that put the songs on the other sites that chordie gets them from to put an era alongside their submission.

Also another problem I have just thought of with this would be if a band were going for years and years like The Who, Stones, REM, Cliff Richard......what timescale would they go into? lol

but who knows, it may be possible and I can see how it would be handy



(15 replies, posted in Song requests)

jamiejah wrote:

well just tried that malarkey looking up "pub with no beer" all i got here was pup and a whole list of p,,,,,,,,,,,s
crikey there is nae pub on this site lol
right... up yer kilt and no nay never to you and aw
can you kindly give the chords and the lyrics  to this worls famous song
who is it by bye the way

I heard it from the dubliners. I think I use D and A for this and another chord or two. Not done it for ages.

I cannot give the lyrics on here for the song but I will email them if you would like them


lmao, Lieven, I have no idea if there is lol
I tohught coz you typed it that there was an Ed Zep.
If not there is a place for someone to cash in.



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I never even heard that he had expired from life.

cracking guitarist.



(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well we are still getting it up on the hills in Scotland.

I got a pic from my cousin in Alabama, America. He said it had not snowed there for about 16 years where he is. It didnt look like much but when you dont have any for that long a wee drop can be a lot.


I love the snow


(43 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:
Roger Guppy wrote:

Ken -"One In A Million" by Guns n Roses

Badeye - "Working Man" by Rita MacNeil

How about: 'Like a river flows surely to the sea'

ding..    correct Roger.

ding ding double correct lol


Hi Lieven
I think they do it deliberatly sometimes but there could be good reason?
Ed Zep is definatly trying to cash in on LEd zeps name in hoping for confusion.
Ryan Admas might have been born Ryan adams and decided why should he change his name, and why should he?
David Bowie changed his name because there was already a davy Jones ( from the monkees) and he didnt want any confusion,.

Also we now have " from the jam" which is two thirds of the jam
and there are so many copy bands, or tribute bands, i.e. the bootleg beatles, the part of the name " bootleg" is quite small with BEATLES being prominent in the title. Everyone knows that the beatles are no more but there are other tribute bands that do this. I think it is sometimes to make peole think they are going to see the real thing, or at least to get their attention.



(15 replies, posted in Song requests)

I have a songbook " irish and traditional" or Irish and the pogues"

but a few songs you could look up and learn for St Pat's day is:

Dirty old town
fields of athenry
whiskey in the jar
Kilkelly Ireland
irish rover
wild rover
a song for ireland
thousands are sailing
black velvet band
las vegas and the hills of donegal
molly mallone
pub with no beer
rare auld times

that should keep you busy,lol



(35 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I know what you mean about getting used to a sound.
I never changed any of my strings before because I got used to the sound, as they gradually got duller in sound I never noticed as it happens slowly. It wasnt until a few friends told me after changing strings that the guitar sounded better, after a few years and a few other guitarists giving me advice I started to heed. And now I am loving the sound of new strings even though I thought, like you , the wirey sound was awful.

But each to their own and all that, whatever you like is right for you.

I will be tring other strings also just to hear the difference in sounds and price etc to relate price with sound. This will take a long time so no post on my findings for a while.



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

thank you all, cheer Al.

My head was ok this morning as I never drank as much as I thought I would due to the over indulgance on Friday night. But I did start drinking moderatly from 3pm
Went fishing yesterday morning, caught noting so me and a few others decided to have a stone skimming competition, I still say I won with 13 bounces.

we had a massive buffet dinner for 16 ( too much but sheep are great for not letting anything goto waste) after that folk were either very tired or hungover still from the night before so I sat and played the guitar mostly on my own most of the day and night.

Lena, I couldnt listen to that clip as my speakers are not working for some unknown reason that I will look into soon.

39 years of age os not that bad apart from everyone sees it as the big 40 next year. lol
age is only a figure, grey hair is only a colour, your health is your wealth, so i am a happy wealthy grey haired boy.
