
(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

start here see if it yields fruit      http://www.google.com/search?q=song+eve … lz=1I7SUNA


(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

i think this song is from the movie "the great race" with tony curtis and natalie wood who sang the song sitting under a tree (no kidding) look up the movie it also stars keynon wynn and peter falk, funny movie heres a link   http://www.google.com/search?q=song+lyr … lz=1I7SUNA


(39 replies, posted in Acoustic)

put a capo on the first fret and play a e chord for f a chord for b flat and bar c 3rd fret for c


(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

james i think before the "evil" rock n roll there was the evil perry como and rosemary cloony,frank sinatra and of coarse the evil vic damone ect.......


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

there must be a online support for gibson explain your problem or bring your amp and guitar with the chords your using to the music store where you got it mabey they can shed some light on whats wrong i think you made a good choice not digging into the electronics yourself it might negate any warranty


(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi jim glad i could help i remember the song from 12 oclock high gregory peck it was composed durring wwii and sung alot in officers clubs or by enlisted men

sorry bout that your correct thats funny ive never been wrong before i thought i was once but i was just mistaken

NELA wrote:

Russell, That was Waylon Jenning and not Merle Haggard that missed the Buddy Holly filght.

Another great - Patsy Cline.



(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

in c dont sit under the apple tree  is c////|////|g////|c////| thats the simple version you can substitute a dm7 for g at any time

along with buddy holly on the same plane ritche valens,the big bopper(jp richardson) merle haggard missed the flight he was backing up one of the acts and there was no room on the plane,otis redding, glen miller WWii', jim crocette (bad leroy brown)


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

soccer buttermilk and anchovies in no particular order people who stand next to you in a bar and fart and try to put the blame on you women who where perfume thats stronger then mace preachers who offer "the way to salvation" and ask for your credit card number all politicians all rap music all disco,child molesters anyone who smokes near me, guitars that dont stay in tune people who dont return emails apathy stupidity arrogance bigotry dogs who can lick themselves women with fat butts and no boobs and an attitude, people who neglect personal hygene and want to hang out with me, jehova witnesses,terrorist and forgeting where you put your car keys when you have to be somewhere important


(25 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

i can tune by ear but i rely on my sabine stx-1100 because i record with a number of instruments and i have to make sure all of them are calibrated to standard pitch

geoaguiar wrote:

Since I first started playing I've been using an electronic tuner. I bought a pitch pipe 20 years ago but about a week later someone hipped me to the electronic tuner and I bought it (for a lot of money back in the day) and never looked back (I still have it and it still works). I personally have no natural "ear" to speak of (or talent for that matter!) so I can't imagine life without a tuner. Being a bad player AND out of tune is not where I want to be (cue the howling dogs). I've met a few people over the years who are against electronic tuners but most really couldn't tune by ear especially without a known good reference point (at least one string is in tune). These people always frustrated me because as much as they tried most were never in tune even though they "did it without the machine".
I guess I'm against something turning the machines for me but I wouldn't give up my tuner for anything..Heck my Takamine has one built into the pick up (real cool!!!)
There is NOTHING worse than playing with some jackass who thinks he can tune without a tuner and is always out of tune. Makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Using a tuner isn't cheating or cheesy it's smart.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

are you practicing scales? because scales help tone muscles in your fingers and wrist and improve your dexterity there are a number of links on chordie to help you im not up to speed on the links but someone will provide you with the help your looking for so be patient an answer is forthcomming and good luck


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Ive played harps for many a year and up until recent i never knew they could be repaired,hohner makes several models the marineband,blues harp,hot metal the hot metal has plastic reeds and so far it shows no sign of loss of tone or volume the wooden reeds warp after time from the spit and need to be replaced but harmonicas used to cost $1.50 now you cant touch one for less then $20.00 or so.I came up with a design for a harmonica holder that attaches to the guitar and you can easley switch harps (differn't keys) it cost me over $700.00 to have the protype machined plus the patent i may yet find a company interested in mass producing it. im still cracking up over the darth vader vid on utube there is a link on a post by "old doll"(late lunch) i must have emailed all my musician friends a copy i have heard harmonica played in contemporary style that took this one time toy to a level i didn't know existed harps are great the best thing is you can stash them in your pocket and jam anywhere


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

classical guitars ARE accustical guitars

Popdevil wrote:
Russell_Harding wrote:

try a inexpensive classical guitar and put some silk n steel strings on it

I think classical guitars are cool but I want to stay with an Acoustic guitar.


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

try a inexpensive classical guitar and put some silk n steel strings on it


(15 replies, posted in Electric)

all riffs and licks are based on scales and the chords within the progression if you learn the major,minor modes (pentatonic,dorian,mixalodian frigian, ect....) you will discover these licks or riffs were derived from these modes so crack the music book open and dig into the foundation of theory and you wont have to ask for riffs or licks


(25 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

doc I can tune my guitar by ear but no stringed instrument is ever perfectly in tune because the nature of sound is that a string vibrates when plucked at a approximent rate and fluctuates and is influcenced by the other strings because they vibrate even when not picked much like a piano if you hold down a triad c e g and play a lower c the keys your holding down will produce a chord (sympathetic vibrations) professional piano tunners use this method to tune a piano


(9 replies, posted in Song requests)

youse guys are a plethera of info


(44 replies, posted in Acoustic)

heres a great song for 12 string   turn turn turn  byrds


(9 replies, posted in Song requests)

top check this link    russ          http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=3eZBevXohCI


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

funny stories i have been cutting my own hair last 20 yrs sometimes it looks good but last week i went to far and i wound up with an" alfalfa "look nobodys imune but it will grow back


(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

i agree utube is a wealth of information and talent beats the hell out of tv hey joe is kinda sneaky as far as the key its in but the last chord e is the tonic(root) i could be wrong I have never seen any sheet music i may have to google it out of curiosity keep pickin doc


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye i was fortunant enough to have met both sonny and brownie at a party in hermosa beach calif we talked and picked some guitar great blues artists of all time and nice people

badeye wrote:

Old Doll, you crack me up, nothing like a good laugh. The
tune I believe is Sonny Terry "Whoppin The Blues". A great blues man from days gone past. Google Sonny Terry and get the song with Brownie Maghee and Pete Seger in a kitchen
in the 60's. It's great music. All the videos by Peglegsam are
of good quality. Also check out Elizabeth Cotton great guitar playing. Enough rambling.

  Have a good day...Badeye.


(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

peter read the 1st post by the administrater about posting lyrics


(33 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i wont use a smiley face but if they have one with the middle finger that would come in useful

upyerkilt wrote:

I didnt think you were being, but since it is so hard to tell when reading online it is best to have a lol or a smile to show, or people like me, gulable ppl like me lol wil thin kyou are serious, or maybe not think you are but answer as if they think you are. lol

I just love the lol to help ppl understand lol

