(8 replies, posted in Poems)


On other forum I get told to speak "proper english", but I will always rebel against speaking " the queens english", I type how I speak and no one will convince me I am wrong for doing so.
Just because the queens speaks the way she does does not mean we all have to follow.

It is also true that  non speaking english people that are learning english will speak it better, or more proper than native english speaking people.
native, or antural speaking english folk. i.e british,american, irish, australian etc will speak they way they will and not to the way that non english folk are taught.
I know a swiss guy that says he has still to visit a country that speaks english and understand what they are sayting. This is not because of how good or how bad they speak or how the accent sounds it is because of the dialects, there are so many various forms of this international language that people that are taught it find it hard to understand.

I will use the words Ye instead of you, aye instead of yes, dinny instead of do not, canny instead of cannot, willny instead of will not, as well as many other scottish dialect.
i am sick of folk in other forum telling me i do not speak/ type properly. If they read a bit more carefully they would understand what I am saying.

So anyway the jist of this rant is to say "your english is very very good".
Only thing if I have to be honesyt with you is you type in CAPITALS a bit too much for words and leaves me thinking WHY? lol
this may not be a bad thing, it is just a personal thing that I cannot understand, but then I am sure I type things that some think " why does he type that" or like that.

Oh yeah and celtic won 2-0 today so I have been celebrating. Mostly the reason for me not making this a bit shorter lol

stopping now


I am thinking you are in america? , if so then it is a global virus lol

I have a really sore throat just now and heard that is how my mates illness for 3 days started.

I am still singing though, nothing stops me singing.



(15 replies, posted in Song requests)

blindman, welcome to choride and what a fantastic bit of history to a great folk song.



hi are1222
welcome to chiordie

and I am so glad that there is still people so ful of of phyicy that they  have t tell everyone about their favourites next album coming out.

I like green day quite a bit ( not my favourite band thouhg,, but i do think they are great,especially stuff from early ninties)

Now I know they are releasing a new album i will be looking out for it

thanks for the info



(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


floor 51


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

I missed last year but I go to see them every st paddy's day at the barras in glasgow, probably my favourite band, or in the top 4. I have loved them since I was 10 years old since 1980



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Here it is

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu … =368928657

I am not too happy with it, but to be honest I couldnt be bothered putting that much effort into it. This was the first recording and probably the last.
I am such a lazy sod sometimes lol
If I thought it was fantastic I would have probably recorded it until i was satisfied I was happy.

It will only stay on here until I record a new song then this is the first to come off.

I would say I hope you enjoy it, but I didnt so why should you? lol



(60 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Artist I most cover would be either

pink floyd

John prine

or maybe
The corries

Hard to tell, I do quite a lot from them all.



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

superb song!!!

I like this song a lot and yer singing.



(6 replies, posted in Poems)

very good Alan

I am assuming you have heard of stiff little fingers? they wrote a lot of songs about the troubles in N.Irleland. Suspect device, wasted life, gotta gettaway, each dollar a bullet, barbed wire love,
just a few of their songs that I loved instantly.

I hope all goes well after being so well for 10 odd years there. But I dont think ye will ever stop the few idiots that think they are doing something worthwhile, to make others think the way they do.

if all thought the same as your words it would be a better place.



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dont know what sort of music yer looking for pix
But here is a legand, Brain McNeill with a superb song " no gods"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUI1O8m- … re=related

or something different than that, Stereophincs. Dont know if they are nig or not in america but they should be



(5 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

good luck and enjoy yerself

be sure to tell us all about it in the other section for telling us about your gigs.



(14 replies, posted in Songwriting)

i tried to say good song yesterday but it never submitted by the looks of it.

so .....good song Kenny



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good wee ffun song daddy,
well done



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

charlotte wrote:

Just one proviso, you gotta take the mother-in-law as well.

The tv is a Sharpe. Next time I go round I'll try and get a picture of the text .

Ok, Mother in law i will accept but along with a sharpe tv?
Na, never.
remind me of the time I had a sharpe tv, had it for 2 weeks then back to the shop it went.
But i will not write another novel lol on the argument I had with this one lol



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

What Pix has said is the only way to open chordie and have your songs automatically as Uke chords.
What else you can do is create another account and have the other acount for the guitar ( if you play it and and guitar chords) use one account for guitar and one for Uke.
To create another account you will need another email address other than the one you used to create "marthamae"

If this does not help please let us know

oh yeah and welcome to chordie



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That is so bizzare! A reverse options to watch a tv?,

So strange I tihnk i am wanting one of these. No reason other than to say look what my telly can do lol


Hi Katherine and welcome to chordie

Per ( the site founder ) is currently doing some work on chordie just now. I am sure he is doing something so it is easier to add songs.
If you are wanting an answer a bit quicker than about a week I would suggest you email him at


You could ask him directly there.



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ty all,

I had actually thought of another lyrical part from this song while sitting on the toilet in work today but I never wrote it down and I forgotten what was going through my head. I had plenty of paper lol but forgot to take a pen in the cubicle with me lol

I am hopefully going to record this on Wednesday night while the house is quiet.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A subject I know that some people dont want to admit, especially when they are wrong bt here i go, I dont it yet again. this story I am going to tell you happened on the 22nd December 2007 as well as yesterday, it was as if it was ground hog day, word for word, apart from this time I managed to keep calm, or calmer.

I have my phoneline, cable tv and broadband internet wit hVirgin media, yes Richard " I am stinking rich" branson's very own firm, or one of them.

My TV stopped working at the same time as my modem. I had no TV or Internet sad
I phoned the helpline and after pressing all the 2's and 4' and 1' to get through to someone I managed finally to get through to the call centre in India ( cheap labour for Mr Branson) where they read all their solutions from a screen, and if all fails, which in this case it did again, they say they have to send an engineer out as the cable box is broken.
I said how can the TV and Modem decide to break at the same time? , they had no answer on their screen for this. "it is a fault with your box" they kept saying. "ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, could you send someone out to look at my tv box and my modem"?  "No" they replied but we can send someone out for the TV, you have to phone and press the correct number for internet help" ( I done this later and got told the same engineer would have a look at both)

Ok, so they were sorting an engineer to come out and look at my box, Monday 12 pm - 4 pm they say. NO, I calmly said, this time is no good as I am at work, someone will have to come out after 4:45pm. "oh no no no, we cannot do this" said the screenreader in the call centre. Why not I asked. because this is the last times they are available. I started to get angry.
In my unprofessional angry irate voice I let rip. something like this

" look, I am not taking time off work so one of your guys dont turn up until 4:30 and I lose money for not being at work ( which happened before) so you will just have to make sure a virgin engineer comes out to fix their equipment that I rent off them at a time that suits me, the customer. I pay in advance for this service and I damn well expect a good service."

no no no he replied, we cannot do this. So while I was arguing wit hhim over the times and how monday was no good for me, he then told me that the Monday appointment had just been filled by someone else and I would have to wait until Tuesday. So we went through all that again, same things said for the tuesday 12-4 appontment being no good.
By now I was pacing up and down the living room clenching on to the phone and pointing into thin air while telling him what I wanted ( as if he could feel me prodding my finger into his chest)
I got nowhere with him and ended up going on hold to talk to the floor manager, he was quite irate and abrupt wit hme telling me take it or leave it, I told him he was lucky he was not 2 miles down the road from me. I told him I see virgin vans out at 6pm 7 pm so why could I not get one at 5pm. He said this was the only times his call centre could send people out. OK, I accept that I told him, "now give me the number of someone in the UK that can help me, someone that can send me out an engineer at a time that suits me". we will not do this he told me.
Yep, by this time I was going mental ( but not as bad as 2007)
I argued wit hthis manager for about 15 minutes over how I should get someone out when it suits me and they should pay a few quid overtime if needed for an engineer since big Richard B is loaded. I got nowhere with him and told him " OK, send the engineer out on Tuesday bewtween 12 and 4. he said " will someone over 16 be in for the engineers"? , I told him I had no idea but this was going to be my time and I wanted him out at this time and if no one was in he would have to keep returning that day until i was.
he told me if an engineer turned up and no one was in I would get charged £10, I began to laugh down the phone and asked him when i was getting my lost earnings from 4 years ago when i waited in all day without pay. he said that was nothing to do wit hhim, and I told him whether i was in or out had nothing to do wit hhim and just get it noted that an angineer will be out to me on tuesday and that I would not pay any £10 if no one was in for him.
I also said I was not payuing a full month rental since i was not getting 24/7 service, so he refunded £10 for the three days. For the full month it is about £30 all in for tv and cable so that was fair enough

Then I phoned the internet helpline, yep india again... but like I said the same engineer can look at the modem as well as the tv, but if you phone for tv they will not send someone to look at the modem, doesnt make sense. But the internet people very so much helpful and understanding than the twits in the tv call centre that read of a screen. the internet people read off a screen too but they make it sound more interesting and make it sound as if they know what they are doing. I told tham all this and what had happened.

S I was resigned to the fact I had no tv or internet for 3 days, oh and by the way, lol, my wife is off on holiday from monday morning so someone could be in, I just felt like being awkard with  them lol
I thought to myself this is just the same argument i had 2 years ago and thought how after arguing I checked the connection of the cable, the cable has one cable going to a splitter, something that makes the cable go from one cable to two, one for the tv and one for the modem.
The cable was out lol lol lol  no wonder I had no connection with internet or tv. I plugged it back in an hey presto, I had tv and internet.

I phoned and cancelled the engineer and told them it just started again.
I still got the £10 refund lol I tried to tel lthem to take it back and they said they didnt know how to and jst to leave it as it made it easier.



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

As my work is paying 17 folk off this week due to the recession it made me think of making this song up.

I never got to record it as it is getting a bit noisy in here and I would run out of time before my youngest goes to bed.

Credit crunch ken Godwin

P[D]oliticians call it a credit crunch but w[G]e know it as a recession

P[A]eople will lose their jobs this week but n[G]o one will ask the [D]question

W[G]hy is it me and n[D]ot the guy with 3 kids

The th[A]ought of living on benefits is like w[G]alking over cattle g[D]rids

If you’re lucky enough if you can call it luck you’ll get money to get you by

For just a few weeks or perhaps a few months and then your bank’ll screw you dry

They’ll take your house, your car and your TV

These times are hard now more people living in misery


Cr[G]edit crunch affects pe[D]ople’s lunch

It affects the l[A]ikes of you and m[D]e

R[G]ecession causes d[D]epression

Li[A]ving is so hard [N/C]when it should be f[D]ree

Unemployment grows every week it gets harder to find some work

You see your old friends that you used to know but they don’t give a

Livin on beans and toast you’ve forgot what its like to have steak

Living on the breadline its so hard to take


(14 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi Sidebo

OK, Honest opinions?

Well I cannot give it a bad review as I do not listen to this sort of genre of music and would be unfair for me to just say it is rubbish. Not that it is !!

Like Toney said your girlfriend has a lovely voice. I dont think she needs as much effects through the vocals I tihnk she could carry off the vocals more raw. But it depends on what sound you are creating.

The songs themself, the way they are do not do much for me. Probably bedcause it is computerised music but I would say you have 3 great potential songs there to be done in a band with intruments, make it more of a band sound?

But very well done to both of you.



(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

oh he is only joking?
I was about to offer my services lol



(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good one Al,
I sat and watched all that. and as I commented they missed out air guitaring from the jam.
But very funny clip



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

fordie wrote:

i lack confidence, in playing to a unknown audiance, on ma neerest and dearest get to appriciate my tallents

I used to think like this too.

What I got told is ( apart from the good advice Russell has just said) most of your audience will not play the guitar and have no place to critisize, most will admire what you do even if you know you made mistakes, they will not noitce unless it is very obvious.
This sort of helped me playing to people I did not know. Ye still get butterflies but they go after a song.
Starting with your family and friends is always good, if you do want to play in fornt of others I would suggest you go to an open mic night or a bit more quieter place such as a folk club in a pub and just jam along.
If you dont have folk nights in pub down there then ye'll have to come up north lol
