(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

my brain and fingers dont talk to each other after I drink a bottle of whisky, a few beers and a pint of milk. I was thinking of laying of the milk to see if that helps next time lol lol lol



(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hi and welcome to chordie.

I have moved this post into this section ( bands and artists ) as it does not belong in  about chordie.
If you take a few minutes to read the sticky in "about chordie" you will realise there are certain sections to place certain threads. They cannot just get thrown into any section or the forum would be a mess.

thank you



(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I agree with Alan here sort of.

But I do agree wit hyou too.
There has been a decline in the songwriters section while the poerty section is quiet busy.

I was agaisnt the idea of a poetry section but it was called for by some members and it has grown in size.
It could be renamed to lyrics but I dont see the point in that either, it doesnt really matter what it is called or what goes in it, it is there and being moderated by two folk.

Now although it is called poems and very well it may be, but on Alan's point here they can also be lyrics. With the permission of the writer someone else could use the poem/lyrics and turn it into a song. this is another reason why the section was made. Or dont even ask the writer, just use the lyrics as long as you are not using it to make money from them, if so then permission is needed.

I do like seeing songs in here from members, some are total nonsense to me, some look really good and I have sat wit hthe guitar and tried them out, I have even put one or two on youtube/myspace that others have written. Some look good but sound not so good some look not so good but end up sounding fantastic. So this would make the poems in the poetry section just words depending on how you look at it. There is a lot more in here to play about wit hand discover So it is a shame to see a decline here, it means we have got less to choose from.

We still can have two and if the people that did contribute here more often previously but now got lazy and have not turned their words into a song then that is their loss. Maybe they are too lazy to do it, maybe they could not think of music for it, maybe it was intended to be a poem originally and although you say there are loads of poetry sites out there, which there is, these chordie members want to share with other chordie members.

So i am sitting right on top of this fence now. I can see a place for both sections but I do much prefer this section, but we should not let our personal preferences  get in the way.

I wouldnt have thought many would have left here because chordie now has a poetry section. If folk have left chordie because of this then they are being very silly.

Also Phill opened up a thread in the poetry section about artists or songs being poems first then getting turned into a song. I have posted a reply. Robert burns wrote and collected songs and poetry for his vast collection but a lot in theis collection that were soley written as a poem have been turned into songs. Also Tyla from the dogs D'amour writes poetry all the time and some of his finds its way to the strumming of a guitar. I am sure there will be plenty more that write as poems and get turned into songs.

Ah well, ye did ask for thoughts lol



(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ok im there :LOL:

so back on track for favourite bands.
Mine right now is Brian McNeill. I have mentioned him in Song requests.
What a guy he is... a true great folk musician. been about since the late 60's and I only heard of him a month or two ago.
I cannot stop listening to his latest album " no gods" ( part of this song is my signature just now)

He is Scottish and writes songs about scottish people/history etc as well as others.
He plays violin, mandolin,guitar,paino,banjo, hmmm a few more I think.

His song "no Gods" is also covered by a guy called Dick Vaughan, he does a tremendious acoustic cover of this.
No gods is about scotland getting its freedom and independance. One line in it is so good I will tell you what it is and why it is so good. ( ready to be bored? lol) some might already know a bit about scottish history but for those that dont;
Bonnie prince charlie had the last attempt in 1745 for there to be a king of Scotland, he was exiled in France from a very young age, some scottish clans wanted a king back and chrlies Stewart was the only person left in the line. They talked him into coming back and taking up arms against the english ( not only the english though, by this time there was a british army so there were scots fighting scots) these people that were on the bonnie prince's side were known as jacobites. So to cut what could be a very very long history lesson a bit shorter,lol.
Quite a lot of scots still think back on Culloden and what could have been etc. they dwell ono the past instead of looking forward. they sit about and dont even vote when they can. they seem to thrive on talking about scottish history and how we should be free etc. Charles got defeated at Culloden and done a runner back to France, never to return and fight to his death for his people and country.
This song is all about those folk and also a verse about prince charles Stewart.

"ah and will we never hear the end of poor bloody charlie at culloden yet again for he ran like a rabbit through the glens, leaving better men than him to be butchered"
( I would love to type more but I nest not type a verse, even though I really dont think Brian himself would mind)

later in that verse it sings the line i use in my signature.

and another song ( its ok, no history to this one)
trains and my grandfather. it is a slow piano played song about his grandad, memories from 7 years old until 30 odds when his grandfather died, superb sad song.

and bring back the wolf.
In scotland woves,bears, beavers etc were native to the land but us humans decided we were better than them and killed them all.
This song tell of how we now want to bring back the wolf and bear to the glens but not the people. The enlgish cleared the glens and highlands for a few hundred years but they do not want folk to go living in the hills again but they are spending a lot of time reintroducing animals. the folk that lived in the hills and glens had a very strong bond, a very good community to be in ( until ye met yer cattle thieving neighbours and had to fight.lol
bring back the wolf, bring back the eagle, but the dark eyed child and the red haired man are still gone from the glen.......blah blah blah, ye juts dont care or yer too dam nscared to make the highlands real again.

I am a very proud scot, maybe thats why I love this music so much?

I am goig to get more of his stuf from itunes and if i like it as much as this album i might bore ye all again if i find a spare half hour to dribble on,:lol:
sorry for going on a bit, but nothing else to do.



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

I got all the words Al,

I have emailed Brian McNeill through myspace and got a reply.
He says he wil see if he can scan the original sheet music for me and email me it. Whether he does or not I dont know, but it was nice to get a reply from him saying he would help.



(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

ozymandias wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

lets stir the pot the other way, causing a spillage and getting britaney to fall out and never to be mentioned again lol lol

I really do not like her songs at all. ......Well not exactly true.
I like "Travis" doing hit me baby one more time.

So I just dont like her singing any of her songs. lol


How about a one way trip to the Bermuda Triangle!   <evil grin>

only if britney is there and she promises not to sing wink



(6 replies, posted in Poems)

loads of robert burns is what i think of straight away
my love is like a red red rose, my favourite.

Also a band from the 80's called " the dogs d'amour" the singer/songwriter/guitarist also wrote all or most of his songs as poems then made them into songs.

thats about all i can think of from the top of my head


Phill Williams wrote:


i've been suffering since christmas with this voice loss thing, but once i start to sing at my gigs it seems to disappear...? strange huh?


Phill have you checked to make sure you have not got any nodules on your vocal cords?



(55 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lets stir the pot the other way, causing a spillage and getting britaney to fall out and never to be mentioned again lol lol

I really do not like her songs at all. ......Well not exactly true.
I like "Travis" doing hit me baby one more time.

So I just dont like her singing any of her songs. lol



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I see an ad for JAMPLAY.

when you put your mouse over it does it change to the wee pointing finger?

If so click on it see if it takes you somewhere. lol

I dont see any empty boxes though



(6 replies, posted in Poems)

superb and true marc,

good work



(4 replies, posted in Song requests)

Not often I post something in here.
And I am thinking no one will know the artist never mind the song.

It is a song called " any mick'll do" by " brian McNeill".

If you have not heard of him then nae luck.

He helped create the " battlefield band" in 1969 and now he has been solo for years and still producing superb songs.

so any takers? or givers? lol



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well done Phill,
great song, funny how after just reading something that doesnt look much until you hear it and read the lyrics at the same time, it certainly does change what you read.

good stuff

and as said, Great voice



(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I bought a fly fishing kit last year. So far I have used it twice. First time I used it I caught a wee brownie up the spey dam, second time in a very windy day I gave up after 15 minutes and got the spinning rod out.
I do a lot of spinnig for trout and salmon if i am lucky enough for one to bite up the spey river.
I also go to loch Awe for trout and recently started fishig for pike there too.
Not done it for a few years but I was always sea fishing from the shore or a small boat.

And I started when i was 14 years old down the firth and forth canal fishing for perch.

There are a few...ok loads of other lochs in scotland I fish and rivers but too many to name.


lol, I never even thought of that doug.

That is what it will be...
you will have to put the link up, i am very curious now to what is so funny


henryb wrote:
upyerkilt wrote:

found what?

A Busker.

I am lost with this. a busker?

I am obviously not getting this at all. can anyone explain?


"me first and the gimme gimmes" are a cover band, they take all sorts of songs i.e somewhere over the rainbow, puff the magic dragon, seaasons in the sun and make them into fast punk upbeat songs.
Just a bit like the ramones when they done " wonderful world"

And "Heyseed dixie"
Take songs like sweethome alabama, back in black, fat bottom girls and turn them in to bluegrass songs.

2 great bands



(3 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Good question Lieven,

I would love to hear buskers playing the groups you named but I tihnk you got to ask " what do younger people listen to, what do they want to hear"?

The reason for this is older people are more wiser and more money concience and maybe avoid throwing some money dow to a busker.
Younger people if they hear a song they like I tihnk would be more willing to throw money into a guitar case/hat.
Also the younger ones are out at nightclubs etc drinking and throwing money about so get out at 3am and you should do ok. ( unless they have spent all their money on drink)

So I dont know...oasis, the kooks, babyshambles, sandi thom, and anything else that seems to be popular with 16-30 year olds.

I might be wrong, but I very seldom am lol


found what?


(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dunno I am scottish lol

but as far as I know, Patrick got rid of all the rats in ireland, he played a a whistle and they all followed him. Or is that someone else?

Lena is the best to answer.



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

happy st pat's day

and a bit of info I saw at the weekend on a big guiness hat this is the 250th St patricks day



(12 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

selso the way I remember what strings are what and also a useful guide for some chords

the mandolin strings are the same as a guitar but upside down, lol.

top string ( thickest) G
down to (thinnest string) E

this is also the same for the violin.

The chord F is not too easy to do so I imagine the F chord on a guitar and place my fingers where they would be on a guitar but upside down.

And you can use a guitar tuner, or I do. I also use my guitar tuner for my wife's violin and my Uke and mandolin.



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Shane, welcome to the forum

yes it is possible to change your password to som4ething you find easier.

If you goto "PROFILE" then goto "ESSENTIALS"  under your user name the option to change your password is there.

But if you want to change your username you would have to create a new account under a different email address.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

is this you politely asking because it annoys you so much or do you always demand things when asking nicely?


If Per sees this I am sure he might do as you have ordered



ok Canada it is then lol
global virus heading for us all.
