(9 replies, posted in Electric)

<font face="Century"></font><font color="blue"></font>I would suggest by starting with the guitar...check to see if it is set-up and properly tuned. Poor set-up and low tuning can cause buzzing. Then make a chord and strum softly to see and listen for buzzing...You might be fretting in the middle of instead of up close to the fret...if you pick really hard it can buzz...maybe find someone else to play you guitar and determine if the buzzing is from the guitar or your playing technique...lots of variables and hopefully you can solve this and enjoy learning and playing...


(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I play a Martin OM16 acoustic/electric into a Peavey Classic 30 and love the sound. Also use an old Peavey Studio Pro...sometime you can find those at a bargain. Hopefully you'll be able to plug in and try out for the sound that you are looking for before actually buying an amp...


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

<b></b><font size="3"><font color="blue"><font face="Century">Hard case offers more protection, is lockable and reasonably<font color="blue"></font><font face="Century"></font><font size="2"></font> weatherproof. It's also heavy, bulky, and a real hassle to carry around. A gig back will be easier to carry, offers limited protection but if you drop your acoustic in a gig bag it will still have a high probability of damage. I have both...most pawn shops will have a stack of gig bags in the back and you can usually buy one for $10 or even less if they know you. I also put stickers and stuff on my hard cases to make them stand out...people sometimes have a tendancy to walk off with them and I want to be able to easily spot mine...</font></font></font>


(5 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue"><font face="Century">I think for the money, they are one of the better lower cost import guitars...the ones I've seen and played are well constructed, play well, and have a pretty good sound. Epiphone makes some very nice guitars and basses...</font></font>

<font color="blue">I agree with satman and bootleger...spend 35-100 dollars and have a tech do it for you the first time. Make sure he explains what he's done and that it works for you. ie: a slide player might want a higher action than a metal shredder. Then you'll have a reference point from now on. You can go the to the Fender website (www.fender.com)follow the support links and find some excellent info on how to do it yourself...Most guitars are a variation of Strats/Tellys/and Les Pauls...and the set up technique is similar. I still think that a tech is the best route for first time...he or she can determine if set up is all the guitar needs, or possibly a repair problem too! Also the different neck radius,Fret wire, bridge types, nuts, string gauges, all become factors...</font>


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

<b><font color="blue">Samick is a huge Korean company that builds many guitars for the other companies (to their specs). They probably built the Fender and the Takamine... Which ever guitar that you like best and sounds best for you and your style of playing would be the one to get in my opinion. Built in tuners are cool, but you can get the little clip on tuners (mines a Seiko) that work very well and can be used on other instruments as well. </font></b>


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

<font color="blue"></font>I've got a Carvin (www.carvin.com)  PA 620 portable sound system that I've used for about 10 years now...it's light, easy to set up, powerful, and sounds great...we've never had any problems with it. We were doing mostly praise and worship stuff in churches with two guitars, mandolin, and vocalists. If you have vocalists then might look at the 8 or 12 channel versions...seems that you can always find use for and extral channel.  We could argue pros and cons but it always worked for us because once we got everything figured out, we could pretty much use the same settings and could set up in just a few minutes...  200 watts is plenty for what we've done...both indoors and outdoors...Carvin has several models and ready to use kits. Crate and Peavey also make good PA/Sound systems...Hope this helps...jg


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

<font color="blue"></font><b></b><i></i>I think my favorite acoustic was an Epiphone PR-5 E that I should have kept...it had a great sound both acoustic and amplified. I currently have a Martin 16 MC that's a really nice guitar.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue"></font>Which is correct? I think which ever method works best for you...Willie Nelson has worn a hole in his guitar, Sam Bush has worn the finish off of several Mandolins! Others are able to play without ever touching the top of the instrument. I do both...when playing finger style (thumbpick and three fingers) I usually rest my little finger for support. When playing with a flatpick and strumming then I don't... One thing about guitar players is that they certainly have opinions about stuff...I've quit worrying about being technical and just try to find whatever works best for me. Watch video/DVDs of players that you like and then see if their methods are something that you can copy or adapt...


(23 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="crimson">I agree with Bootleger... I think replacing the nut with a Graphite and then having a proper set up done would be a good start. Lots of variables...is the neck properly seated and tight? How is the tremelo bridge set up? Might log onto

www.graphtech.com and see if they can help on the nut replacement. Also since you do lots of bending then maybe a Fender Rollernut or a locking nut would be better. Is you current replacement nut compatable with your string gauges?</font>


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue">I've got a Peavey Nitro from the 80's and a Regal Acoustic Resonator out in my shop...some day I'm going to do something with them...</font>


(5 replies, posted in Electric)

This is a fun one...  "Ain't no Bugs on Me"

<a href="http://www.boyscouttrail.com/content/song/song-1251.asp" target="_blank">http://www.boyscouttrail.com/content/song/song-1251.asp</a>


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue"></font>I really get frustrated at the collecting craze. Recent guitar show in Dallas Tx had beat up old 70-80s Fender Strats and Gibson Les Pauls for 10-15-20 thousand dollars! It was ridiculas! Some of the older ones were listed for over 50 thousand. They looked like someone had thrown them in the back of a pickup truck for several years...! They said "It's the sound"...only a vintage has "That sound". I think it's crazy to spend that much money for junk!


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="firebrick">yes...you aren't actually fretting...that's what gives the slide so much expression...you can shift or wiggle so slightly and alter your tone. It's easier if the guitar has a higher action to avoid fretting...some will have a guitar set up for slide only, others will have a guitar with a medium to high action so that they can chord or fret along with the slide playing...it's hard for me to describe...  Also try different materials for a slide...lots of commercial products available. Some have used the neck from a wine bottle...others have used Sears deep sockets from a tool kit...Duane Allman used a glass Corcicin medicine bottle for much of his work...</font> <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool"> Dunlop makes a series of glass type slide that I use and I also have one made from brass...


(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi...I would suggest finding someone to help you make sure that your new guitar is properly tuned and set up right...that can save you lots of headaches! Then learn some basic chords and scales and practice as often as you can. It will take a few days for your fingers to build callouses to prevent soreness from the strings. If you can afford to take some lessons then find someone who shares your musical interests to help you.


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue">Slide playing is a whole new world...I don't know why you are pressing down so hard. Most of us will tune the guitar in an open tuning such as "A" or "G" and then position your slide right over the top of the frets and play...the strings shouldn't actually be pushed down to the frets. I like to place the slide on my little finger so that I can use the others to form chords or play fretted notes...  Most people do better if the guitar has a higher than normal action.</font>It just takes practice and suddenly you're playing all sorts of cool stuff!


(36 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue">Too many to list! A few would be Chet Atkins: Don Rich (Buck Owens) Redd Volgart: Danny Gatton: James Burton: Eric Clapton: Stevie Ray Vaughn: Many who would not be guitarists without Chuck Berry: Lightning Hopkins: Robert Johnson: Wow...just too many...</font> <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

I think a lot of it depends on whether you are a player or collector. Name brands usually hold a better value and have established a track record of sound and reliablity...but then again some of the worst, and best, guitars that I have seen had Fender or Gibson on the headstock. Some of the smaller companies like PRS and G&L consistantly produce a very high quality instrument...  If you find a brand X that has the sound and qualities that work for you then that's the guitar for you!


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="blue"></font>I agree with you Bootleger...Over the years I've been able to purchase and sorta of collect some really nice guitars...My weapon of choice is an American made Fender Telecaster for most of my music. The Mexican made strat was bought at a guitar show pretty cheap because the owner didn't like the sound of it...I decided to use it for my project guitar. I've also e-bayed several imports and had fun working on them and modifying. Some day I'm going to build a Strat type out of aftermarket parts...body, neck, etc... there are some really nice Chinese imports showing up on ebay these days...some are really nice quality...especially after a little set up and fret work...


(10 replies, posted in Electric)

<font color="purple"></font>There are so many variables...Fender and Gibson have both produced way too many versions of their signature guitars...then started producing imported look alikes in the form of Squire and Epiphone. Some of the imports are very, very good...some aren't worth taking home. One of my favorites is a Mexican made Fender Strat that I've rewired and changed out the pickups...it's my project/hot rod guitar...it has a great neck, popular body, and quality hardware. Some of the Squires have bodies made from lower grade laminated woods (plywood)... some of the Squires are solid... I think the best thing is to carefully examine the instrument and see what it can do for you...in my case I wanted a lower priced, but quality instrument for various modification projects...I didn't want to take one of my high end Gibson or American Strats and start changing stuff around...


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

<font face="Courier"><font color="darkblue">If you can get a chance...go to a guitar show...then you get to see thousands of guitars, the dealers, experts, performers, and also the manufactorers. Ask lots of questions, play stuff, get opinions, and try different things...I've found that most modern electric guitars are reasonably well made and are plenty durable...I like heavy gauges strings because of the sound and I play lots of fingerstyle. The neck shape and size can depend a lot on your hand size...I have big hands so a big chunky "C" shaped neck works great for me...I've been blessed over the years to be able to start a pretty good collection of "user" guitars and it's fun when people come over and try out the different ones. </font></font> <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">


(18 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Have you thought about or explored the idea open tunings and even slide? Also depending on your style of music and if you sing you can abbreviate a lot of chords so that they are easier to make...<font color="blue"></font>


(11 replies, posted in Electric)

This is great advice...only thing I can think to add is to practice doing this exercise using only single downstrokes...over and over and over...then try a downstroke and upstroke on each one...then maybe two down, one up...until it becomes second nature...start slow! Work on accuracy first and you'll be surprised how the speed will start creeping in...then learns some scales and practice, practice, practice...yes, it can get boring but you'll progress much faster!<font color="blue"></font> <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">


(23 replies, posted in Electric)

Which one do you like the most?<font color="royalblue"></font><font face="Century"></font> <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">