cameronkl7 wrote:Hi Washed-by-Him,
Yes, thanks it did help, I've been studing the power chords since getting my electric, and all advice is helpful, thank you.
I can in no way imagine 105" of snow, or what thats like, living in the South, it's just unimaginable, I'm sure it's beautiful however, though I've never been to Maine, so again, I guess it's just what you get use to growing up.
Indeed, you get used to it, curse the gods, complain about it, moan, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and all that. Then when good weather comes, it's like today...I was outside, preparing to enter my teacher's house for a was sunny, balmy for a March late morning, a light breeze, country setting,.......QUIET, peaceful, the kind of day that makes it all worthwhile. The sort of day, you WON'T hear about.
So you learn to cope, live with it, cause you can't change it and enjoy/appreciate the good stuff when it comes. And tbh, you will always here about the bad weather, because good weather doesn't make news or is song worthy, except by a very few songwriters.
I could never cope with the humidity and heat of the South. I like the fact that I can keep my windows open almost all summer long. (with screens of course) And nothing beats the sight of a full moon on a clear winter night, it's almost as bright as day.
Like you said, it's what you get used to and what you like most about the area you live in.
I think of the line from "Sweet Home Alabama"......"where the skies are so blue". Obviously a heart felt line when it was written.