Indeed, that was a hoot.  She looked like Mama Cass Elliot in the other more modern video.  YOIKS.  The eyeliner in the original reminded me of the things best left behind from that era.

As for Edison Lighthouse............  Love grows, was the essence of of mindless pop IMHO

Shocking Blue's "Venus" was a one hit wonder but, a decent tune.

Bridge over troubled water, by Simon and Garfunkel, ok tune, but it's too bad that I can't show my sister in law singing it (no pics) a few years back during her beginning guitar days.  OY  You'd never think of that song the same way again.  <grin>  We still tease her about it!  Hee hee


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:

People in Cape Breton still burn coal as a source of heat. the soot falls on the snow and voila.

it's pretty disgusting.


That's right, I remember now that there are some large coal fields in the Atlantic provinces.   Yeah, that would be disgusting, as well as dangerous for the lungs under the right atmospheric conditions.    YIKES


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:

Spring like here for few days now, snow slowly going away.   ever see black snow ?

  Badeye    cool

Once in a while, depending upon the size of the nearby dumps brushpile when they burn.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gone up to a sunny 42 F (5.7 C)     Snow piles slowly melting.    YAY


(60 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gordon Lightfoot, Phil Ochs, Beatles, are the ones I have the most tunes in my File folder.  But, I have a host of others and a Jimmy Buffet songbook.

One of my favorites.  I still have the 45 rpm record.

Ancient primitive technology to you young'uns.  <grin>

selso wrote:
ozymandias wrote:

Methinks topdown was punning.  <grin>

I know, but that still doesnt answer my question

{Slaps self upside the head}  Oops, yes she was in the movie Grease as Travolta's love interest.


(38 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

madmat wrote:
thebaseballdoc2 wrote:

when i jam i'll always drink miller light. but i do also like a little jim beam to loosen the fingers. people will ask me, "do you play better drunk or sober" and i say i play better sober but i sound better drunk.

i know what you mean man but i like jack daniels and kronenberg 1664

I'm into experimenting with different types of whiskey's.  Currently,  tasting various single malts.  Talisker's  was the most intriguing so far.

Methinks topdown was punning.  <grin>

topdown wrote:
selso wrote:

She's that lady from Grease, right? or am I confusing her with someone else?Anyway, I'll live a long and happy life if I never hear another song by her again!

I think she's Australian, not Greek. big_smile

Yep, she's Aussie.  And I must confess that I did have 2, 45 rpm records of hers.  "I honestly love you" and "Magic" (from a movie that made the top 10 or bottom 10 depending upon your point of view) from the movie "Xanadu" (70's, roller discoish).   Though in my defense I was young and emo and had a serious crush on her.    Then I grew up and developed better tastes in music.  Of course that depends upon your definition of "grew up".  <grin>

Oh and in one of my culling from collection moods.............they were given away to a local animal shelter thrift store where somebody actually bought them.  I got rid of get more paraphrase George Carlin.  LOL

Last night in my group class, we were playing a jig that went from, G to C to D7, 2-3-4 worked best for me.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This might be a bit off topic, but, has anyone noticed how Dolly Parton plays guitar with the length of nails she has.  It's mind boggling to see.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bensonp wrote:

We all have these problems way too much these days.  I, for one, am starting to become a mean old fart when I have to deal with these people.  It's getting worse all the time.

I know how you feel, OH MAN, I know how you feel!

I use 2-3-4, it helps me make a quicker transition to the C chord or a D7 or A minor chord.

But, I will use 1-2-3, depending upon the the tune I'm playing and the transitions I have to make.

Individual preference.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

topdown wrote:

Amazing - 1 week ago we got 6" of ice / snow. Today it was 80 degrees (F). That's what they say about the weather around here - If you don't like it, wait a minute.

I much prefer this weekend to last. smile

Hey thats our line!   Except we have to wait 5 minutes!


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

eagleeye5851 wrote:

My 11 year old is growing out of Hannah Montana, but now it's the Jonas Brothers. So I can understand.

The dentist plays softer music to help the pain killer set in.

When I have work that takes a while to do.  I bring my CD or cassette tape player and blot out the wretched noise. 

As for softer music, well, in a MAD magazine segment I read awhile ago.  Whitney Houston's voice at her full volume was known to cause sterility in lab mice.  Celine Dion's was known to cause terminal ear drum ruptures.  And Michael Bolton's, well the carnage from his last concert has yet to be calculated. 



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

geoaguiar wrote:

The Macarena. Celine Dions version of "Shook Me All Night Long" (that one can actually make you throw up in yuor mouth)

Oh yeah,  anything by Celine Dion or Whitney Houston, Michael Bolton or Debbie Boone AND later Rod Stewart,  makes me hit the off button on my radio faster than lightning!

Oh and certain whiny, screaming emo tunes.  My dentist plays a local "soft pop" radio station, WHOM 94.9 and it drives me to distraction if the visit last longer than 15 minutes.  Because the above people I listed are the main "artists" played on that station.  <barf>


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:

Lots of Celtic musicians around Cape Breton, winter makes one stay in and practice. We have lots of jams on stormy nites.

   Badeye .. cool

Now that sounds like a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:
washed by Him! wrote:

Dude, Badeye, are you in the maritimes?
in New Bruswick (Canada), Fredericton area, we have about(i'm not egzajerating lol ) 3.5 FEET OF SNOW!!!!!!!!!

Ben smile

We have snow up the ying yang, Nova scotia has about the same snowfall as New Brunswick.
Be nice to see spring again, shake off that ole cabin fever. We maritimers are use to the cold and snow, gotta adapt or move..   Been to Fredericton, it has a huge guitar shop and is a very
nice town.

   Badeye.. cool

I would hope so, considering the rich musical heritage up there.  Particularly fiddling.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Speaking of Nice weather songs, here's a few more.

Lazy Day........Spanky and our Gang
Daydream......Lovin' Spoonful
Up on the roof.............The Drifters


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

cameronkl7 wrote:

Hi Washed-by-Him,

  Yes, thanks it did help, I've been studing the power chords since getting my electric, and all advice is helpful, thank you.


  I can in no way imagine 105" of snow, or what thats like, living in the South, it's just unimaginable, I'm sure it's beautiful however, though I've never been to Maine, so again, I guess it's just what you get use to growing up.


Indeed, you get used to it, curse the gods, complain about it, moan, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and all that.  Then when good weather comes, it's like today...I was outside, preparing to enter my teacher's house for a was sunny, balmy for a March late morning, a light breeze, country setting,.......QUIET, peaceful, the kind of day that makes it all worthwhile.  The sort of day, you WON'T hear about. 

So you learn to cope, live with it, cause you can't change it and enjoy/appreciate  the good stuff when it comes.  And tbh, you will always here about the bad weather, because good weather doesn't make news or is song worthy, except by a very few songwriters. 

I could never cope with the humidity and heat of the South.  I like the fact that I can keep my windows open almost all summer long.  (with screens of course)  And nothing beats the sight of a full moon on a clear winter night, it's almost as bright as day. 

Like you said, it's what you get used to and what you like most about the area you live in.

I think of the line from "Sweet Home Alabama"......"where the skies are so blue".   Obviously a heart felt line when it was written.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)



(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Riverdales wrote:

Down here in my valley it's a nice  breezy 82 degrees, almost 95% of the time. Except in winter when it hits 65 degrees, bbrrrrrr!!!! were not used to that cold weather!!! It's always Fun, and Strum in the Sun!!!!! Have a great day!!!!!

LOL 65 degrees is short sleeve weather for us.  I love when we go to Florida and people down there shiver when it gets into the 50's or 60's.   How's the humidity?  Or are you in the dry desert part of Texas??


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

On the border of Maine and New Hampshire just south or in the foothills of the White Mountains.

It seems to be the snow band of the state.  We,  at present, have a 105 inch snowpack, compared to 165 inches last year at this time.


(51 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

badeye wrote:
Songsterman wrote:
ozymandias wrote:

We got 24 inches of snow a week ago.  Today we got about 8 inches.  We're getting about a storm a week.  Of course in Maine, March isn't called "The Cruelest Month" for nothing.  <sigh> 

Cabin Fever has got me good and that's real bad.  <sigh>

Is it true what my friend told me, that down East you have 5 seasons? What would be the 5th one?

Pot hole season, where car repairs are the norm.

  Badeye   cool

Not far from the truth.  Actually we have several seasons:

Mud season--end of winter to complete snow disappearance THE recognized 5th season. coincides with pot hole season.
Black Fly season--Mid may to June, Except in Northern Maine where June is total black fly season.
Pine pollen season--June or so.  (too long to explain) It makes spring cleaning useless.
Mosquito season--June till whenever things dry out.
Tourist season I--Memorial day to Labor day. (college students and people without kids) RV's clog the road as they arrive from down south.
Tourist season 2--End of regular school to labor day.
Tourist season 3--aka Leaf Peeper or foliage season, labor day till Columbus day, RV's clog the road.  Snowbirds head south.

We also have road repair season, but that seems to be a universal/national season.