ozymandias wrote:

Johnny Rotten.....remember it was "Punk", the band could barely play their instruments.

i think you misunderstand punk music ozy. appologies if I am wrong.
The sex pistols could play instruments apart from Syd Vicious, they tried to teach him the bass but failed ,lol.

People think of punks as spikey haired ragamuffins wit hsafety pins sticking out their noses and playing deafening music. This is not the case with the majority of the punk bands.
They are mostly antiestablishemnt, anti government and I dont see anything wrong with that.
The clash were a punk band and a very fine one at that. they sang about rights for the people and other important everyday issues.
Stiff little fingers a superb all time great punk band. sang and still sing about life issues.
if you heard a few songs of theirs you would never think they are a punk band. A few you could loook up in spotify or pandora are " bits of kids" "each dollar a bullet" "price of admission" "Johnny was" ( bob marley cover) "

these two are different from the sex pistols, they were anarchic punk and mostly about image but still under the same genre of music as punk.

I do like the sex pistols and I am not sticking up for them here. I just wanted to say not all punks were like the sex pistols and folk would be wrong to think all punks are anything like the pistols.

OK, had to get that in,lol.




(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good Stuff Mickey,
best way to do it. get a song you know very very well and look it up and go for it as you have this. I am sure you will be suprised at how many you will be able to get through straight away.



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

you would have to either create your own website and host your own songs or go the easy route and put them on an existing guitar website.
If it is your own song it might be a bit hard to put a song that no one knows onto a website.

the songs for chordie are in chopro. If you read here http://www.chordie.com/addurl.php this tell you how to add songs to chordie and what sort of files that chordie likes them to be in,.

Also here http://www.chordie.com/faq.php it tells you a lot more



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

best thing to do is to email Per on admin@chordie.com and send him a sreen shot and explain.
I am on I.E but Per can do more with firefox and safari I tihnk


I dont think anyone has mentioned Maraih carrey or whatever her name is,lol
And No wonder I dont blame anyone for not mentioning her. just full of warbling for long lengths of time does not make her a great singer like millions think she is.

And Cindy Lauper has been mentioned a few times?????? why??????? she really has a bad voice and singing voice and bad make up and bad hair and bad legs and bad fingers and bad dress sense and bad eyes and bad musical taste and anything else that is bad she is it. lol

Also noticed Stevie Nicks getting a mention which made me think I have got a female singer in my collection,

Also I think who has a great voice and might get a slagging for this,, Christina aguaalwieopihervjb ( no idea what her name is) My wife has an album of hers and I was refusing to play it,listen to it or accept it was going to be OK before I heard it. When she played it in a different room I found I liked quite a few songs off it and I tihnk she can sing good live too


Hi Michael,

I have emailed the webmaster of chordie. He should be able to sort this .



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Mr Stringer,
Good looking link to Chordie.


please read resources on how to add a song to chordie.



(12 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Good question Lieven.

I think artists just want to milk as much as they can these days.


I really cannot get into music where there is a woman singer. I dont know why.
But a few that I do like are

Cheryl crow and..... hmmmm Allanis morrisete? eh, ok I am struggling now......
Maybe a few more that I tihnk are ok but I do not and will not have any of their albums. My wife might though



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

good site Johnny for hearing how a chord sould sound.



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi chuck and welcome,
Ye cannot deny though there are a few good sites about but yer right, none compares to here lol



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

what you were doing is good, even if it makes you feel better for doing it then it is good.



(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I grow grass and moss.
I have a few planters I grow some summer flowers in that my wife leaves to die through lack of water and plant food.



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well said ark

I have always said that too, we are not saving the planet as the planet does not need saved it is humans that need saved.
This planet has been to temperatures hotter than the hottest place on earth and multiply that by a few. It has been colder than the inside of my freezer, it has had toxic gasses floating about the air worse than the worst flatulence you have ever smelt. Once we have killed ourseives off the planet will live again.

so lets save ourselves and our future for humans ( although I dont know why since humans are scum of the earth).



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol Zurf,

You are absolutely right about governments wanting folk to turn things off and they do it thinking they are doing good. Like i said why make this once a year? it should be at least once a day. but it must have made some sort of difference if everyone switches off for an hour, at the very least it would annoy the fat cats of the electric board lol thats got to be worth joing in

As I have mentioned a lot of times about me and my hillawalking and visiting bothies, I have an earth weekend. No electric, tap water or any home comforts for a whole weekend, and then I go camping a lot and teaching the kids how to light different sorts of fires and cook how to cook on them, how to have fun with just stones and sticks, how to admire the hills and the wildlife on them and what you can eat and what not to eat, and only to kill fish and other animals you are going to eat.

I do a lot more in a weekend for the earth than I could ever do sitting with a candle on in the house.


this is meant to be a thread on a film, not an actor's politcal beliefs.



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

very sure Al.
It was even on the news and the radio was giving 15 minute updates.
And I cannot stand buckfast ( wheres the smilie for throwing up? )

You are on the wrong side of the river, your supply was probably ok.



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)


that was pretty useful. Cutting the strings before winding them on. I will remember this for next time.

Also the tuning new strings for stretching and where to start tuning, makes very good sense but something I have never done. I will also try this out too




(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

someone at a substation went a bit far here today. Most of Glasgow and the west of Scotland were all cut off from electric for 2 hours.
In my work the electric guzzling machines all packed in with a big vvvvvvvvvvvvvooooohhhhhhhh silence

So we in Scotland have done better than most today lol



(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Kajima,

Great first post, I enjoyed reading that.

welcome to the forum. Looks like you could be called upon a few times for your experience.

Do you post anything on myspace or youtube?

All the best



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

alvee33 wrote:

Don't know what you were drinking, Ken, but the game I watched (with the lights out of course) ended 3-0 to the Dutch.


Yes it was 3, lol, no idea why I typed 4. Drink!!!!

Also Heather, why have this event once a year? It is like vallentines day, you shouldnt need one day of the year to tell someone you love them or mothers day, once a year? it should be once a week.

Also if it is the same time all over the world, I just thought, I would have been sleeping at 8:30pm your time so all my lights were out, even the ones in my head lol

An hour is not long enough, they should make it a full day.



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well i am a bit late to do the earth hour thing as it is now Sunday.
So was it just lights or was it all electrical appliances?
I wish the pub i was in last night at 8:30 had the lights off and the TV, that way I would not have seen Scotland get gubbed 4-0 by the Dutch.


I dont think they should have had an earth hour it should have been a full 24 hours.

how to spend it? play the guitar!!



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol lol

We have something in common micky lol

Best not to play it when the good woman is in, I got bruises that would put you off playing in front of a woman that hates it lol

( not really, but she really hates it and I cannot play it when she is in, without her leaving the room....or the house)



(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

crevis, as I said on the comments, superb!!!
I dont know how people say they dont like this fantastic wee instrument.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

crevs , sounds like a nice place.

Well selso, I live in Scotland so weather here is mostly always miserable, cold, windy, snowy, sunny, cloudy, more clouds to go over the clouds, rain, hail, sleet and this happens all in one day lol
not bad weather at the moment, some heavy showers and meant to get snow again on Sunday.

I dont know why I have a garden, I should dig it out and make a big fish pond as we get plaenty fresh rain water
