(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

badeye wrote:

Nice one BGD,    not friday but Son House is havin  a nip or two

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXarV-Dj … re=related

good one to learn....    badeye    cool

WOW . . . Son House. Another person I've GOT to learn about. Thanks!


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

joeyjoeyjoey wrote:
bunbun wrote:

Ok MB. I know you are young but...REALLY? I don't even like the Beatles and have heard those songs. Sigh....Today's yoot's!

That was just mean. Don`t rain on her parade.

Naw, that's ok, I thought it was funny in a sarcastic way. But seriously, when you think about all the influential music that has been made since the beginning of the rock era, how can anyone ever learn about it all? Thank goodness for youtube, cuz around here the classic rock station doesn't even come in until you drive out of the valley and dad only plays the polka station in the milking palor and barn (he swears the milch cows give more  if they listen to polka!) I don't have itunes or that stuff, so I depend on recommendations and happy surprises.


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

dino48 wrote:

mb I think when they wrote songs like that they were obligated too produce a certain amount of songs/albums,so alot of not sogood stuff got but into some albums,also I think they were doing drugs alot at the time. RE: HelterSkelter

Maybe they were, dino, but so many of the popular musicians that I've been deeply touched by have been known or rumored to take drugs (or alcohol).  From Hank Williams to Willy Nelson, Bob Dylan to Neil Young,  Brian Wilson to Kurt Cobain etc.  Of course, the list of people is much, much, longer.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey naoy-kablaoey,

How many miles do you travel in a year?


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

Lifgrd wrote:

Helter Skelter kicks some serious ass too.

Wow! I can't believe this--I listened to Helter Skelter for the first time just yesterday and was blown away by it. Totally agree with you. I had no idea Paul McCartney was the father of Punk Rock!!

p.s. I don't really know anything about Punk, but Helter Skelter sounds like the way I imagine punk rock should sound.


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks for the link, Pete--that was really wonderful.


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

whitewater55 wrote:

Lead wss Harrison.
I believe he was playing a Groetch(sp?) through a Marshall studio amp.
The distortion was probably a simple fuzz pedal.

It is is an outrageously cool song!

Thanks for the info!  I've got to look up what a fuzz pedal is--sounds like fun.


(25 replies, posted in Acoustic)

beamer wrote:
M.B. wrote:

Thanks, Beamer. I really got a lot of great information from your answer! I see guitar players using these barre chords all the time, and I never understood why. I have been practicing "Creep" by Radiohead and it's defintely easier to play using power chords.

Once again your so welcome! Iit makes me feel good to know that while I have a huge black hole of theory knowledge,, the knowledge that I do know, is solid and has been of help to you. 
Do you play an electric or just the acoustic?  Power chords truely "come alive" on an electric.

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner--I was having some trouble with my account. I play acoustic and I'm trying to develop the stength and control to use more barre chords than just  some of the more familiar, like  Bm, F#maj or Gm. I'm not getting ahead too much right now, cuz I've been working more on finger-picking patterns than fretting, but someday! My brother (the Big Brother, aka "The Musical Genius"--plays piano, drums, bass, acoustic and electric guitar, harmonica, cello, the banjo, and he sings) uses barre chords a lot, but he's got these beautiful long fingers, plus they're incredibly strong because he's a rock climber.


(29 replies, posted in Electric)

Today I heard "Revolution" by The Beatles for the first time and it was so exciting I could hardly breath. That beginning with John Lennon screaming and the guitar going crazy--I didn't know The Beatles made songs like that, cuz I had only heard the lyrical and romantic ones . . . I know, I'm pretty clueless.

Could anyone tell me:

1. Is that John playing lead or George?
2. What kind of guitar and amp did they use?
3. How did they make that crunchy distortion?

All of a sudden I'm thinking . . . I gotta learn how to play electric guitar!


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Pete,

Thanks for the interesting link!  I'm going to be on the speech team this fall, and your article gave me an idea for doing a persuasive speech on why adults should participate in music. Now, you're probably saying, "Adults and music? Won't you be speaking to kids?" And the answer is, "Yes, I will be speaking to kids. But I will be JUDGED by grown ups!" Gotta' know how to play the system, right!


(275 replies, posted in Electric)

I don't have an electric guitar, but I'm 16 and have been playing acoustic for two years. Also, I love soup. I like to make it, and I like to eat it! I've loved soup ever since we enacted the story "Stone Soup" in kindergarten. I thought, "Wow, making food out of rocks--that rocks!"


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

dino48 wrote:
M.B.two wrote:

My old profile got deleted for some reason. Now I'm M.B.two! Anyway, cool pics, nao! I like your guitars. Are you sitting in front of a castle in the first picture??!!

Hi mb,you should report that too the admin,I guess thats why we have not seen you in awile.

Yeah, it took awhile to figure out how to report it, but I finally did. Even after I got a new account, the site was logging me in. Oh well.


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

My old profile got deleted for some reason. Now I'm M.B.two! Anyway, cool pics, nao! I like your guitars. Are you sitting in front of a castle in the first picture??!!